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51 minutes ago, katonice said:

A bit off-topic but just read about the earthquake in Mexico. Hope everyone there is safe. @Hydroblade and all fellow satellites there, hope you're okay too.  


I was thinking just the same. That earthquake has been reported repeatedly since this morning in Japan.

(M8.1 is huge and Tsunami often comes across the Pacific ocean when there is an earthquake in South America, so we were alarmed today.)

I hope Hydroblade and other Yuzu fans in Mexico are safe and I also send my deepest sympathy to those affected.


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5 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Javi Raya, I believe. There was a photo with him on the stove with the paella. 

The one leaning over the stove was Joey Russell, but the cooking might have been a team effort lol


As for the earthquake, I think @Hydroblade posted a comment here shortly after it happened, on another topic, which I took as a quiet sign she is ok... but I could be wrong as today was crazy for me and I might have messed up the timeline. I do hope she and everyone in the area is ok, though.

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ItI'm fine guys :) thank you. The earthquake was on the opposite side of the country. The images are terrible though, it's the biggest earthquake in the country after the 1985 one and there was a video of the sea going back...  It's definitely scary to see those things happen in your own country.

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I'm glad everyone is safe too! Planet Hanyu is special not just because of Yuzu, but also because of all of us satellites! =)



15 hours ago, Mastyaeva said:

Guys, really, thanks you! :10742289: I am glad, so many people found something interesting in my story about Helsinki. I was absent for a couple of days because of the defense of my paper, so I hadn't opportunity to answer all your kind messages and questions immediately. I’ll do it now. Sorry, as usual, tremendously long post. Hope not to mix questions and not to forget anybody.:tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:

@Moria Polonius Wow, you’ve been in Barcelona! It should have been amazing! I think, you are right, it was different type of filings in Helsinki. I only saw it in the recording, but for me in Barcelona it was absolute superiority and sure victory. This year it was more like a fight at maximum capacity. But the truth is that when Yuzu is at maximum capacity he is unbeatable.

Yes, he seemed really exhausted. The camera in K&C was kind to him.

@kaeryth Think you for your kind words. I'm not sure I've become more brave (it would be great), but I still hope that this experience changed me a bit.

@HydrobladeCan wait for your story from Canada! You can be sure to find a careful reader in me at any time.

@ruruzest I'm so happy you liked it! I tried to be detailed as it seemed to be a rare experience. Yes, let's hope it will be a performance that will make him happy and satisfied.

@Yolo3a Thanks! It's the best compliment! I tried to convey all the feelings I had to share the atmosphere of that unique day. I’m glad you felt it.

@Vadrouille I surely will watch him in ACI in streaming. And as usual, I will try to pass some positive energy to him. Anyway, I’m sure you will do the same thing being  in the stadium. Actually, it was a lucky exception for me to have an opportunity to go to Helsinki. I was in France, so I had a visa, there were Easter holidays and I had some money as I planned other trip. Normally, I couldn't afford myself a journey like this. But I'm truly lucky this year, as after visiting your hometown, Yuzu would come to mine, Moscow. And I will be there as I finish my studies in Paris. So, I will have an opportunity to cheer up for him in the stadium one more time.

@Plumqueen Great that we have the same feelings about that day! Yes, it was like the whole stadium froze and forgot how to breathe. It was all together: curiosity, hope, waiting for miracle, fear. For me the most amazing thing was that such a large number of people can act as one. I think only pure talent as Yuzu can provoke feelings like this. It's a real power. And, yes, it's extremely inspirational. I feel it too.


A little late to the game, but Mastyaeva, your article is written so beautifully! <3  I hope one day I'll be able to go to one of Yuzu's competitions and have similar experiences as you did!


10 hours ago, HaruhiMoe said:

He got his own way with da ladies.. We just forgets :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:



Yuzu is too shy to flirt with girls directly; he lets pooh-san do the job for him. =P  Or, he likes to play with their hair...if Yuzu adjusting Zhenya's hair can make her fall, imagine what would happen if he's more flirty than that?  He's holding back with the girls for the sake of humanity. =P

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