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21 minutes ago, Sammie said:

Lol. No stress of competitions and stuff. He look like he enjoying himself. 

This is making me think of Free! and the swimmer's maid cafe. Would it ever be possible that they have a cafe on ice with all the skaters (current and former) serving people? It looks really fun.

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55 minutes ago, Xen said:

This is making me think of Free! and the swimmer's maid cafe. Would it ever be possible that they have a cafe on ice with all the skaters (current and former) serving people? It looks really fun.

That would be dream for every skating fan. Tickets will be sold out in seconds.  :snonegai:

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15 hours ago, Neenah said:


Ah, Japanese television always makes me think the world sucks just a little bit less. :rofl:


On an unrelated note, this is a long shot, but did anyone happen to read anything in Japanese articles about one of the juniors, Koshiro Shimada? He's training under Lambiel now, and I heard stuff about injuries. He withdrew from junior Nationals, and I don't know why. I'm assuming injury, but I'm wondering whether they even announced the reason. He's currently not a great technical skater, but his step sequences were the only ones I found worth watching during this year's JGP (presumably Lambiel's influence, good job!), so I just hope to see him skating again... 

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22 hours ago, liv said:

Everyone says Marin is cute, and she is, but I actually think Mai is more beautiful. A different kind of pretty.

Marin is cute, she look exactly like my friend’s daughter. It’s like their twins but one is 14 year old. Lol. 

But I do find Mai more lovely. I like her smile. Marin smile kind of remind me of Cheshire Cat. Idk why.  :slinkaway:

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5 hours ago, SuzyQ said:

Nagoya Festival had really gorgeous members.  I really wanted to see it :sadPooh:



I heard that Kaori landed 2A-3T-3T, and even 3F-3T-3T in the same show.  Sara Honda (10 years old) landed 3Lz.  Wish I had been there :13877886:




Thanks for sharing! With 3 of my top favorite skaters in attendance, I'd love to see a video of that festival too. Maybe someone uploads something on youtube... I'm especially happy to see Sota in the photo. I first saw him skate maybe not even 14 days ago in Nats videos, and instantly became a fan. Such talent! Please stay healthy. :fingerscrossed:

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