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8 минут назад, Floria сказал:

Today's interview with Brain Orser for Russian Media. I translated the most important points here:



Quite interesting interview. But I was scared that Borser said that Yuzu didn't say anything abt his plans to continue or r***** T_T

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13 minutes ago, Floria said:

Today's interview with Brain Orser for Russian Media. I translated the most important points here:



Second point is pretty cool. You hear that Yuzu? Go heal that ankle properly, otherwise we call the android pooh operation on you!

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hace 7 minutos , Lilona said:

Quite interesting interview. But I was scared that Borser said that Yuzu didn't say anything abt his plans to continue or r***** T_T

Brian said similar things to Japanese media today, but I don't think we have to panic yet:


 - Yuzuru stated clearly that he has no intention to r***** in most of his post-olympics interviews.
 - He wants to land 4A in competition.

- He is on the ice already
- The only uncertain thing is when he will return to competion and it depends on his recovery. In WD statement he said he would do his best.

- It is still March, there are rules changes coming and the injury still requires months of recovery. 


I think he and Brain hadn't talked properly since Olys and then both of them knew next to nothing about his ankle condition and the time needed to recovery, so it kind of explains why Brian sounds  uncertain about the future. 



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5 minutes ago, xeyra said:

There's nothing to worry about. Brian likely means he's just not certain when Yuzuru will be back in Toronto to train, and if it's in time for A or B competitions, that's it. 


Mhm, that. We've heard all the important bits from Zu himself.


Now just to wait for summer, to even see what the new rules are. 

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I think when Brian says that he has no idea about Yuzu’s future it’s because he doesn’t want to make a statement and he’s being careful bc Yuzu is very particular about what he lets on to the media and public. 


I only think the “for many years” part is important here :9:

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Brian can't really say they will come back to Toronto and to TCC, can he, it's a business arrangement as well and until it's officially and formally done, Brian saying that would be like TCC making an announcement to media that the Olympic champion will be training there next season. He can't really do that until everything's been done and signed. 


Ah, I needed that interview and the video after the men's SP.

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4 hours ago, KatjaThera said:

:5a7ce9d358326_offtopic1: I have a request if anyone can help... Remember that big board Sendai Broadcasting Company put together with fan messages for Yuzu around his Seimei hydroblade, that was also viewable on their website and you could mouse over to zoom in? Did anyone save the original, HUGE picture with the messages from the website? I distinctly remember saving it or trying to, but I cannot find it anymore and was hoping someone else did... :snonegai:


I saved it for sure. Will have a look tomorrow and send you. :)

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