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Everything posted by tafattsbarn

  1. Yuzuru's interviews have been such a comfort, like a warm hug and a voice quietly assuring us that it's all okay. I'm getting excited for Yuzu to do his best and have fun during the free, i just want to see him smile
  2. https://youtu.be/chkNZ2dVW-c I really enjoyed this! Warning for injury footage (CoC 2014 and NHK 2017)
  3. The korean team doesn't need to quarantine upon their return to korea after 4CC so that's good! I hope they get some good practice before they fly over to Beijing https://twitter.com/done_with_fs/status/1485521610081812484
  4. He's doing PR for himself, so that when Yuzu does land it then he can say that he helped land an impossible jump that he never thought he would see :'> It will make him look good to have been a part of that Edit: And if Yuzu fails (which he won't) then he can just say "i told you so"
  5. It's making me so happy to see Yuzu on the ice again, i had to take a moment because i almost started tearing up........ I'm just so happy that he's got more to give
  6. I just saw, i'm devastated for him :(( I hope he keeps safe and recovers well and comes back whenever he feels ready to (if that's jnats, the olympics or even not until next season then it's fine). I hope he looks at the big picture of his own life and career, not about what he feels he owes anyone (be that japan, his juniors, sponsors, the olympic committee, broadcasters or even his fans). He doesn't owe any of them anything. Stay kind to yourself Yuzu, getting injured isn't your fault.
  7. A quality question ...............That i can't answer In fact, i can't even begin to conceptualize the size of his feet o.o ?? I don't even know if they're big or small, let alone how big or small. I've failed as a fanyu....... My encyclopedic knowledge of all things Yuzu is a scam, my life is a lie and i'm a fraud Well, at least i know that he looks cute in the toe socks that he likes to wear this is the weirdest collection of words i've posted here so far, don't @ me about it i'm going through severe missing yuzu hours rn and this is the result
  8. ....................I do admit i've been rewatching his olympic performances an unhealthy amount of times these past few days v-v The games being on just makes me want to relive it all, i suppose I can't believe we're so close to the next winter games, it feels surreal
  9. Hmmmm, now that you mention it.... A documentary on the habitual behavioral cycles of fanyus narrated by Sir David Attenborough would be very interesting indeed...... There's so much to discover about these passionate but oh so elusive fanyu ceatures
  10. That is absolutely gorgeous :0 I don't plan on getting married, but if life carries me in that direction then i for sure must get a Yuzu inspired dress or suit v-v No other option :p (and yes this is my annual pre-season return after my 3-4 month end of season figure skating black-out lol, hi everyone)
  11. The more excerpts i read from it, the sexier his thesis becomes
  12. The absolute taste if that's true! I bet he has a fun time bopping at competitions then; organizers seem to all be Swifties lol I was just listening to Taylor's re-recording of the Fearless album a couple of hours ago, and am now going through folklore + evermore as we speak v-v
  13. The bands intentions are noble, but it frustrates me nonetheless! Haha. I guess i might make it into an mp3 file an upload it manually for personal use v-v But it is indeed very Yuzu like.
  14. This song really touched me as i was listening to it (+ reading the lyrics) this morning. I've been having a tough time recently and it made me feel a bit more hopeful. I'm really happy that Yuzu recommended it v-v Still, i couldn't find it on spotify :// I would love to listen to it regularly, but it seems it's not meant to be.
  15. I'm continuing on my quest of reading the GS fan fests (against better judgement lol), and there's so many fun quotes and predictions that back then seemed pure fantasy, but now 8 years later have already ran past us or are just knocking on the door I hope nessie wants to make an appearance soon :'> Oh, if we only knew! Super slam legend incoming.......................................... eventually lol ----------- I thought i would share the goods, so here are some stuff i really enjoyed while looking through the first 30 or so pages that i hadn't seen before v-v Article written highlighting his life and career up until that point: http://www.absoluteskating.com/index.php?cat=articles&id=2012hanyu This quote from Blue Flame about his first win at a competition was so cute, i can totally see little toothless Yuzu smiling as he skates! There were some other quotes from Blue flame in there which gave such insights into him as a person. I think i might finally have to buy this book and ask the lovely person that provides english translations with proof of purchase for a copy v-v I have this overwhelming feeling of admiration for Yuzu as a person just reading a couple of simple excerpts, it's almost as if i suddenly feel compelled to make sure i read it all. And it seems you're right about the asthma and finlandia trophy @caterpillar, the article i linked above had this to say about it: Here's a cute photo of Yuzu rom the article (trashbag pants and all! it feels really full circle now haha) :> I also found this lovely fan art (no credit was given by the GS user that posted as they didn't know who made it, sadly)! http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/2bb29b12c8fcc3cefa29f8f49245d688d63f20a9.jpg Edit: The picture doesn't want to embed :< It needs to be opened in another tab to show It's based on The borrower - Arrietty :>
  16. Backnumber's manager tweeted about Yuzu liking the song lol This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  17. I just rewatched this, and wow, he's really come such a long way stamina wise (and in basically every other aspect of his technique). It's rather incredible actually. Edit: When i say technique i'm not referring to jump technique (he's always had good jump technique, even fixing his flip), i moreso meant skating skills and performance wise + carriage etc
  18. Yes, it did rather feel like that while i was reading. Very uncomfortable. Thank you for sharing! "Mäktigt" = powerful I couldn't agree more.
  19. Hmm, that makes sense. I'm seeing so much more talk about other skaters than during the previous season's fan fest lol, so suspecting it was somewhat infiltrated does make sense. This was after all the year that Yuzu really raised his profile as a skater. Though some of the users objecting and not liking the program i recognize from other threads (at the time) that i've read, and they did seem like Yuzu fans. This is why i asked if any actual Yuzu fans here remember how it was recieved, i don't want to take GS word for it after all haha. It's fascinating, really. But of course, always read these threads as skeptics people!
  20. Okay so i started the 2012/2013 season fan fest on GS, and Parisienne Walkways was really not well recieved (after the performance during the mariposa gala), nor was his Hello, i love you exhibition lol. People were saying stuff like he 'lost himself and his skating' and that he's 'deterioating' since the coaching change (this was the summer he switched to Orser) and that they were trying too hard to 'make him canadian'. I know that the Orser coaching change wasn't very well recieved at the time, but did it really extend to his choice of programs? I'm not sure if we have any fanyus here who were around and active on forums or in the figure skating community at the time, but was that program really thought as a terrible departure and maybe even a mistake? It's just giving me whiplash to read because it's such an iconic program now, and i personally loved it when i watched it for the first time back in 2015/2016. It's really hard to wrap my head around that it was disliked. Thread: https://www.goldenskate.com/forum/threads/yuzuru-hanyu-2012-13-season.64265/ Discussions about it starts around page 2 or 3.
  21. The way i screamed lol It is a shame though... Why did he waste that lovely step sequence on a JW tribute........ I shall never understand
  22. !!!! YES!!! Oh my god, i'm literally going feral at the mere thought of Yuzu bringing Masquerade (or crystal memories, i need more of that Y spiral in my life) to a competition gala Yuzu if you can hear me screeching about this, then please deliver what the audience (me) wants. I'll make sure to sacrifice my soul to the skating gods in turn, okay?
  23. All of y'all that are doing rankings are stronger than the marines for real! I could never (especially not if i can't separate the competition programs from the exhibitions! Why are you combining them when there's a perfectly good reason to separate them and make it easier? You heathens!) If i make a list or ranking there would be like 3-4 programs at #1, two more at #2 and then maybe i could keep to a single program for the rest lol. Rankings are not my thing... Not my thing at all
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