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2 hours ago, xeyra said:


It's okay. It was just my impression watching it from video sources only, not live. But after comparing it to Seimei, I agree he doesn't seem to do it as often (and H&L is an introspective program more than Seimei, even). It's just really glaring before the 4S3T, but then again, I can't blame him for that. It was the CoD and he needed all the concentration he could muster for it. :laughing:  


I see, thank you for taking the time to reply! The CoD seemed really something for everyone watching as welI... But ugh now I made myself rewatching the whole event just because :facepalm: can see that leading to worlds again ...:laughing:

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Aww I love when skaters are cute with one another, even when they are not particularily friends. For example, Yuzu is friends with Shoma and Javier and it's obvious, but I love when there are the little comments and exchanges with Patrick, or Jin, or even Nathan :3333 

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6 hours ago, Forcefield said:


Yuzu is a professional flirt, with both guys and girls omg. And I love it.:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:Gender lines be damned, the space pooh is out for your heart no matter who.



And lol those photos of himself. Wonder how he got a hold of it in the first place. Love how extra he is.



Was missing Yuzu and thinking how quiet it was today and this release saved me.

he's a flirt to a general female audience during performance (see: FAOI) but individual flirting to this degree is (almost entirely) male-only :laughing: 

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Off topic but last night I had an evening free to hog the TV and watch my new video- it was great - thanks to @Geo1 whose recommendation in a thread somewhere weeks ago ( I made a cursory attempt to find it but you know what this place is like) prompted me to get a copy.  It was well worth it even with HMRCs cut on top. Nice to see the programmes without commentary - I hope the results at PC prompt them to make another for this quad. 

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Guys, really, thanks you! :10742289: I am glad, so many people found something interesting in my story about Helsinki. I was absent for a couple of days because of the defense of my paper, so I hadn't opportunity to answer all your kind messages and questions immediately. I’ll do it now. Sorry, as usual, tremendously long post. Hope not to mix questions and not to forget anybody.:tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:

@Moria Polonius Wow, you’ve been in Barcelona! It should have been amazing! I think, you are right, it was different type of filings in Helsinki. I only saw it in the recording, but for me in Barcelona it was absolute superiority and sure victory. This year it was more like a fight at maximum capacity. But the truth is that when Yuzu is at maximum capacity he is unbeatable.

Yes, he seemed really exhausted. The camera in K&C was kind to him.

@kaeryth Think you for your kind words. I'm not sure I've become more brave (it would be great), but I still hope that this experience changed me a bit.

@HydrobladeCan wait for your story from Canada! You can be sure to find a careful reader in me at any time.

@ruruzest I'm so happy you liked it! I tried to be detailed as it seemed to be a rare experience. Yes, let's hope it will be a performance that will make him happy and satisfied.

@Yolo3a Thanks! It's the best compliment! I tried to convey all the feelings I had to share the atmosphere of that unique day. I’m glad you felt it.

@Vadrouille I surely will watch him in ACI in streaming. And as usual, I will try to pass some positive energy to him. Anyway, I’m sure you will do the same thing being  in the stadium. Actually, it was a lucky exception for me to have an opportunity to go to Helsinki. I was in France, so I had a visa, there were Easter holidays and I had some money as I planned other trip. Normally, I couldn't afford myself a journey like this. But I'm truly lucky this year, as after visiting your hometown, Yuzu would come to mine, Moscow. And I will be there as I finish my studies in Paris. So, I will have an opportunity to cheer up for him in the stadium one more time.

@Plumqueen Great that we have the same feelings about that day! Yes, it was like the whole stadium froze and forgot how to breathe. It was all together: curiosity, hope, waiting for miracle, fear. For me the most amazing thing was that such a large number of people can act as one. I think only pure talent as Yuzu can provoke feelings like this. It's a real power. And, yes, it's extremely inspirational. I feel it too.


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