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  On 9/10/2018 at 9:35 AM, Moria Polonius said:


Where is this camera angle from? I've only seen that moment of Yuzu spreading his arms from the back, both in the OBS feed and the NBC feed. Can I get it without all the junk littering the screen?



  On 9/10/2018 at 1:10 PM, SparkleSalad said:


I remember this sort of angle (or perhaps this very one) was on the NHK news recap immediately after he won.


Yeah, it's probably NHK's footage. The beginning of the Chsq resembles the one included in this documentary aired after PyeongChang (see from 28:30 of the linked video):

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  On 9/10/2018 at 11:34 AM, Murieleirum said:


You are switching them around! :knc_brian2: Max is the enthusiast screaming 'Planet Hanyu' inventor, Angelo is the soft cinnamon roll who says Yuzuru is the greatest skater ever whenever he gets the chance. 




See. I know this but still :oops:

To my defense, I'm on medication but stating this on a forum dedicated to a madman who gets olympic gold on painkillers with a injured ankle feels ....  :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

(rolls out off the screen and into a pit of shame )

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  On 9/9/2018 at 11:40 PM, ruruzest said:

I watch this at least once a day and still feel amazed every single time! Isn’t this the first time Yuzu broke character during performance? I can’t imagine what went through his mind at that time after he was finished with those jumps in his current taped ankle situation!

Just as another fans have remarked,” Thank you Right Ankle for not moving after NHK so that Yuzu couldn’t risk more injury by skating thus have more time to recover for the big stage! Also thank you Ankle by holding it together in Pyeongchang! 

Best wishes for the new season Yuzu!


i still get chills when i watch this...

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  On 9/10/2018 at 5:31 AM, CupidsBow said:

I find people really exaggerate both his ability or lack of ability when it comes to English, thinking he's either more fluent than he lets on or completely unable to communicate. The truth is, I think, in the middle. His skills are fair and about as much as he needs to comfortably get through his daily life.


I admit I'm guilty of exaggerating his English proficiency by calling it excellent, but it's by my very low Japanese standard.  I agree with you that his level is somewhere in the middle between near fluency and beginner's level.  He is able to interact with coaches and choreographers without interpreter and that's very good for now.  Also he has been busy with his study at Waseda university through correspondence (I haven't heard that he graduated) and correspondence course is very demanding and time consuming leaving him little time to socialize or polish English.


I'm not sure if saying OMG spontaneously is a sign of English fluency.  Maybe OMG was the word he kept hearing Brian say the first day of training on ice when he was a wild kid and loose cannon, and it's one of the first phrases he learned?

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  On 9/10/2018 at 5:17 PM, Rainbow said:

I'm not sure if saying OMG spontaneously is a sign of English fluency.  Maybe OMG was the word he kept hearing Brian say the first day of training on ice when he was a wild kid and loose cannon, and it's one of the first phrases he learned?



It's like when beginners in Japanese keep saying "カッコいい", "可愛い" and so on. It becomes spontaneous if you use it a lot. But only because you use THAT word a lot, doesn't mean that you use the rest of the language fluently. Those words enter in your personal vocabulary, which ends up making your own 'level' of a language... everybody learns as much as they need to. If you need to become very fluent, in a capable, almost literary way, you will probably succeed if you are motivated. I think Yuzuru doesn't need this, and currently has an English that is useful for what he has to do on a daily basis. Probably knows all the English terms related to skating! 


Maybe I've said this before, but it's important for language learners (I think we are a lot here) to realize that there are no real "macro levels" of language learning. We say beginner, intermediate and advanced, but in reality it's more personal and it has more nuances than that. Language is proportional to necessity. It's like a need to understand and be understood. So the more you push yourself in different contexts that require you to explain yourself well, and understand the topics of discussion well, the more you will end up learning vocabulary and advanced sintax and grammar rules and so on. Also if you don't have a lot of time to dedicate to the language, but have a necessity to practice it, you could become fluent even with a restricted vocabulary and restricted grammar knowledge (for example, my korean bf is like this)- technically you could be called a 'beginner' or an 'intermediate' or even sound perfectly fluent, depending on what is required atm c: 


So really there is no meaning in trying to fit Yuzuru in a certain level! Imo there is no meaning in trying to fit anyone learning a language in a category, but unfortunately International Language Tests don't agree with me and everyone is fixated on putting people in boxes :sipping:

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I think "OMG" is one of those few English phrases/words Japanese people just pick up through popular culture or from other people. Other English phrases that get thrown out : "This is a pen" and  "My car."  Even people who otherwise have absolutely no interest or fluency in the English language (ie my relatives) can suddenly bust out with one of those terms (and then look quite pleased with themselves). It's super 可愛い . :snpeace:









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  On 9/10/2018 at 5:17 PM, Rainbow said:

Maybe OMG was the word he kept hearing Brian say the first day of training on ice when he was a wild kid and loose cannon, and it's one of the first phrases he learned?


I instantly visualized this, and now I can't un-see it. Brian was probably all: 


:knc_brian3::tumblr_inline_n2pjd1FzUP1qdlkyg::headslap::smiley_hairpull: on the inside, while outwardly being all :knc_brian1::agree: like 'We got this, we can do it, yeah...'

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