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This or That (Yuzu Edition)

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11 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0? It's hard to choose and since I love RJ2 too, I choose that one

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal? Both were beautiful, so it's again hard to choose but PC medal was so shiny :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways? 

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T? I love them both...

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil:

Wait, which costumes exactly? :68468287:


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12 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil: (I H8 THIS)


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12 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T? a beauty <3

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?:8:

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake? The shortcake was cute, too :tumblr_inline_mzx8xsVPrg1r8msi5:

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?,

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil: Only if he wears them in practice ... are practically the same with his UAs! No repeating costumes again please! Only if its the purple LGC! :runaway:

This was fun! :smiley-love017:

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13 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 :13877886:or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata? :13877886::13877886::13877886:can't choose...maybe Notte Stellata...

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil: This ISN"T bonus!!



I'll choose super fitted Nathan-esque costumes on Yuzu and tell myself 'he's in UA, it's UA, it's definitely UA' 


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15 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo? :20111123175551f36:

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil:  (I think those costumes are ugly. Especially the Orca!Nemesis.)


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15 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude

2. 3A

3. PW1.0 costume 

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 

5. Sochi medal 

6. White T-shirt

7. Purple LGC

8. 3A-3A-3A

9. Requiem

10. Amino Vital

11. Red Cross 

12. GPF Seimei

13. Pyeongchang Chopin

14. new jump

15. 4T-3T

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?  :thumbsdown:

17. Pooh 

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel

19. White ANA jacket 

20. 4Lo 

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil:  I will take Seimei 3.0 with new costume :yes:


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16 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump? (unless that jump is 4A :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:)

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil: 


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17 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal? - if it's about which is prettier

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?  - my love for the lettuce costume has no limits

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump? - becase it'd ne a 4A

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?  - the rippon!

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A? - twizzle sandwich!

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil:


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19 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata? ( I refuse to answer this!! You can't make me chose!!!)

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei? (. .   . Nope not even going to try....)

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump? (esp if said world record is a new total like HECK YEAH)

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo? . . . Um. . . Neither?!?! *hides face* I don't actually either cause it flet weird to me since he looked way too young and awkward to be doing them *hides face*

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A? (THAT HEIGHT!! THAT DISTANCE!!! )

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil: (I'm sorry... I just really REALLY hated that "costume")


Man... some of these questions are evil....

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On 20/05/2018 at 7:14 PM, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal? <<<Is this talking about medal design or getting the medal? If it's medal design I vote Sochi, otherwise PC

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil:

I had enough struggles through the normal questions...and then the bonus is really just pure evil:surprised:

Of course it's Seimei though

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On 21/5/2018 at 4:44 AM, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend? (ugh this is hard)

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC? (If I have to choose 1 for my life)

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket? (This was unexpectedly hard for me to decide @@) 

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil:

 I'm confident his shape can pull it off :9:


You are eeeevil, so many of these are eeeevil. The NHK Seimei and GPF Seimei :13877886: 

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在5/21/2018 at AM7點14分, yuzuangel說:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil:


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On 5/20/2018 at 6:14 PM, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  

He can honestly pull off a rag i bet😂


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On 21.05.2018 at 2:14 AM, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate? (not just this cm but in general)

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T? (the rippon is life)

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A? just by a little bit because its a tradewmark, his 3a is stunning too, you're evil btw

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil: (anything would look good on him so)


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  • 3 years later...
On 5/21/2018 at 8:14 AM, yuzuangel said:

Inspired by some posts and threads on this and other forums, here is a This or That (Yuzu Edition) :smiley-devil: (feel free to make your own threads)


1. Etude or White Legend?

2. 3A or quads?

3. PW1.0 costume or PW2.0 costume?

4. Romeo and Juliet 1.0 or Romeo and Juliet 2.0?

5. Sochi medal or Pyeongchang medal?

6. Black T-shirt or White T-shirt?

7. White LGC or Purple LGC?

8. 3A-3A-3A or 4S-lo-4S?

9. Requiem or Notte Stellata?

10. Amino Vital or ANA?

11. Red Cross or Ghana Chocolate

12. NHK Seimei or GPF Seimei?

13. Pyeongchang Chopin or Sochi Parisienne Walkways?

14. World record or new jump?

15. 4S-3T or 4T-3T?

16. Hello I Love You or Vertigo?

17. Pooh or Strawberry Shortcake?

18. Notte Stellata delayed axel or Notte Stellata 3A?

19. White ANA jacket or Black Team Japan jacket?

20. 4Lo or 4Lz?

Bonus: Yuzu deciding to wear Nathan's costumes next season or three-peating Seimei  :smiley-devil:



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