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2018/19 Coaching changes

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Brian will not care about any Rusfans or media making issue of his being gay. He said years ago, when he had not come out and he had personal issues that would be revealed in the media,  that he was most worried for his young nephews when it became public. However, Canadians didn't care and and he was supported... so even back then it was never about him but his family. That was years ago. He is well loved here, and happy and successful. 


It sounds like he will enjoy this challenge, helping to transform a known champion. It will be hard if Rusfed doesn't support this, but so far it seems like they do. Note to choreographers: no miming, skipping or waving....


I believe that yuzu's presence figured hugely in this decision. I won't comment on shipping,  but she has made no secret of her admiration for him, and his skating, so training with him will really inspire/influence her, as it would anyone. i mean, yuzu chose it because of javi, so maybe she chose because of yuzu.  That being said, the place really does offer her everything she needs so it is a good move for her. 

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3 часа назад, Lilona сказал:

Also, some man from Rus Fed refused to answer who will pay for Zhenya's training. But honestly, I don't care much xD.

Me too. Like there're jokes on Rus forums: why care who pays for Zhenya's training even if it's RusFed, we're wasting much more money for loosy football team now (never cared about football anyway).

Zhenya's skating was never my cup of tea (though I liked her debut senior FS), but she's a tough competitor - it's hard not to respect that. So it's very interesting what TCC can do with her skating (I still remember that with Yuzu the first year together was controversial in terms of programmes, but Med is going there as already a mature skater, so maybe she already has some ideas of her own). Now is a good time for change - at least one more year there will be no strong new juniors jumping to seniors and even after two years we don't know how they'll grow up (though girls are really unique, it would be a waste if smth. goes down), Alina might still grow and never was as consistent as Med (though she's sweet, I wish her the best). Also there will be new GOE rules so at first year judges might not throw +5 here and there like +3 now.

And kudos to Med's PR team/manager and to her how she handled the press today.

Now I really want to here some Brian's words even though I know he will be smooth and polite :popcorn:

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1 minute ago, Lunna said:

Me too. Like there're jokes on Rus forums: why care who pays for Zhenya's training even if it's RusFed, we're wasting much more money for loosy football team now (never cared about football anyway).

Zhenya's skating was never my cup of tea (though I liked her debut senior FS), but she's a tough competitor - it's hard not to respect that. So it's very interesting what TCC can do with her skating (I still remember that with Yuzu the first year together was controversial in terms of programmes, but Med is going there as already a mature skater, so maybe she already has some ideas of her own). Now is a good time for change - at least one more year there will be no strong new juniors jumping to seniors and even after two years we don't know how they'll grow up (though girls are really unique, it would be a waste if smth. goes down), Alina might still grow and never was as consistent as Med (though she's sweet, I wish her the best). Also there will be new GOE rules so at first year judges might not throw +5 here and there like +3 now.

And kudos to Med's PR team/manager and to her how she handled the press today.

Now I really want to here some Brian's words even though I know he will be smooth and polite :popcorn:


Here it is! http://www.icenetwork.com/news/2018/05/07/275657578

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"I will be now staying and training in Canada," she said. "It is an absolute nonsense that I am changing my citizenship. This is not about me. I am looking for a long career and this is why I have made this decision."

"I will be living in Canada and I will simply have to change my place of residence for an indefinite period of time," Medvedeva expalined.

"I want to have a long career and this is why such changes are taking place in my life," the athlete said. "You cannot even imagine how upbeat I feel at the moment and I am motivated now like never before."

"I am not afraid of either moving to Canada or encountering a language barrier, and I will not be feeling uncomfortable there," she said. "I hope my level of English will allow me to communicate sufficiently."

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30 minutes ago, liv said:

I believe that yuzu's presence figured hugely in this decision. I won't comment on shipping,  but she has made no secret of her admiration for him, and his skating, so training with him will really inspire/influence her, as it would anyone. i mean, yuzu chose it because of javi, so maybe she chose because of yuzu.  

Couldn't agree more :agree:

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2 минуты назад, Nuitsuki сказал:

So, I shall be able to sleep almost calmly tonight (except rumors about Tarakanova). CSKA is powerful enough to protect Polina. Such a relief.

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Good to be able to hear/read comments directly from Zhenya and Brian. Wish them good luck! :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:

This must be good for her health too. I heard that North America is resourceful when it comes to sports medicine.

I don't care much about what her former coach would say. I haven't expected anything good from her seeing how some of my favorite skaters left her.
Looking forward to seeing Zhenya's new programs in autumn :7938863:


And good to hear about Polina too! Thanks for the info!

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Thanks god it was fast! I don’t think my mental state can handle for a couple days, especially when there are rumors that she was “kicked out of the group”, body shaming and emotionally abused over there...

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