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:sadPooh: the part that moved me most in Yuzuru's message was the "thank you for allowing me to come to Toronto"... that's something I often think about but I didn't know that he did too. Yuzu's career (and life) might have been entirely different if Javi had refused to have him as a training mate. I wouldn't have blamed Javi though- it must be difficult to be so sweet and supportive towards your main rival and it's something I've rarely seen among other elite athletes ever. That's why their bond is extra special. Maybe Yuzuru wouldn't have made such stellar achievements if he had had to train elsewhere, alongside diffetent people... or maybe he'd have had just as much success. who knows? but I'm definitely glad that the past 7 years turned out as they did for both of them and I'm thankful to have witnessed their inspiring and exemplary rivalry/friendship.

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47 minutes ago, ICeleste said:

:sadPooh: the part that moved me most in Yuzuru's message was the "thank you for allowing me to come to Toronto"... that's something I often think about but I didn't know that he did too. Yuzu's career (and life) might have been entirely different if Javi had refused to have him as a training mate. I wouldn't have blamed Javi though- it must be difficult to be so sweet and supportive towards your main rival and it's something I've rarely seen among other elite athletes ever. That's why their bond is extra special. Maybe Yuzuru wouldn't have made such stellar achievements if he had had to train elsewhere, alongside diffetent people... or maybe he'd have had just as much success. who knows? but I'm definitely glad that the past 7 years turned out as they did for both of them and I'm thankful to have witnessed their inspiring and exemplary rivalry/friendship.


I think it worked both ways - Javi was richly rewarded for his generosity and flew higher and more brilliantly through what working with Yuzu did for him - but he couldn't have known that would happen, it's a tribute to both of them as sportsmen and gentlemen.


Oh dear, I'm misting up again...


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:( what a sweet message, by all of them... although Yuzu's part was the sweetest because he clearly prepared something just for it and wanted it to be just right!! I didn't shed tears, nope, i didn't... and, yes, being in Toronto together really brought out the best in each other and they both acknowledge that and how special it is/was. Who knows how their achievements would have been different without the other to motivate, support, influence etc..


Edit: And I agree with those who've said it before... it takes a lot for Yuzu to come out of his bat cave and speak about someone voluntarily (in English no less), but for Javi I think he'd do almost anything, such is the camaraderie/respect/gratitude I think he feels towards him. nicely done.

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Now, guys, don't make me emotional again with all the comments about that video message:tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:who am I kidding? I haven't stopped being emotional the whole day:tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5:


7 hours ago, Sabrina said:

Yuzuru Hanyu Athlete of the year

yay we made it!:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: (I wonder how many non-fanyus voted LOL)

the irony of international fans making a japanese figure skater win a US thing tho...:9:

ok, given the panel of the Laureus award I don't have much hope about that one and tbh every one of those athletes deserves all the admiration and respect in the world tho I'm not overly fond of Woods tbh and however it goes it' still a win (finally figure skating among the nominees yay!). But my fanyu heart is greedy and still wants DragonZu Yuzuru to hoard have all the golds all the shiniessssss all the recognition... and who knows, maybe a few in the panel will be impressed by the powerful answer of us fans on social media :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:  (but really only 4 representatives for ALL the winter sports? Seriously?!?!)

On the other side, maybe it will be Naomi Osaka the one who'll make history for Japan getting a Laureus award, wouldn't it be nice to have such an awesome young woman and honorary fellow fanyu make more history? :biggrin:  ah I'm 90% sure Yuzuru won't be in Monaco, I'm more sad at the two of them not meeting than I'm sad at missing the chance of pics of Yuzuru in fitting suit:sorrow:


4 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

That would be exponential worrying. Like, worrying squared, or maybe cubed. :acceptable:



@Moria Polonius is that you that made that MAD to Uninvited? I love it, and amazing compilation of Yuzu programs too... the only downside is that it makes me want to rewatch ALL THOSE PROGRAMS and some more, and I don't have enough time:tumblr_inline_mh8pweVDqw1qid2nw::14066882::tumblr_inline_n2pjd9Lx401qdlkyg: so I guess I'm just gonna rewatch your video some more for a quick fix:winky:

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