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Haru Yo Koi

Haru Yo Koi (66/67)

  1. YASSSS I WATCHED how is it still so short tho?? Replaying finale too! ETA: awww Nishikawa&blond guy (the singer or Naoto?) doing the same hand choreo of the skaters was cute, however much I love yuzucam (that this time was very generous), that shot from the stage was so cool! Yuzu finding the camera and singing/dancing all extra&hyped in out face was good too๐Ÿ˜ More clips Eta: official stream finally ended now imma go back to the rest of my day
  2. I'm still watching the replays they're broadcasting,it's P/C now Various clips floating on my TL LOL it's Lambiel now,then finally imma rewatch Zu (hopefully no one gonna call me on phone this time, like in Makuhari)
  3. Did..he slap butts?๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† LOL Keiji looking into the camera was fun Zu jumped just 4T and then spin, good because it took him a while to stop breathing hard while the others did their tricks, went conservative (if that's conservative LOL) Awww so many bows and thanks, these final greeting rounds were so cute and wholesome?
  4. LOL this seems a Zu reaction vid, people doing stuff and Zu reacting
  5. LMAO Zu made them run to the short side, I worried he'd crash into the camera Cameraman understood the assignment of keeping Zu in focus๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  6. Clapping at my screen!!!!! Yuzu brought us to the disco๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž The way he eats up the arena with his energy my gosh
  7. WAIT THAT WAS TOO SHORT I NEED MORE!!!!! The ending pose was..soft! My gosh it was so good And my fave move! It was there with different angle! But how cone it lasted half if the other programs??? Awww hug with Nishikawa SERIOUSLY IT WAS TOO SHORT
  8. Stephane conceptual program in pinks Holding that backwards spiral so long seems hard He makes even the act of breathing part of interpretation He's great but suddenly the Meteor song tingling bit sounding in my brain, I got distracted
  9. WAIT WHAT P/C already? Then Stephane and Yuzu? I guess now I can focus on them...kinda Why all black tho Kinda don't like that leg sticking up on the curve lift(it was a curve lift right?) P/C are so weird for me, I would say I love them yet I also don't๐Ÿ˜… like I don't specifically get into many of their programs, tho I like their style of skating, ir rather of movement?
  10. Ngl seeing people hanging up in the air with no protection net always scares me (Even more so after that accident in that opening event for I don't remember what)
  11. Awww I hope he teaches his skaters how to commit to their performance, he certainly knew how to make iconic programs
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