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Yuzu skating pairs?  Won't work.  He might be able to get strong enough but he needs a few more inches in height to be able to haul around those ladies.  He's only five foot eight.  Those male skaters in pairs are all not only strong but tall.  Yuzu might be able to make it as an ice dancer since the lifts are lower.  Actually, though, I don't see Yuzu psychologically ready to deal with a partner.  He doesn't want to have to depend on somebody else doing her part in terms of the scoring.  Yuzu is a solo act.  He needs to know that his final score is a result of his efforts alone.

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  On 12/4/2020 at 1:44 PM, micaelis said:

Yuzu skating pairs?  Won't work.  He might be able to get strong enough but he needs a few more inches in height to be able to haul around those ladies.  He's only five foot eight.  Those male skaters in pairs are all not only strong but tall.  Yuzu might be able to make it as an ice dancer since the lifts are lower.  Actually, though, I don't see Yuzu psychologically ready to deal with a partner.  He doesn't want to have to depend on somebody else doing her part in terms of the scoring.  Yuzu is a solo act.  He needs to know that his final score is a result of his efforts alone.


Well, if height is the reason then I think it is doable for Yuzu. Case in point: we have Cong Han

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  On 12/2/2020 at 9:41 PM, Henni147 said:


1. I have known him for 1452 days.

2. I saw a swan on Eurosport and thought: Magic does not only exist in fairy tales and fantasy novels, but in real life, too.


1. Ahhhh I'm still a baby fanyu :8788161: I've known Yuzu for 211 days.

2. I saw him on Youtube, and was completely enthralled by his effortless skating and determination so unwavering that I could feel it. 

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Yuzu would not be a good ice dancer for several reasons, but he could do pairs with Rika Kihira and she would lift him. :strong: I think his interest in lifting anybody else would be below zero. Why should he lift other people when the much better alternative is HIMSELF being boosted into the air and twirled around? :D 

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1022 days for me - I watched the PC Men's SP because I had some free time and I always liked watching figure skating during the Olympics. (Except for Sochi, I was too busy with school and didn't watch anything there.) I saw Ballade and was completely entranced. I had no idea someone could move like that.

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Around 2 and a half year for me, and it was a gradual process. :P 


Before Hanyu: I had never been a fan of anyone. I had a lot of favourite singers/ actors/ musicians/ athletes/..., but I didn't really follow their news. I had little interest in their interviews and I didn't comprehend how you can be emotionally invested in someone you don't personally know. :ninja:


Transition process: At first, I was only interested in his skating. Then I somehow clicked into his interviews (probably those post PC Olympics press conferences) and I was hooked. The more I know about him, the more I become a fan of his skating as well as him as a person.


After Hanyu: Here I am now, going to competitions (before Covid:cry:), buying photobooks, refreshing Yuzu's (possible) news and being worried about him constantly. :coolio:

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  On 12/5/2020 at 1:57 AM, river said:

1022 days for me - I watched the PC Men's SP because I had some free time and I always liked watching figure skating during the Olympics. (Except for Sochi, I was too busy with school and didn't watch anything there.) I saw Ballade and was completely entranced. I had no idea someone could move like that.



Same for me. 1,022 days from February 16, 2018, the day of the Men's SP in the PyeongChang Olympics. Before Hanyu, my favorite skater was Michelle Kwan. After her, it seemed like Ladies FS was turning into a bunch of jumping little girls starting with Tara Lipinski. Also there were the scoring scandals at that time, and I lost interest in figure skating.


Fast forward to 2018, I heard the Olympics were going on and decided to take a peek. I was planning to cheer for Team USA, but then I saw Yuzu skate Ballade, and I was totally blown away. All my years watching figure skating, I'd never seen anyone skate like that. So he brought me back to watching FS.


I got really excited when I heard about the new scoring system too, thinking it was a more objective way to score, but now it looks like things are heading back to the bad old days with the judges colluding with each other to fix the scores. And we get a new generation of jumping little girls too. :/

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It's maybe 7, 8, or 9 years for me! I moved to Canada for graduate studies in 2011. I have always loved FS but we never had live FS coverage back at home so in Canada I would stick to the TV whenever I accidentally would stumble on competition. I had zero idea about the rules, competition, or the fact that there is short and long program. So, first year I just saw him in the bunch and funny enough I mostly remember Javi from that time, talking to my husband about this Spanish guy who is so good but never gets a good score. Then, there is this Canadian that falls a lot but gets first place :coolio: A complete novice I was. 


I have no recollection where was the first time that I noticed Yuzuru. But I remember that once I was making my husband watch a completion and saying "look for this Japanese kid in white costume". So, it should be the R&J2 in 2013 :wink2:



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I started watching since 2018 because my friend is a figure skater and so I started watching...! So I knew Yuzu since 16 Feb 2018.

Sadly I’m from a tropical country so winter sports aren’t popular here... I hoped I knew Yuzu earlier.:headdesk:

ps it was broadcasting on tv that time and my dad dragged me to watch the men’s fs... I think I have to thank him for doing so:tumblr_m9gct8HYvv1qzckow:

I never had a legit celebrity I look up to too... Hanyu is the first one I worship. I don’t think I’ll be into other celebs even after Yuzu retires....TvT) dis boi iz perfect.

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