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Too many things coming out, don't know what to do!! :happy0007:


Anyway I am really impressed already with the care Citizen is taking with their UNKNOWN PERSON aesthetic, just from the one Weibo promo image! It's very UNKNOWN PERSON's personal brand (or I guess it would be if I knew who UNKNOWN PERSON was.....) and I like that they went with a simple model in rose gold, nestled in feathers, instead of something slick and platinum and "masculine" and definitively from the men's line, which you would expect a company to do with an 'ice' aesthetic on an UNKNOWN MALE PERSON campaign. The contrast of the soft androgynous (insofar as we can gender or not gender A Thing On Your Wrist) beauty of the warm-toned watch with the cool blue background is very nice and is something UNKNOWN PERSON would possibly approve of. :tumblr_inline_np9uqfzDd81qid2nw_75sq:

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