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  On 2/26/2019 at 3:56 PM, Figure_Frenzy said:


Alternatively we can make a vetting process to make sure that every researcher/photographer/explorer/visitor to Antarctica is a Fanyu, hence 100% Fanyu penetration in Antarctica :muahaha:


I think, it would have a bigger impact to enfanyu a colony of 8.000 emperor penguins waddling synchronously to the rhythm of the Seimei taiko drums :dancingpooh:
That would ensure the support of all explorers and documentary directors automatically.

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  On 2/26/2019 at 3:56 PM, Figure_Frenzy said:


Alternatively we can make a vetting process to make sure that every researcher/photographer/explorer/visitor to Antarctica is a Fanyu, hence 100% Fanyu penetration in Antarctica :muahaha:



  On 2/26/2019 at 4:23 PM, Henni147 said:

I think, it would have a bigger impact to enfanyu a colony of 8.000 emperor penguins waddling synchronously to the rhythm of the Seimei taiko drums :dancingpooh:
That would ensure the support of all explorers and documentary directors automatically.


It's a long cold winter in Antarctica, and they may or may not get much Internet...we could try sending them souvenir DVDs of all Yuzu's performances to date. They'd be a captive audience, easy to brainwash...err, I mean,  convince.:pouty:



Btw, @Henni147: 'enfanyu'? LOL. Perfect word coinage. Well done! :coolio:

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  On 2/26/2019 at 8:17 PM, Henni147 said:


You're welcome. Just for the sake of completeness:

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And to put it in context, here it is used in a sentence:


"The fanyu first became enfanyued when Yuzuru Hanyu pulled a Hanyu* for the umpteenth time at WC2019."


* pulling a Hanyu = getting injured mid-season and being unable to train for weeks or months, then coming back after minimal training to win big or podium at a major competition. (see also: Pyeongchang Olympics, most of the 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons.) Rapidly becoming Yuzu's most signature move, much to our chagrin.



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