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3 minutes ago, Lunna said:

I still remember how crazy arena went after this :68468287: (and on the final spin)

There's a lady in red - actually, a couple of ladies in red, but one wears glasses - right in the front row, behind Yuzu during the final spin. During the entire performance, she sits with her hands clasped, her poker face on, and during the final spin, she just lets it all out. Every time I watch that skate, I relate so hard. 

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1 hour ago, turquoiseblue said:


My feeling toward the Worlds 2017 FS is pure awe. Everytime I watch it I find myself mesmerized at the perfection of that performance. But  Seimei at the Olympics was the performance that truly hit me hard. It was a mix of joy, heartache, anticipation and admiration,  it still brings tears to my eyes when I watch it and that is a real feat as I am not someone who cries easily. So it has to be my choice here  :)

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This might be a bit of a silly question to ask the Planet, but I've been mulling this over for a while now and I can't come up with a satisfactory answer. So, here it is:


Why do you think Yuzu is so important? I don't mean, why is he popular, or why are you a fan...but rather, what's his significance in the grander scheme of things? 


I ask this because in some ways, his phenomenon doesn't make sense. For example, when he got injured last season, I really felt deeply that it was a tragedy and genuinely prayed he would recover for the Olympics. That's not a normal response for me, and I wasn't a full-fledged fanyu yet at the time. I found myself wondering why I got so caught up in it. 


And if you look at Yuzu's work outside the rink...he's done great things for the 3/11 recovery effort. However, if there was no Hanyu, would there have been someone else to step in to that role? Why him? 


If you think about it, why does this skinny kid from Sendai with all the big ambitions matter so much?



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8 minutes ago, Lunna said:

I still remember how crazy arena went after this :68468287: (and on the final spin)


I remember thinking "Wow everybody in the Arena is screaming as hard as me right now, they must feel the same thing I am feeling as well!" 

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5 hours ago, freyaminnie said:

Considering most of the well-know Japanese men won 4cc. I wonder if Yuzu will ever break his 4cc silver curse or Shoma will break his too-much-silver curse first LOL 


Shoma's progress at 4CC has been 5-4-3-2 so I think he might finally get 1 this season. :laughing:

However, I would love it for Yuzu to finally break his silver curse.

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42 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

This might be a bit of a silly question to ask the Planet, but I've been mulling this over for a while now and I can't come up with a satisfactory answer. So, here it is:


Why do you think Yuzu is so important? I don't mean, why is he popular, or why are you a fan...but rather, what's his significance in the grander scheme of things? 


I ask this because in some ways, his phenomenon doesn't make sense. For example, when he got injured last season, I really felt deeply that it was a tragedy and genuinely prayed he would recover for the Olympics. That's not a normal response for me, and I wasn't a full-fledged fanyu yet at the time. I found myself wondering why I got so caught up in it. 


And if you look at Yuzu's work outside the rink...he's done great things for the 3/11 recovery effort. However, if there was no Hanyu, would there have been someone else to step in to that role? Why him? 


If you think about it, why does this skinny kid from Sendai with all the big ambitions matter so much?



I think in addition to his charity, his inspirational attitude, and his mental strength in the face of obstacles, he is also first and foremost an artist, and art just speaks to some (or many) people in intangible different ways .. and Yuzu's art happens to speak to so many people. Many skaters have people who connect with their performances, but there's just something about Yuzu's style that is timeless, like a Van Gogh or Monet painting even after hundreds of years. 

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1 minute ago, yuzuangel said:

I think in addition to his charity, and his inspirational attitude and performance in the face of obstacles, he is also first and foremost an artist, and art just speaks to some (or many) people in intangible, possibly different ways .. and Yuzu's art just happens to speak to so many people.


Yuzu is special. He made a lot of people like me go from 'Oh that looks so lovely, must take a lot of skill' kind of genuine appreciation of skaters to 'Oh. Oh I see, that is what figure skating is meant to be' kind of epiphany. Yuzu at his best really is the embodiment of the highest ideals of this sport. That is an almost impossible achievement in a sport where the perfect skate is (IMO) supposed to combine technique and artistry so well that you can't separate the two. It is like watching magic happen when he does it. 


How strong and kind and compassionate and perfectly adorable he is off ice came later but it sure doesn't hurt. :D 

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For me he is like a force of nature. Special, different. His strength, his will, his sensibility, his compassion, his talent, his artistry … everything attracts  people, they feel inspired, I feel inspired … I am so grateful that I discovered him early in his career and I was able to witness all his success and his achievements. I was so lucky !:8232307:

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1 hour ago, yuzuangel said:

 he is also first and foremost an artist, and art just speaks to some (or many) people in intangible different ways 

I totally agree - I know he says he is an athlete first and his skill and efforts are just amazing, and it is this skill which helps him express his art so beautifully, but I think it's his artistry that we become so attached to - he really touches our hearts, well I suppose I should speak for myself, he really touches my heart EVERY time I see him skate, every programme has it's own beauty and meaning.  I know his 2 OGMs are historic and athletically a massive achievement, but I think Yuzuru should be framed next to the Mona Lisa in Le Louvre (or it's counterpart in Japan may be more appropriate!), for he really is a work of visual art. :img_21:

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Yuzu's skating is the visual embodiment of the way I want to live: with passion, grace, strength, delicacy, intention ... I could go on and on. When I watch him I see all my own highest aspirations right there in the (unbelievably gorgeous) flesh. I may never become the person who inhabits that very special realm, but he inspires me to keep trying, and I'll always love him for it. 


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13 minutes ago, ZuCritter said:

Yuzu's skating is the visual embodiment of the way I want to live: with passion, grace, strength, delicacy, intention ... I could go on and on. When I watch him I see all my own highest aspirations right there in the (unbelievably gorgeous) flesh. I may never become the person who inhabits that very special realm, but he inspires me to keep trying, and I'll always love him for it. 


I look at him, and I feel all those things too...and I don't feel them when I look at other skaters. It's him, himself. Something about him. But what that is exactly, I still can't figure out. He's like a lighthouse but I don't quite know where he's showing the way to.

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2 hours ago, Murieleirum said:


I remember thinking "Wow everybody in the Arena is screaming as hard as me right now, they must feel the same thing I am feeling as well!" 

Yeah same and i enjoy the crowd’s cheers and roars a lot (in all perfpomances actually :D)

30 minutes ago, ZuCritter said:

Yuzu's skating is the visual embodiment of the way I want to live: with passion, grace, strength, delicacy, intention ... I could go on and on. When I watch him I see all my own highest aspirations right there in the (unbelievably gorgeous) flesh. I may never become the person who inhabits that very special realm, but he inspires me to keep trying, and I'll always love him for it. 


I was about to say that but you did it better than i would so yeah thank you😄 He is ideal if there is something perfect its him. I want to be like him on some aspects, i admire him and thanks to that i want to try my best as him, to be a better me. Maybe that’s why i’m so attached to him and every little thing he does affects me as well

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3 時間前, rockstaryuzuさんが言いました:

This might be a bit of a silly question to ask the Planet, but I've been mulling this over for a while now and I can't come up with a satisfactory answer. So, here it is:


Why do you think Yuzu is so important? I don't mean, why is he popular, or why are you a fan...but rather, what's his significance in the grander scheme of things? 


I ask this because in some ways, his phenomenon doesn't make sense. For example, when he got injured last season, I really felt deeply that it was a tragedy and genuinely prayed he would recover for the Olympics. That's not a normal response for me, and I wasn't a full-fledged fanyu yet at the time. I found myself wondering why I got so caught up in it. 


And if you look at Yuzu's work outside the rink...he's done great things for the 3/11 recovery effort. However, if there was no Hanyu, would there have been someone else to step in to that role? Why him? 


If you think about it, why does this skinny kid from Sendai with all the big ambitions matter so much?




Dunno what it is really. Men's figure skating was never been on my radar until I saw him skate. I've seen other men skating before but they never did anything for me. They are either too stiff or too flamboyant for my tastes. Ladies were more enchanting to watch but even they got boring after a while for me. I guess Hanyu just struck the right balance for me, which in turn opened my eyes to what figure skating can be, what it truly is, and the many wonderful (and alarming) things it represents.


Or maybe it's just some kinda magnetism he has that anyone who has their mind open or their defenses even a little bit lower than usual when they see him are sure to get pulled in like moths to a bright flame.


I just know that I root for him as hard as I do is because he's proven to be much more than just a champion athlete.

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2 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

This might be a bit of a silly question to ask the Planet, but I've been mulling this over for a while now and I can't come up with a satisfactory answer. So, here it is:


Why do you think Yuzu is so important? I don't mean, why is he popular, or why are you a fan...but rather, what's his significance in the grander scheme of things? 


I ask this because in some ways, his phenomenon doesn't make sense. For example, when he got injured last season, I really felt deeply that it was a tragedy and genuinely prayed he would recover for the Olympics. That's not a normal response for me, and I wasn't a full-fledged fanyu yet at the time. I found myself wondering why I got so caught up in it. 


And if you look at Yuzu's work outside the rink...he's done great things for the 3/11 recovery effort. However, if there was no Hanyu, would there have been someone else to step in to that role? Why him? 


If you think about it, why does this skinny kid from Sendai with all the big ambitions matter so much?



I think there is some of what we have all said in why Yuzuru matters so much, but there is also the way he is linked to a terrible natural disaster in that he and his family and community physically  experienced it as a trauma (and the rest of the nation and other people from around the world also emotionally felt for those affected), yet he was able to follow his dreams amidst his expressed mixed emotions about the disaster and the choices he was making about his life, and emerge as a symbol of hope - he is such a beautiful young man in so many ways, with a rare magnetism, wonderful communication skills, warmth, empathy, as well as his unique talent and artistry - he maybe was always destined for great things, but his personal history is tied into what his people experienced in 2011 and this is another factor in his significance to them (and the rest of us?).  Hope this makes sense!

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