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17 minutes ago, Yoa said:


a little bit of black, gold and sparkles :rofl2:He will add a lot of black rhinestones for more sparkling effect.


Oh god, and ruffles or maybe even some of the black lace we've been talking about....


And here I am trying to STOP biting my nails.... well, that's not gonna happen before ACI now.



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Im very much looking forward to the moment at ACI when we first catch glimpses of his new costumes... I still remember the white pants reveal moment when he still had his jacket on but we could see the white pants.... I think everyone watching the stream (and in the audience) made a collective gasp! 


Please let us have nice, tight (hopefully black tights) pants... and please not gold like an Academy award.... 

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53 minutes ago, TallyT said:


Oh god, and ruffles or maybe even some of the black lace we've been talking about....


And here I am trying to STOP biting my nails.... well, that's not gonna happen before ACI now.



I always absolutely hated this gold outfit on Plushy. It doesn't even fit him properly. If Yuzu decides to go this route, I hope he chooses a more flexible fabric...

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2 hours ago, fyere0 said:

"baking a cheesecake that doesn't crack in the middle."

Hmm...he did seem really into the chocolate making in the last Lotte commercial I saw ( the Valentine's one). So maybe...:tumblr_inline_np9uqivUkQ1qid2nw_75sq:


About costume: TBH, the outfit that Scott Moir wore for their Olympic SD might fit the bill:




but I'm feeling pure black lace, and a  collared, V-neckline of cascading ruffles, with corresponding ruffles at the wrists, restrained amounts of sparkle, and probably the same black velvet pants he's been wearing forever...maybe with a rhinestone pinstripe down the side for a change of pace. (note to self: draw it). 


Can anyone tell me how to paste and post images? Is it copy and paste, or more involved than that. 

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For Otonal, I could imagine something like a grey-blue costume with lot of golden sparkles. :smiley-love017: And for Origin, I agree with everyone who said black would be nice, maybe add some red to it, too? And more gold of course ;)  


Anyway, if anyone is interested, also Polina Korobeynikova skated to Otonal in 2011/12. She was there in Nice, too, Yuzu may have heard the song as the ladies FS was on the same day he won his bronze medal:tumblr_inline_nhkf0oKdhx1qid2nw:.






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3 hours ago, Sammie said:


I love this quote. That's why he's chosen to call his FS 'Origin', focusing more on what the music means to him, in his life, rather than on what it originally portrayed :softYuzu:

Imagine wanting to skate to a music so badly, for so long, but it was off-limits for so many years (and in the meantime he gave us some other gems:tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg:), but now he finally feels he can skate to those pieces and he got his idols' blessing on top of that :cri:

I like that his last 3 free programs all have such beautiful and iconic titles! Isn't it a beautiful journey, from SEIMEI (it can mean also life iirc?) to Hope and Legacy to Origin... what's next uh? Ahh, I shouldn't be greedy, I haven't even seen whole Origin yet, but I want moar!:tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:



1 minute ago, Paskud said:

Let's try to look at it this way. First adjective that comes to my mind when I think about Yuzuru is unpredictable. If for most people is clear that Otonal will be blue-grey and Origin black-gold, that means that it will be everything but not it.

LOL true. It reminds me of when we were guessing (hoping?) for some black&red SEIMEI and we got..well, quite the opposite (but of course sparkles will never betray us!)

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57 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

Hmm...he did seem really into the chocolate making in the last Lotte commercial I saw ( the Valentine's one). So maybe...:tumblr_inline_np9uqivUkQ1qid2nw_75sq:


About costume: TBH, the outfit that Scott Moir wore for their Olympic SD might fit the bill:




but I'm feeling pure black lace, and a  collared, V-neckline of cascading ruffles, with corresponding ruffles at the wrists, restrained amounts of sparkle, and probably the same black velvet pants he's been wearing forever...maybe with a rhinestone pinstripe down the side for a change of pace. (note to self: draw it). 


Can anyone tell me how to paste and post images? Is it copy and paste, or more involved than that. 


You can use imgur to copy and paste image. I can only embed image on this site when I open Imgur on my laptop but not on my mobile. On the mobile it can only paste the link but can’t embed image. Hope it helps!


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So I'm seeing all these costume predictions designs on twitter, and I must say, that Yuzu always manages to break our wildest imaginations and predictions with costumes. Who would ever have thought that H&L would have a ocean, nature sort of reference?


I imagine Yuzu likes to break old traditions and cliches with costumes.

So I imagine Nijinsky might not be the classical all black, and Otonal not the traditional blue. He's never afraid to experiment with new exciting, bold colors, so I expect any color in the rainbow from him really. 

But please no more white pants lol. People were really shocked at ACI because of those pants lol. 

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2 hours ago, Paskud said:

Let's try to look at it this way. First adjective that comes to my mind when I think about Yuzuru is unpredictable. If for most people is clear that Otonal will be blue-grey and Origin black-gold, that means that it will be everything but not it.


What we need to do is start loudly predicting all the things we don't want him to wear... or at least, we should have done that earlier. I imagine it's all doe and dusted now, and yes, I'm again going for "it will be nothing like anyone predicts!!"


54 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:


Yuzu: there's absolutely no need to skate it better than him

Me:  . . . .  You're absolutely going to skate it better than him though. . . . .


Actually, I love that, subtle as it is: he says that he doesn't need to do it better, and not for a minute that he can't......

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