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On the topic of backloading... Notte Stellata is proof that you can do a magnificent and balanced backloaded program, so I wonder why Yuzu has never tried it in competition before. I know he wouldn't have the stamina for a backloaded LP -no multiple-quad-jumper man would- but the SP would be doable, imo. And I know his ideal is to have the jumps flow seamlessly within the program and blend with the other elements but to me, backloaded doesn't always equal unbalanced- imo a good choreographer could make it work without compromising the CO mark. He's one of the few skaters who could definitely make the choreography in the first half interesting enough even without jumps.
I suppose the reason is that he might not be able to do the challenging solo quads (4A, 4Ltz, 4Lo) consistenly in the second half. But I think he could pull off a backloaded SP with only 4T and 4S.

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13 hours ago, ICeleste said:

On the topic of backloading... Notte Stellata is proof that you can do a magnificent and balanced backloaded program, so I wonder why Yuzu has never tried it in competition before. I know he wouldn't have the stamina for a backloaded LP -no multiple-quad-jumper man would- but the SP would be doable, imo. And I know his ideal is to have the jumps flow seamlessly within the program and blend with the other elements but to me, backloaded doesn't always equal unbalanced- imo a good choreographer could make it work without compromising the CO mark. He's one of the few skaters who could definitely make the choreography in the first half interesting enough even without jumps.
I suppose the reason is that he might not be able to do the challenging solo quads (4A, 4Ltz, 4Lo) consistenly in the second half. But I think he could pull off a backloaded SP with only 4T and 4S.


Alina Zagitovas Don Quixote Music suited backloading. I think if the music is right backloading programs look and feel fine. Its how u conceal it that matters. 

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28 minutes ago, cinemacoconut said:

[Admin edit: Please don't call out or offend anyone from other platforms] Why is she hating on Zhenya sooooo obsessively? She makes vids of figure skating controversial scores which I respect to some degree but I do think sometimes they are biased. 


She's a Yuna fan. Started hating on Sotnikova after Sochi and Zhenya after she broke Yuna's records


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I feel like one reason why Koola King dedicates so many videos and so much time to picking out Zhenya is because of how frequently Zhenya doesn't get marked for edge violations. Zhenya's also kind of become the figure head of women's figure skating and is the most prominent example of ISU judging bias. I also believe that it's hard to deny that Zhenya's name in a video title is going to generate clicks and, while Koola King does appear to resort to some clickbaity tactics, it's done as a means to inform people about such bias. 


I will agree that some of them do have some bias to them, such as one where she compares the program diversity of Yuna Kim to Evgenia Medvedeva, but for the most part I've found her videos to be very informative, particularly the one where jump simulations were taken straight from the ISU and compared to Evgenia's. 

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29 minutes ago, micaelis said:

Yuzu's major fear here, and I'm serious, is that of all those at TCC Stephen has the best chance to beat Yuzu to the 4A, perhaps being the first anywhere to do it. 


Seeing how reluctant Brian has been with Yuzu doing the 4A I doubt he‘ll let Gogolev work on it. Brian is aware of the dangers that would come with quad axels (as he’s expressed before) and I doubt he‘ll let a still growing boy under his wings go that far. 

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3 hours ago, robin said:


Seeing how reluctant Brian has been with Yuzu doing the 4A I doubt he‘ll let Gogolev work on it. Brian is aware of the dangers that would come with quad axels (as he’s expressed before) and I doubt he‘ll let a still growing boy under his wings go that far. 


Is Stephen's 3A that good? I mean I don't actively search up junior skaters so I've only seen a bit of him really but they didn't look particularly large or high or fast to my admittedly very untrained eye? (All I basically do is compare everyone's jumps relative to Yuzu's....)

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6 hours ago, OonsieHui said:


Is Stephen's 3A that good? I mean I don't actively search up junior skaters so I've only seen a bit of him really but they didn't look particularly large or high or fast to my admittedly very untrained eye? (All I basically do is compare everyone's jumps relative to Yuzu's....)


Haven't seen him skate much but I agree it doesn't look like he could fit another rotation in there. He telegraphs axels a bit, actually more than his quad sal

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4 hours ago, robin said:


Haven't seen him skate much but I agree it doesn't look like he could fit another rotation in there. He telegraphs axels a bit, actually more than his quad sal

What does it mean by 'telegraphing' in jumping term?

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