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6 minutes ago, Xen said:

Ahha, no I didn't mean it that way. When I said "arrogant" I meant more of "Boy he sure has confidence to believe he can do that so well and so quickly." How to put it, a bit of confidence that's not proven/fully justified yet. Being a vehicle for the music to fully express itself, is I think, something even few experienced dancers and musicians can fully own up to, even if they dream of achieving it.  Maybe he can say so due to age (the young are braver than us old ones after all), but that pluck is probably part of the charm. =)


As for Yuzu live, well the lucky encounter at ACI. I'll say this- Yuzu draws you in. His movements don't exactly go from him extending to the audience-my impression is that he goes outward pulling it inwards. How to put it-it's as if he is hyper aware that there is an audience watching him, yet at the same time as soon as the first note strikes, he's back into his own world. Dancing as if he's alone, and no one is watching. And it's that quality that draws you in-kind of like you caught someone dancing with abandon in a darkened stage, a bit of a guilty pleasure because it feels as if you should not be there watching at all. A bit as if you intruded into someone's little private world by accident-though in Yuzu's case, since he is aware of the audience, it's by invitation. As if he walked up to you one day, after dance practice, and said "I trust your opinion, can you watch me dance my program today?"  No other person, just you being trusted with his world and his soul, bared with abandon on that darkened stage. Extremely intimate and personal. 


After his jumps, I seriously wondered if I should clap at all, because there is an ethereal quality to his performance. It's like watching a tapestry of the music unfurl in front of you-and in your mind you think that any disturbance in the music, the flow, could unravel the piece before you. Even the popstar Seimei had that feel to it- a certain pull of making you spellbound to watch the wreckage enacted in front of you. And so you wait, with baited breath the entire duration of the performance, to clap your hands until they are red and raw at the end. 


Alright time to get more work done, before I start writing sonnets to his skating...




To you and to everyone on this thread earlier that talked about onscreen vs live skating, and your impression of skaters INCLUDING YUZU, I want to thank you! I always find it interesting and fascinating to read especially impressions about Yuzu. Helps me get through the dry news and missing him.




Also, you put a comparison that I could totally see!

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1 hour ago, Xen said:

Ahha, no I didn't mean it that way. When I said "arrogant" I meant more of "Boy he sure has confidence to believe he can do that so well and so quickly." How to put it, a bit of confidence that's not proven/fully justified yet. Being a vehicle for the music to fully express itself, is I think, something even few experienced dancers and musicians can fully own up to, even if they dream of achieving it.  Maybe he can say so due to age (the young are braver than us old ones after all), but that pluck is probably part of the charm. =)


As for Yuzu live, well the lucky encounter at ACI. I'll say this- Yuzu draws you in. His movements don't exactly go from him extending to the audience-my impression is that he goes outward pulling it inwards. How to put it-it's as if he is hyper aware that there is an audience watching him, yet at the same time as soon as the first note strikes, he's back into his own world. Dancing as if he's alone, and no one is watching. And it's that quality that draws you in-kind of like you caught someone dancing with abandon in a darkened stage, a bit of a guilty pleasure because it feels as if you should not be there watching at all. A bit as if you intruded into someone's little private world by accident-though in Yuzu's case, since he is aware of the audience, it's by invitation. As if he walked up to you one day, after dance practice, and said "I trust your opinion, can you watch me dance my program today?"  No other person, just you being trusted with his world and his soul, bared with abandon on that darkened stage. Extremely intimate and personal. 


After his jumps, I seriously wondered if I should clap at all, because there is an ethereal quality to his performance. It's like watching a tapestry of the music unfurl in front of you-and in your mind you think that any disturbance in the music, the flow, could unravel the piece before you. Even the popstar Seimei had that feel to it- a certain pull of making you spellbound to watch the wreckage enacted in front of you. And so you wait, with baited breath the entire duration of the performance, to clap your hands until they are red and raw at the end. 


Alright time to get more work done, before I start writing sonnets to his skating...



You put it so perfectly. I feel it even when I watch him on screen. As if he's creating a world and I'm being pulled into it. He doesn't really reach out to you, it's like he suddenly becomes as irresistible as gravity when he really hits it. I cannot imagine what it would be like to watch him live.

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3 時間前, Xenさんが言いました:

Ahha, no I didn't mean it that way. When I said "arrogant" I meant more of "Boy he sure has confidence to believe he can do that so well and so quickly." How to put it, a bit of confidence that's not proven/fully justified yet. Being a vehicle for the music to fully express itself, is I think, something even few experienced dancers and musicians can fully own up to, even if they dream of achieving it.  Maybe he can say so due to age (the young are braver than us old ones after all), but that pluck is probably part of the charm. =)


Ah, then I believe what you're referring to would be part of the necessary evil (tho it's not evil per se, I'm merely using this term as the concept of arrogance itself carries a negative connotation) for him to achieve what he needs to achieve.


3 時間前, Xenさんが言いました:


As for Yuzu live, well the lucky encounter at ACI. I'll say this- Yuzu draws you in. His movements don't exactly go from him extending to the audience-my impression is that he goes outward pulling it inwards.

What you're describing sounds a lot like gravity. >_<

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8 hours ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Ah, then I believe what you're referring to would be part of the necessary evil (tho it's not evil per se, I'm merely using this term as the concept of arrogance itself carries a negative connotation) for him to achieve what he needs to achieve.


What you're describing sounds a lot like gravity. >_<

Well, it is like gravity. Look at all the people whose wallets are crying after the owners get a real life encounter of Yuzu. They just follow him around the globe, never fully healing...the boy isn't a planet, he's his own solar system. 

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So I just found out the "Cup of Disaster" aka Cup of China has been the Cup of Disaster since 2012 when I found this video of an on ice collision between Nan Song and Adam Rippon. Nan Song suffered a concussion from the incident :(


To be fair, collisions happened at other events too. Like this one at Skate Canada 2010 between Patrick Chan and Adam Rippon. 

Or this one between Daisuke and Kozuka at the GPF 2010. Thankfully in both cases the skaters emerged relatively unharmed. 


These warmups can be dangerous 😱

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4 hours ago, katonice said:

So I just found out the "Cup of Disaster" aka Cup of China has been the Cup of Disaster since 2012 when I found this video of an on ice collision between Nan Song and Adam Rippon. Nan Song suffered a concussion from the incident :(


To be fair, collisions happened at other events too. Like this one at Skate Canada 2010 between Patrick Chan and Adam Rippon. 

Or this one between Daisuke and Kozuka at the GPF 2010. Thankfully in both cases the skaters emerged relatively unharmed. 


These warmups can be dangerous 😱



Oh god, that is so scary :slinkaway: 


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All this talk about live vs TV is interesting. I'd say when I first saw an FS comp live (which was loooong time ago) the first thing that stood out was a skaters speed which you don't always can compare on TV. In terms of presentation my opinion didn't change much seeing skater live or on TV. For examp. Javi is fun (when he's not falling all over the place) on TV and live, Shoma can grab your attention but I had the same feeling watching him on TV. Patrick's skating I started to appreciate more after seeing him live but still can't connect to him. It also can depend on a day. Like even Yuzu can have an off day. Even on the off day I still can appreciate his performance and his movements. But I'm a fan, so I understand if not everybody feels the same way. But when Yuzu is ON he can bring crowd to it's feet and get them all emotional, like at GPF SP 2016 and WC FS 21017 - happy I decided to go to both comps.

Speaking about ladies as an opposite to opinions above I liked Satoko more live at GPF 2015 than on TV. I'm not a fan of her jumps but I liked her musicality and movements back then. As for Carolina - I liked her SP at CoR but FS to me was boring. And I remember that I liked her EX at Helsinki a lot but at CoR I just couldn't concentrate on her after incredible Swan.

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47 minutes ago, Lunna said:

All this talk about live vs TV is interesting. I'd say when I first saw an FS comp live (which was loooong time ago) the first thing that stood out was a skaters speed which you don't always can compare on TV. In terms of presentation my opinion didn't change much seeing skater live or on TV. For examp. Javi is fun (when he's not falling all over the place) on TV and live, Shoma can grab your attention but I had the same feeling watching him on TV. Patrick's skating I started to appreciate more after seeing him live but still can't connect to him. It also can depend on a day. Like even Yuzu can have an off day. Even on the off day I still can appreciate his performance and his movements. But I'm a fan, so I understand if not everybody feels the same way. But when Yuzu is ON he can bring crowd to it's feet and get them all emotional, like at GPF SP 2016 and WC FS 21017 - happy I decided to go to both comps.

Speaking about ladies as an opposite to opinions above I liked Satoko more live at GPF 2015 than on TV. I'm not a fan of her jumps but I liked her musicality and movements back then. As for Carolina - I liked her SP at CoR but FS to me was boring. And I remember that I liked her EX at Helsinki a lot but at CoR I just couldn't concentrate on her after incredible Swan.


The crowd at skate america seemed to really appreciate her. I wish I could have ultimately made the trip (I had a Row A ticket too), but PyeongChang is more of a priority for me. Maybe I'll see her there if she is on the team and skates the free in the team event. We'll see. 


I first saw Yuzu in Boston for the LP and only for the LP so that was not a good first in person impression.  I'm glad Helsinki was able to wipe it all away...or a  lot of it anyway.  He is a fun one to watch practice and stroke around.  He's so smooth.  Shoma I like about equally live and in person.  Javi maybe a little more in person but the only time i was really blown away by him was worlds in Boston.  I also appreciate Chan more live. Watching his feet alone he really pulls you in.  But I don't connect much with him on tv.  

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11 минут назад, Danibellerika сказал:

He is a fun one to watch practice and stroke around.  He's so smooth. 

Yuzu during practice is a guilty pleasure really. I can just watch him skating around without doing jumps or spins or steps. Especially this season when he added some new moves like skating on one leg in sitting position trough more than half of ice rink and do stretching moves. And in UA you clearly see that he has the best lines - it's aesthetic dream come true.

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7 hours ago, katonice said:

So I just found out the "Cup of Disaster" aka Cup of China has been the Cup of Disaster since 2012 when I found this video of an on ice collision between Nan Song and Adam Rippon. Nan Song suffered a concussion from the incident :(


To be fair, collisions happened at other events too. Like this one at Skate Canada 2010 between Patrick Chan and Adam Rippon. 

Or this one between Daisuke and Kozuka at the GPF 2010. Thankfully in both cases the skaters emerged relatively unharmed. 


These warmups can be dangerous 😱

Holy shit, Adam really is a Drama King, to be able to somehow skate after any of those collisions... (In the one with Patrick it looked like he slid on the ice on his face for quite a bit tbh...)

I actually knew about Takahiko and Daisuke collision, and I love their answers in regards to it-Taka openly admitting it was kind of his fault, and Daisuke reassuring both his AND Taka's fans that both of them are/seem to be fine.


There was one collision also at Yuzuru's first Nationals as a Senior (cannot forget it, thanks, Zigeunerweisen), where I think, he skated into Mura? They were joking about it afterwards, though... I would ask Kaeryth if she knows any footage of it, but it's not too pleasant of a topic...

ETA: Unless it was NdP strawberry...?

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30 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

Holy shit, Adam really is a Drama King, to be able to somehow skate after any of those collisions... (In the one with Patrick it looked like he slid on the ice on his face for quite a bit tbh...)

I actually knew about Takahiko and Daisuke collision, and I love their answers in regards to it-Taka openly admitting it was kind of his fault, and Daisuke reassuring both his AND Taka's fans that both of them are/seem to be fine.


There was one collision also at Yuzuru's first Nationals as a Senior (cannot forget it, thanks, Zigeunerweisen), where I think, he skated into Mura? They were joking about it afterwards, though... I would ask Kaeryth if she knows any footage of it, but it's not too pleasant of a topic...

ETA: Unless it was NdP strawberry...?


There was a post here (Mura skated into Yuzu or as Yuzu described it "I got hugged by you!"...)

Yuzu & Dice also had a bit of a collision at Nats'15.

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3 hours ago, Aotoshiro said:

Holy shit, Adam really is a Drama King, to be able to somehow skate after any of those collisions... (In the one with Patrick it looked like he slid on the ice on his face for quite a bit tbh...)

I actually knew about Takahiko and Daisuke collision, and I love their answers in regards to it-Taka openly admitting it was kind of his fault, and Daisuke reassuring both his AND Taka's fans that both of them are/seem to be fine.


There was one collision also at Yuzuru's first Nationals as a Senior (cannot forget it, thanks, Zigeunerweisen), where I think, he skated into Mura? They were joking about it afterwards, though... I would ask Kaeryth if she knows any footage of it, but it's not too pleasant of a topic...

ETA: Unless it was NdP strawberry...?

Yeah, I was surprised Adam didn't get any huge cuts on his face.

That looked really painful :hopelessness:

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13 minutes ago, kiches said:

I think part of it when you have high level competitors the whole level of competition is raised. With 3 of 6 top men out of the final this year that level of competitiveness didn’t really develop (yet). 


I think some people will moan that it’s because men are increasing their difficulty and more prone to errors, that may be true in part, but I don’t think it was the only factor. Last season top men increased their difficulty as well but we saw a gradual progression of improvement. That’s been sorely lacking in the GP so far. 


Brought this to quote in this thread because I think it belongs here.


I actually think Shoma and Nathan started out strong and have been regressing, which is alarming. Both have injuries and reasons, and Nathan is sacrificing content for quads, but hopefully the month before Olys will fix that.


I'm still sad over Yuzu but objectively missing GPS when this season has been so weird might turn out better for him - but I don't want to count any unhatched eggs yet.

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25 minutes ago, Forcefield said:

I actually think Shoma and Nathan started out strong and have been regressing, which is alarming.


I've had the same impression, especially from Shoma, who started out way stronger than anyone with Lombardia trophy being almost perfectly clean (why yes, he didn't break a WR tho. So, maybe, not the strongest out there, lol), but now has really shown some difficulties, especially with the Free Program. The short was amazing at GPF, probably the best short of the season, if you count out that sad fall after the 3A LOL. 


I'm worried about these guys. This year might just be a complete catastrophe but I'm saying this without desire for jynx. Maybe, just maybe, Yuzuru was the luckiest because he missed out on GPF. Maybe it was good for his health and peaking moment. 

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In the light of what has been said in the last post (by @kiches, @Forcefield and @Murieleirum) i report also here these posts, with some data about success of quads, 4 quads performances and GOEs for quads for Nathan, Shoma and Yuzuru.





It's clearly -  as kiches said - a good progression in the last season for Yuzuru and in some part also Nathan and Shoma, and something more erratic and also less interesting to see - at least for me - this part of the season from Uno and Chen.

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