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Everything posted by fireovertheice

  1. I can’t think of a person who deserve truelove and happiness more than Yuzu after all these years of hard work (and often in lonelyness). Congratulations to the happy couple: I wish for you all the happiness your hearts could ever dream of!
  2. I post this beautifull video here for the completeness of the thread (and what a journey...!): Yuzuru Hanyu 羽生結弦: A Decade in Review, by aeterniti
  3. I think you can read it in this tweet : https://twitter.com/AlbaGrigori/status/1210330576944656384
  4. I was looking for another MAD today and I found this one from the last summer shows and ....it rocks! 【羽生结弦】高燃踩点 ‖ Make me wanna die ‖ 2019FaOI冰演 by Yukura https://www.bilibili.com/video/av60005043/?spm_id_from=333.788.videocard.1
  5. Here you are ! Wishing all the Satellites a joyous Holiday season
  6. I think this has not been posted here yet: 【史上最強の自分】アンサイズニア(ONE OK ROCK)×羽生結弦(YUZURU HANYU) by kanakolo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv2csCenDb4
  7. Capito. Speriamo di trovarci tutte al GPF a tifare per Yuzu: incrocio dita di mani e piedi per lui, sia per la sua salute (dopo la Rostlecom dello scorso anno, più che in precedenza, sono sempre un poco in ansia...), sia perchè faccia delle gare delle quali alle fine possa essere felice e soddisfatto (e senza punteggi che lo penalizzino troppo...).
  8. Sì, capisco bene il problema: quando ho provato a fare la traduzione in italiano del libero di Yuzu al Campionato Mondiale di Helsinki 2017 annotato, per alcuni termini tecnici riferiti a vari elementi e transizioni se non mi avessero aiutato Lys/Ilaria e Carolina sarei stata persa (ancora grazie a loro, anche se penso che non leggano neppure più questo forum o altre aree del sito). Anche io dovrei venire al GPF salvo problemi familiari. Anche perché, appunto, visto come stanno andando le cose per i punteggi delle gare, mi sa che più si andrà avanti, peggio sarà. Spero tanto di sbagliarmi...e di vedere Yuzu invece in ottima forma! Buona settimana a tutte
  9. Ciao Rachele, benvenuta ! Questo thread in italiano non viene usato molto anche se ci sono diverse/i utente/i italiani attivi in PlanetHanyu, e anche molto più attive di me (toctoc @Murieleirum e @LadyLou ). Io seguo Yuzuru dal 2013/2014 ed è grazie a lui che ho apprezzato anche il pattinaggio di figura maschile (prima seguivo saltuariamente solo il femminile e le coppie). Verrai al GPF a Torino o andrai a vederlo dal vivo da qualche altra parte?
  10. Yes, I know 😒. The problem was that she/he told that but a lot (too many for my taste) of the others after practically said that's was right. If considered in itself, it is not so relevant or not so much as what other representative of skaters, coaches or officials have said in these last weeks/days. But taken in the whole context, this also gives me the feeling that everything is not objective and measurable / quantifiable in figure skating. There is no point in competing and scoring following rules - or guidelines 🙄 - ...and for a lot of fans, skaters and officials everything is really fine in this way.
  11. A harcore fan on another platform (but you can find the quote somewhere in twitter also), with other people essentially agreeing with it.
  12. Frankly...in the last weeks I read things that let me think I have chosen a wrong sport to follow and to like. Sentences like “Underrotations are in the eye of the beholder" from a source, or "GOE's most certainly are subjective. As well as transitions and skating skills. The effectivity of both can truly only be felt, not quantified" from you-know-who-now and again from another source ""Proper" PCS scoring (a primarily subjective thing anyways) is never going to happen" are really depressing and disheartening. They are from hardcore fans, specialised journalists ex elite skaters. And I don't want to take in consideration what actually is the situation about selective edges and URs calls... So, I understand this: if you barely rotate something and stay on your feet in the landings, while looking confident and smiling (or winking !) to the judges at the right moment and if you choose a music with no sense and no story to you/you can actually feel, but that can seem generally 'cool' to the majoirity of 'western' judges, you can be all right...no you can be a champion. What is this...? This is a bad travesty of the 6.0 era (at least at the time they were lesser hypocritical!).
  13. Frankly, as a former ballerina: no one points his/her toes in figure skating because of the boots. Someone stretches a little better the ankle and the instep so that the foot doesn't look like an hammerhead, that's all. And Yuzu is doing this very well in his spins for example. So ...
  14. Where did you get this information? ETA: sorry, I read better the RusFed communication...
  15. Some interesting stats about Russian ladies by The Skating Scores https://twitter.com/SkatingScores/status/1099036558148231169
  16. Just found this MAD: to wish you all happy and 'yuzurish' (Christmas) holidays! (羽生結弦×ONEOKROCK Wherever you are~2018 winter~ , by ゆづマミ)
  17. Sorry, but the fact that he didn't return to Canada to be checked and to heal there (on the contrary after NHK last year, if I am not wrong) and he went to Japan, to me meant he is probably considering really to compete at Nats and that was very improbable he could compete at GPF instead. And this for two motives: 1) the time before GPF is really short and if the doctors confirms three weeks of complete rest (very likely), it's almost impossible also for the instoppable Yuzuru Hanyu try to take part (and more if he want to do things in a beautiful-almost-perfect-way as he usually does); 2) if he doesnt'make for GPF, maybe this creates less trouble (and less hatred by fans of other skaters...) than not partecipate also this year at Nats. I hope just he can recover well so that he can skate without pain, but beautifully, like only he is capable of.
  18. I think he will WD GPF, but for a lot of reasons - personal and not - it's difficult to think calmly and to say it now. Don't know about Nats: it depends on diagnosis after a proper (not just palpation) check in Toronto. I hope he can rest and take time to return at his best for 4CC and Worlds.
  19. I think this has not been posted here yet: Never Give up on Your Dreams, by Irin the Pooh
  20. About the enchanting sound of the blades on the ice before and after the jumps ("shuu" and "pa"!) and the real beauty of 'his' jumps (to me artworks), I didn't rember this nice part of the old Lotte video: https://twitter.com/yuzu_sasshi/status/1051616407190814720
  21. Sorry, but nope. With the test version for me is still the same...
  22. I have the same problem from weeks now with firefox on mac; no problem at all with chrome and firefox on pc; and no problem with the mobile version on iPhone
  23. Hi all! I started again with my silly counts of crossovers, one foot skating & change directions (for now: later maybe transitions...). However, this is the first result for crossovers / crossunders for the first top four skaters, with indication of reduction in the number of crossovers in percentage compared to last year when LP/FP lasted 4,5 mins instead of 4 mins (-20%). Shoma Uno SP: 21 crossovers / crossunders LP: 39 crossovers / crossunders > - 20% in comparison to 2017 Yuzuru Hanyu SP: 12 crossovers / crossunders LP: 19 crossovers / crossunders > - 27% in comparison to 2017 Mikhail Kolyada SP: 12 crossovers / crossunders LP: 26 crossovers / crossunders > - 19% in comparison to 2017 Jason Brown SP: 9 crossovers / crossunders LP: 28 crossovers / crossunders > - 20% in comparison to 2017 So: in the LP/FP while all the others have decreased the number of crossovers almost in direct proportion of the reduction of time (and of one jump), Yuzuru has reduced them much, much more. And we are just at the beginning of the season. I would like so much to have a nice confrontation about this with our dear judge n. 2 at ACI (Doug Wilson) so that he can explain me better who he was looking at to give his 7.50 score in TR or to understand if he values so much crossovers as TR that he had to score Yuzu so low because of the reduction....
  24. I just looked at Rika Kihira FS at Onderi Nepela and I have to say a love that program as much as I like Rika and her way to be a complete package: from beautiful jumps, to speed and SS (that are growing), posture and arms and also the capacity of performing, that's coming out with more maturity, for her age and experience speaking : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn6vSA9-aJI. Tom Dixon has crafted some of the best coreographies for the Japanese ladies in these last years and I absolutely prefer them to those of DW and of LN (except Satoko's "Sayuri"). Rika is exactly "A beautiful storm" on the ice (and in a very competitive field). I hope she can mantain calm and to have good performances on the next and more important stages. This is also Rika's twitter update from the competition: https://twitter.com/rika_kihira/stat...23854032252934
  25. It seems actually an attitude turn (more tha an back attitude leap), like this (oviously adapted to FS and to Yuzu, i.e. with a lot of elevation): https://youtu.be/HcaTGBQHkjE?t=7m43s
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