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2 hours ago, holina said:

I submitted my vacation request for Skate Canada 2021 and got approved!  Really hope things will be better by then and we get to go!  (only if the situation is good by then - unlike Worlds)


I am also hoping that Skate Canada International will be able to proceed safely with Yuzu competing and spectators in attendance. It is scheduled to be held in late October at the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre located on the beautiful campus of the University of British Columbia, my alma mater, in my home town of Vancouver.


I hope to see you and a lot of other satellites there! Fingers crossed!

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Sponichi has published a beautiful photographic version of 3.11 and Yuzu, with his essay framed in that special moment from 2020 JNats.  


(RN I am watching the Emperor's speech commemorating the 10th anniversary of the 3.11 disaster.   He is a kind and caring soul - and a scientist with a degree in water resource management - which seems apropos for the occasion.)





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