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1 hour ago, sallycinnamon said:

Finally some new content :tumblr_inline_mjgka6fYNw1qz4rgp:

Thank you for the stills! This is the best way to start your day :volcano:

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6 hours ago, SuzyQ said:

It seems that a NHK program "Nehorin Pahorin" - People whose lives have changed because of Yuzuru Hanyu,  will be aired again on 24th July (Fri) .

This may be difficult for non-Japanese speakers, but the content is what you will surely nod.  I should have downloaded the video on Dailymotion, but it has been deleted already.


There are three women and they say;


"When I saw him for the first time at Sochi Olympics on TV, it was just like seeing electricity in primitive times."  - she got out of her delinquent school life, and now she is working as a careworker hoping to help others like Yuzuru. 


"I was like wandering into a different spacial dimension with the time and space being distorted when I watched his EX (swan) performed at Pyeongchang" - she divorced after years of struggling, and sold her art works for the activities as a Fanyu.  "There is a living art work, so I no longer need my art collection." 


"I was childcare neurotic and spending rough days before knowing Yuzuru.  Now just thinking about him makes me calm down." -  now she can think about how to use her time and realized how valuable her children are.







One thing very impressive was that they never wait him coming out from the competition venue or hotel.

"As he is an athlete, it should not be forgotten that we are allowed to see his life, and there are some things he shows us and some things he doesn't, so it's a breach of manners to forcibly go to see something he is not showing."   


Great fans :yes:


Quite impressive.


About waiting coming out of the venue, this is something accepted and even welcomed by artists (at least in classical music, ballet, drama, in Western Europe), where they cannot attend their fans in their dressing room. I remember Bolshoi principal dancer Denis Rodkin relating how grateful he had been of this Japanese fan awaiting him (among many others) out of the venue with Japanese beer, an evening when this was just what he longed for during a tour. Of course, with more information one can understand that Yuzuru Hanyu's popularity is such, that such habit would not make friendly gatherings of dozens of people, rather thousands and unmanageable.

So, now I am warned that it is not the case with athletes, but had I not known the Planet, I may have gone and see him skate, and awaited to congratulate him out of the venue. Yuzuru Hanyu is both an athlete and a great artist, so he must attract both fans of sports and fans of arts, the latter maybe not aware of sport championship manners. Plus fans of extraordinary, admirable people.

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17 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

I don't know who would be interested, but with some forum functionality we just got recently, we also get this "wiki" functionality where articles can be jointly edited by the community! I was thinking since we sometimes get new fans asking about resources for getting into Yuzu, or for learning figure skating basics, and there are a lot of threads/blogs/news floating around the web, not all of it accurate, we could maybe contribute jointly to a few articles?



Again, not sure who would be interested. But anyone who is -- please check it out and test it out! You should all be able to edit! As well as create new wikis! (The revision history does get saved too, but unfortunately I can't figure out how to make that public. I think only admins can see it right now.)

Wow. What a wonderful features 💖



9 hours ago, sallycinnamon said:

Wow he looks cute and sexy at the same time😭

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10 minutes ago, amylance1215 said:

Waking up to such gorgeous pictures make me wanna close my eyes and dream some more :201111231756430f6:


On the other hand,


That made me shout with laughter. But I think he'd be more likely to ask his mom to cut his hair. 

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