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3 hours ago, OonsieHui said:


Its odd because there is every reason to expect Yuzu to have a difficult season. Post-injury, still recovering, probably doesn't have his full arsenal back, new system, three completely new programmes with who knows what difficulty level (LGC.....). BUT for some reason I'm still feeling this odd mixture of certainty that he's going to pull off a crazy amazing season, and trepidation at whats to come. And I keep swinging back and forth between the two extremes. :13877886: I'm already dying just thinking about the season to come and its not even here yet!!


Statistically Yuzu seems to do best when the odds are stacked against him! That’s why I am oddly calm and optimistic 

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To be perfectly honest, I don’t care what he chooses to do - I just want to see him skate again.  I would prefer it not to be a repeat and not to be a warhorse, but I’m sure whatever he picks I’ll enjoy it.  I just want to see him skating again - stroking exercises would be great tbh.

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9 minutes ago, robin said:


Statistically Yuzu seems to do best when the odds are stacked against him! That’s why I am oddly calm and optimistic 


I always start off the season extremely optimistic (or should I say, foolish?). Fellow friends will know I always say "maybe this will finally be his undefeated season" at the start of every season. It's a high order but I always feel he can do it :). I'm just grateful to see more of Yuzu's skating, when I first became a fan in Sochi I thought he would retire immediately after Pyeongchang so anything and everything is a delightful bonus.

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This "first pancake" thing got me thinking. I'd venture say he hasn't peaked in terms of artistic maturity, judging from his performances in Continues with Wings and Fantasy on Ice. He is someone who delivers a mesmerizing, sublime performance even when he falls. Heck, even his practice looks hypnotizing, even if you turn off the amazing music in the video below:


I'd choose a Yuzu program that's not fully baked or has imperfect jump(s) over others' programs any day. It's also nice to see him evolve. 

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3 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

To be perfectly honest, I don’t care what he chooses to do - I just want to see him skate again.  I would prefer it not to be a repeat and not to be a warhorse, but I’m sure whatever he picks I’ll enjoy it.  I just want to see him skating again - stroking exercises would be great tbh.

This is exactly how I feel.. Since the day he announced that he wants to continue competing I have been in excited mood. I just want him to be healthy and have a good season, nothing else really matters to me  :smiley-happy085:

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10 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:

Someone (aka @kaeryth XP) remind me... Did we ever get a decent video of Yuzu x Javi stroking exercises at PC practice?

I can answer because I was so looking forward to that footage but nope :Poohgaveup: the only bit of footage we have cuts Yuzu most of the time  :sadPooh:

cameraman HOW COULD YOU?:tumblr_inline_mzx90enaUF1r8msi5:


another thing we've never got is the post SP and FS press-con footage...all we had are tantalizing bits and reports :tumblr_inline_mzx8wwBqAg1r8msi5:

WHY? what can IOC possibly want to achieve by keeping that footage secret? We know it exists, Jpn TV gave us some snippets, why don't they release the whole darn thing???????????

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aaaah two months until Yuzu reveals a (hopefully) new program :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: September 20th seems so far away yet soo close. I hope Yuzuru stays safe and healthy until then! and through the season! :68556365: (and his life!:softYuzu:

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3 hours ago, LadyLou said:

I can answer because I was so looking forward to that footage but nope :Poohgaveup: the only bit of footage we have cuts Yuzu most of the time  :sadPooh:

cameraman HOW COULD YOU?:tumblr_inline_mzx90enaUF1r8msi5:


another thing we've never got is the post SP and FS press-con footage...all we had are tantalizing bits and reports :tumblr_inline_mzx8wwBqAg1r8msi5:

WHY? what can IOC possibly want to achieve by keeping that footage secret? We know it exists, Jpn TV gave us some snippets, why don't they release the whole darn thing???????????

Actually, I kind of remember the NBC broadcast focusing more on Javi at that point, and you could occasionally get glimpses of Yuzu in front. But yes, still not both. I still don't understand why NO ONE, in gala and ice show choreographers have never had the two of them skate together like that, showing off the full extent of their top level skating skills and Brian and Tracy's teachings. You have the two most complete skaters of the moment right there and you don't take advantage of it to make mouths drop... what a waste! (though of course, it's possible they don't want to... though I can't imagine why)


As for press conference, I don't think the Sochi ones were ever broadcasted, either? It's kind of ironic, because lately, I think ISU has broadcasted press conferences on Youtube (not sure if all, but many). So if it'd been mainly ISU, we might have gotten them. But it was IOC... :yznotimpressed:

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4 hours ago, OonsieHui said:

Someone (aka @kaeryth XP) remind me... Did we ever get a decent video of Yuzu x Javi stroking exercises at PC practice?


Aaah... nope.. just that small snippet.. (boooooo cameraperson....)



Also, congratulations to everyone with ACI tickets!!

I don't care about Canadian silvers or annual first GPS silvers.

I'm feeling pretty good about Yuzu this season. he can do whatever he wants after everything.

Break all the curses zuzu!!

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Wow we're going to see his new programs in 2 months.. Just thinking of it got me so excited. AAAAAAAA!!!!!! (thou 2 months now feel like 2 f*cking yrs :dpooh: )

I dont even think about his flop, it alr doesnt matter at this point. Just wanna see his new programs! Its only 2 more months, i wonder if he has wrapped up most parts of them now... It means we alr got the programs but must wait 2 months to see it :embSwan:

Hope music choice come out soon to help me survive thru 2 months. 

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Ahh, somehow the ACI announcement makes me feel like the next season is almost here already... how has the summer gone by so quickly??? Program announcements are so close now! I wish I could go, first pancake or not.


I've been trying not to think too much about how this season will go for Yuzu... it's impossible to know anyway, so I'm just waiting for each competition as it happens. In general though, I'm feeling pretty optimistic. I'm just so happy to be able to see him skate again!

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