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8 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Yes, I think Yuzu's WTT Free Skate is proof of this. He popped 2 jumps (1 quad and 1 3A) but somehow he still got a score over 200 (just above it) because he attempted 5 quads and rotated/landed 4. 


I think after this season, he will pop way less jumps. Also, is it my impression, or edge jumps are "easier" to pop than toe jumps, because they rely on timing way more? 


Yeah,  his WTT FS is so iconic lol, 200+ with 2 single jumps :smiley-whacky050:. I remember he said somewhere that, it the past he would try to rotate the jump then fall  but now he's more careful about his body. He pop his 4lo and 4S at skate canada, and didn't tack the combo because he's trying to protect himself from injuries. I think the injury after Boston plays a part too. Hopefully he can find a way to fix that. 

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9 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

Can I ask why you think so? (not disagreeing or anything I just don't know what "causes" someone to pop or not really)


Well, pressure, I believe. See the Short Program at WTT. After he popped that loop, he was panicking in his head, and probably thought "I gotta nail this Salchow no matter what, now". So he went for it, rotated it, and landed it (very badly). I think he pops his jumps when he is 'distracted', doesn't feel 'in the moment'. This year, this cost him the 4CC gold medal. I think he will learn a lt from that loss, for next season. 


Plus, as the comment above mine says, next season (hopefully) he will still be at his top physical form, and having a year of experience with +4 quads in the Free Program, hopefully he will be more confident when going for the rotations. 


In general, I think he will pop less because he is always transformating himself. I think he's very very aware of his recurring popping issue this season, and will direct his practice towards that issue as well. 

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5 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


Yes because it included an absolutely glorious IB - SE - 1A - SE  :4chsmu1:


And +0.09 GOE for that flawless 1A :cool: Who need quad when you have a delay single axel :hand:

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11 minutes ago, Katt said:



And +0.09 GOE for that flawless 1A :cool: Who need quad when you have a delay single axel :hand:

I actually wonder how judges would score his Swan delayed single axel. Since his 3F isn't 3+ worthy (in judges' eyes of course) because it's a triple. Would a perfect and planned (not popped) single jump be high GOE worthy? 

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2 hours ago, meoima said:

I don't think his team are waiting to see things. I think Yuzuru is still practicing rigorously so he can upgrade higher BV as much as he can. At the same time, he might have some choice for his LP, maybe some similar set up so he can skate cleaner. 


But why then would he say he wasn't planning to include 4Lz? I don't think he'd ever intentionally lie. I do think he's practicing these elements, but a lot can happen before next season, and I don't think it would be a bad strategy to have 4Lz-less programs as the primary option, and keep the jump as an alternative if the first plan fails.

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holy smokes this thread moves so fast, i finally catch up


to people worried that yuzu upgrading to add 4Lz will simultaneously mean he somehow will neglect other elements, dont worry. that's just not how yuzu works :lol:


he already said he's gonna try to improve on all elements for next season, steps and spins included. his desire to improve has never been solely about jumps either. remember how pissed he was when he didnt get +GOE on his sit spins? remember when he added that 4S in chopin SP he also added the hand movement in the spins? remember that the 3A-Lo-3S now has a spread eagle exit? remember how he made it that LGC is perfectly matched with the musical note and next season he'll likely do the same to his new SP? and how he wanted to search for music that suits judges' taste more? 


imo pretty sure this guy wouldn't neglect any. smallest. detail.

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Olá a todos É para o tema, mas hoje é o dia internacional da amizade e eu não foi deixado de agradecer uma oportunidade de estar aqui e pertencer a este Fórum de pessoas extremamente talentoso e incrível. Estamos satisfeitos por esta incrível atração e por Yuzuru Hanyu. Nós amamos este gatinho tanto do espaço que nós superamos uma barreira de língua para apóio-lo e aprender tudo sobre ele e este esporte. Nós vivemos e compartilhamos uma montanha-russa de emoções diárias com esse garoto incrível, mas não importa, estamos juntos em alegria e dor, e vejo que nos importamos uns com os outros. Desejo tanta paz, amor e sucesso em suas vidas que nosso coração pode suportar esta temporada olímpica. OBRIGADO!:space:



Voltando ao tema, a Yuzuru já tem todos os elementos técnicos de que precisa para atualizar seu layout. É uma vantagem que ele tem sobre seus adversários. Ele pode tirar o elemento técnico que quer do seu saco e torná-lo melhor. Ele é um gênio e tem um raciocínio muito rápido. Yuzu é apenas moagem milímetros cada centímetro de sua espada para a guerra. Ele está ciente dos desejos dos juízes. Uma última temporada para um laboratório para ele. Yuzu está muito consciente de que ele precisa fazer para vencer nesta temporada; Eu confio nele. Yuzu nos surgefully positivamente. Eu crio e estou orando por ele:snonegai:

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4 minutes ago, surimi said:


But why then would he say he wasn't planning to include 4Lz? I don't think he'd ever intentionally lie. I do think he's practicing these elements, but a lot can happen before next season, and I don't think it would be a bad strategy to have 4Lz-less programs as the primary option, and keep the jump as an alternative if the first plan fails.


The problem being there's not much of a BV increase in a layout without the 4Lz. He is severely limited there and it might require him to eliminate a 3A and even then the BV difference won't be very high unless he does 5 quads and repeats 4Lo. I'm not sure if a 5-quad layout with 4Lo3T and 4T1Lo3S, for example, would be any easier a layout than a 4-quad layout that just replaced the 4S for a 4Lz (and the BV on the latter would be higher). 

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15 minutes ago, surimi said:


But why then would he say he wasn't planning to include 4Lz? I don't think he'd ever intentionally lie. I do think he's practicing these elements, but a lot can happen before next season, and I don't think it would be a bad strategy to have 4Lz-less programs as the primary option, and keep the jump as an alternative if the first plan fails.


Of course he'd lie. Why wouldn't he? It gets the press off his back, which is a huge bonus. It's not going to last for ever but at least it will to some extent. Plus he is not revealing his plans to his rivals in this way. 


And yeah, it kind of is a bad strategy because he actually has to get used to landing that jump in competition. I mean yes, he can of course change it during the season but the more time he has to incorporate it, the better. It really isn't that easy, especially not with the requirements he puts on his elements. 
Also it really isn't that difficult to see where the men's discipline is going. Everyone will upgrade as much as they can so it's easy to do the calculations. He won't put himself in an inferior position at the start of the season, if he can help it. 

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5 minutes ago, surimi said:


But why then would he say he wasn't planning to include 4Lz? I don't think he'd ever intentionally lie. I do think he's practicing these elements, but a lot can happen before next season, and I don't think it would be a bad strategy to have 4Lz-less programs as the primary option, and keep the jump as an alternative if the first plan fails.

keeping a new jump that has never been landed in competition before as an alternative is a bad plan. it's better to try landing 4Lz first and keeping the already stabilized jumps as back up if things didnt go as planned.

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8 minutes ago, surimi said:


But why then would he say he wasn't planning to include 4Lz? I don't think he'd ever intentionally lie. I do think he's practicing these elements, but a lot can happen before next season, and I don't think it would be a bad strategy to have 4Lz-less programs as the primary option, and keep the jump as an alternative if the first plan fails.

Yes, he said he isn't planning to include it, not that he won't do it. He also said that he has no plans (in the same show) so... 

And I am sure he would rather include it from the very beginning of the season. We are talking about a man who included 4Lo in his short program because he wanted to stabilize it. Brian told him not to do it but Yuzu did it anyway because he wanted more chances to try it in competition. And with 4Lo in both SP and FS he could do it twice as much. 

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27 minutes ago, surimi said:


But why then would he say he wasn't planning to include 4Lz? I don't think he'd ever intentionally lie. I do think he's practicing these elements, but a lot can happen before next season, and I don't think it would be a bad strategy to have 4Lz-less programs as the primary option, and keep the jump as an alternative if the first plan fails.

I wouldn't say he's lying per se, but skirting around the truth a little :party0035: he hasn't definitively said yes or no yet. It lets him keep his cards close to his chest so he can reveal his strategy at the right time and in the right way (probably on media day with footage of his new programs).


@Joey thanks so much for recalculating everyone's placements! Nice to see Yuzuru number 1, as he should be :POOH:

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