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1 minute ago, WinForPooh said:

Mea culpa.


Sorry! :slinkaway:

It's all right, food is always good and nice to discuss and distracts people from stressing out, but we'd prefer the thread to be somewhat related to Yuzu...

Feel free to open a thread in Space Junk! 

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5 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

Mea culpa.


Sorry! :slinkaway:

Why?  There are all sorts on here- go ahead and open one!  I put the 'costumes we love to hate' up and though it's been a bit of a choking hazard for the unwary it's good to have something frivolous when there's nothing much going on.

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1 час назад, yuzuuu сказал:

exactly. many of the times when I ask them to explain/support their opinion, they just respond with a "he's just bad' etc kinda thing. I mean why is he bad or so? none can truly explain their stance. it seems like hating just for the sake of hating. but when I make constructive criticism with supporting evidence. they be like "-the fave- is really good alright, wth r u trying to say?' like they can't respond to me logically, instead they start targeting me as a person/fanyu. =.= 

sorry about starting this topic too. it's just soo much of these recently I feel like I'm gonna implode. 

It happens almost in all the fandoms (sports at least) - he's bad cuz... he's bad :facepalm: just ignore/don't read that, it's really not worth your time, better save energy for upcoming competitions

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38 minutes ago, katonice said:

Just some random bits I'm picking up on Twitter.

From an Ice Talk interview with Brian Orser at the end of last year:



Jeez, no wonder his mum still goes with him to practice. I hope their hearts are fickle and that when he retires he can get some privacy while they gush over the next star skater.

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3 hours ago, yuzuuu said:

I'd be the same too usually. but recently lots are spreading misinformation and it's so hard for me to ignore that. I even had a friend (who's a non-FS fan) asking me certain stuff abut yuzu and others that's completely false but she thought it was true because of the misinfo. =.=

one of the funniest was when someone said on a pic of Shoma's cantilever that it is the most beautiful layback Ina Bauer...


At least your friends ask you about it and you can clarify/give them the right details. What's worse is like the last bit of your comment when people spread misinformation and no one has a chance to say anything. A new person watching that will probably read the comments and think it's true. I know when I got into fs what everyone says was super important because it was so new to me, I absorbed both the good and bad without knowing if it's right or wrong.


At a certain point I think it's essential to correct misinformation, and maybe even behavior including from some overzealous fanyus, since some people don't realize they're doing or saying something wrong until you tell them (like for example the derogatory form of JPN, a lot of people don't actually know until you tell them, but the backlash on YOI fans though, whoa). This just personally my experience, not just in fs but in idol fandoms when I was a tween and unaware about rules and borders, the more mature voices made me realize and conscious about a whole bunch of things.


3 hours ago, yuzuuu said:

exactly. many of the times when I ask them to explain/support their opinion, they just respond with a "he's just bad' etc kinda thing. I mean why is he bad or so? none can truly explain their stance. it seems like hating just for the sake of hating. but when I make constructive criticism with supporting evidence. they be like "-the fave- is really good alright, wth r u trying to say?' like they can't respond to me logically, instead they start targeting me as a person/fanyu. =.= 

sorry about starting this topic too. it's just soo much of these recently I feel like I'm gonna implode. 


For what's it worth, this is how I became a fan. Of course, the problem is that not everyone will be like me. I came across a discussion or more like argument about Hanyu and the other person who didn't like him targeted his character calling him arrogant among a bunch of other things. The other person was just so unfair to the Hanyu fans he argued with, it really bothered me. So I knew a bit about Hanyu before, just barely, and decided to really check up in him. The rest is history.

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4 hours ago, xeyra said:

This is amazing. Fans are so talented. 



I love these. I want to buy them. Why don't these fans sell me things I want to buy? I just bought a pink phone (because it was cheap - I really don't want a pink phone) and a matching pink "Damu Pari-chan" (lololol) strap would make me feel a lot better about it.

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All this talk of baking is making me so hungry... :tumblr_inline_mqt4gvxBXC1qz4rgp:


On the haters debate, I always try to make a distinction between "fans of other skaters" and "haters": the first will have facts to support their opinions and can hold a conversation just fine; the second will rely on character bashing and I will just exclude myself from their narrative because I have no time for bullshit :4chsmu1: It does get frustrating because you see their ~arguments~ falling apart at the seams and want to beat them back with logic and numbers, but it never works. You always end up angrier than you were at the start, and then they point fingers like "see? CRAZY FANYUS". It's not worth it.


(Which is why I am one of the "only post at PH" people. I lurked on GS for a long time, but never became active because I didn't like the atmosphere)

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23 分ぐらい, ralucutzagyさんが言いました:

Fanyus are amazing! So talented! I don't care what anyone else has to say! Look at this!! Haha, they made him the hair antennae and all!! :laughing:


So lovely!  And this hair makes my heart warm.:7562096:


I want to join the discussion, but the thread moves so fast!  :laughing:I can't wait his first game this season!


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