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8 hours ago, nekodearu said:

Sorry for quoting myself, but this is exactly what I was talking about.


We don't have Salt Mines on PH anymore, so it wasn't shared here, but reportedly there were a lot of things going on in Japan since he announced his marriage, and it looked to some fans like it was at least partly an organised effort against him, with a notable role of some tabloids, which I was told are owned by Nikkan, the same one that had leaked the info about his retirement before his press conference, and as a result has been boycotted by JFanyus and seen a severe drop in sales. I don't know these things first hand and I've never read the articles myself (firstly, I wasn't interested in gossip, secondly, I didn't want to give the tabloids any clicks, because to get any kind of engagement was exactly the reason why they continued to stalk and harass him, his wife, their families and friends), so I'm not the best person to talk about it, but even the little that reached my ears sounded awful. My understanding is that these tabloids created a kind of echo chamber that amplified the message and made many people believe and parrot what was published. So please don't think he got divorced because of a few crazy fans wandering around his house. I'm not saying he didn't suffer from his fans, or rather people who used to be his fans, but apparently there's some big money and interests involved. This is probably why he felt hopeless: it seems there was nothing he could do about it, because his main enemies, who started and fueled the whole thing, were just too powerful.


It's so easy to destroy someone's life. I'm so sad and angry. So f*cking angry.



When I heard (elsewhere) that these issues were escalating, I felt very concerned for Yuzuru. Because he doesn't have the backing of any large agency or firm who can actively fight the big money and interests that may be involved :sad4:  That makes him an easy target...


Before the divorce announcement, I thought to myself that it might not be a bad idea for Yuzuru to consider joining an agency if he and his spouse were planning on having children. Their family would've been under even more scrutiny with a child involved, and sadly, I'm sure more measures would be needed to protect everyone.


However, I don't have much knowledge of the J-entertainment world, PR agencies or management companies to be able to offer any real advice :tumblr_inline_n2pje3s3EO1qdlkyg:

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3 hours ago, Briq_S said:

Hi dear satellites, I've passed the shocked and sad phase, now thinking it positively: Yuzu and his spouse still love each other, so they can still stay in the relationship after legally divorced and living separately. What makes his spouse's life easier, is that she can change her family name back. Imagining in the last 3 months, her credit card statements, monthly phone bills arrive in the mail box as Hanyu XXXX, or just personal mails, and maybe there were paparazzi around the mailbox everyday. And how about online shopping? Will her identity leak? How about hospital visits, dental appointments...I can't imagine living a life like this, not to mention she can't leave the apartment. After legally divorced, she can live her life, do what she likes and, still messaging or video chatting with Yuzu any time. Yuzu still has his loved one on his side, although now from remote. Maybe this is the compromised life style they figured out together.


I know they could have lived together happily, so that's very sad and the paparazzi is not forgivable. 

If Yuzu's wife is the rumoured violinist, she wants to settle down and have a family. Child bearing time is ticking for her. How long would she have to wait for all these harrassment to calm down or disappear?It would even be worse if there is a child esp Yuzu's child/ children.Surely, there would be harrassment in school etc. Yuzu's children can't have normal life.Being responsible couples, may be they decided it's the right choice to part ways🤔


Very sad indeed😞

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Folks, for those of you who tend to work on small projects when anxious/restless/feeling helpless, there's this...

I was so shocked by the news that I found myself working on a six-slide presentation deck-format birthday wish for Yuzu... and finished it overnight.

I know it doesn't solve anything, but it is a sort of outlet, a virtual hug if you will.

I feel so sad for him right now... I just want him to be happy and healthy (both physically and mentally) :crybaby:




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Still trying to process. Wrote that down and go up again to move forward, as our role model does.  


It should be heaven, it must have been hell.

He first thinks of protecting, others only think of revealing.

He wrote one sentence announcing his marriage, everyone else wrote articles, stories, interpretations about it.

He skates to reach our hearts for only one second, he must be under siege for 24 hours a day.

The marriage matter is as private as it can be, but it is people's aim to make it public.

He speaks about being negative, we speak about his pure soul.

This one person manages to give us happiness, we are hundreds of thousands who failed to grant him his.

When his body is healed from injuries, his mental health is attacked.

He works night after night to the point of physical exhaustion, while some people wait in cars for days to catch unnecessary information about him.

He never looks for excuses for his mistakes, and he never gets excuses for mistakes that are done to him.

One day he saves a beetle although he could enjoy the whole venue screaming, the next he is put in a cage and treated like an insect.

He never called guilty parties by name, we have always tried to name them.  

He delights us with beautiful official photos, paparazzi torment him to take blurry unofficial ones.

He is respect personified, but he has to beg for his privacy to be respected.


Play the game, Yuzu. Go against your enemies. If they are willing to destroy your happiness after all the kindness you've given, it is not worth that you pay attention to every creature on the way. Time to win, time for your opponents to lose. If we can be a source of energy for you, we would be delighted.


He is the god of figure skating, we are humans. But that's no excuse. He is human, too.

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Man I hate knowing Yuzu is struggling.


Beijing was hard enough but he's been doing so well and enjoying his art and now THIS just after he got married ans finally had time for himself and a love life?


I keep wondering what he's doing and if he's "okay" and if his wife is. This feels so terrible, like the plot twist in a movie when the hero was finally happy 😪

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2 hours ago, DancingFeather said:

I'm still trying to process. Note this and move back up to move forward, as our model does.  


It should have been heaven, it must have been hell.

He thinks first of protecting, others only think of revealing.

He wrote a sentence announcing his marriage, everyone else wrote articles, stories, interpretations about it.

It skates to reach our hearts for just a second, it must be under siege 24 hours a day.

The issue of marriage is as private as it can be, but people's goal is to make it public.

He talks about being negative, we talk about his pure soul.

This one person manages to give us happiness, there are hundreds of thousands of us who have not granted him his.

When his body is healed from its injuries, his mental health is attacked.

He works night after night to the point of physical exhaustion, while some people wait in their cars for days to get useless information about him.

He never makes excuses for his mistakes, and he never gets excuses for mistakes made to him.

One day he saves a beetle when he could enjoy the whole arena screaming, the next day he is caged and treated like an insect.

He never named the culprits, we always tried to name them.  

He delights us with beautiful official photos, the paparazzi torment him to take blurry unofficial ones.

He is respect incarnate, but he must beg for his privacy to be respected.


Play the game, Yuzu. Go against your enemies. If they are ready to destroy your happiness after all the kindness you have shown them, it is not worth your time to pay attention to all the creatures in your path. It's time to win, it's time for your opponents to lose. If we can be a source of energy for you, we would be delighted.


He is the god of figure skating, we are humans. But that's no excuse. He is human too.


OhhhhDansEPLUME : EVERYTHING you wrote is the strict truth with the positive and the negative and agree with the term "creatures" and I add infamy (I wrote about it on the French part) and above all that 'he continues to skate (the "monsters" would be too happy if he stopped the passion of his life), so I read writings about it on the RE_PRAY members' section and I wrote 1 in French and This is the little I can do to support him and add my little energy to his fight..... 

And to think that he was smiling in his RE_PRAY, it really took courage and not to show anything to the public : RESPECT for him while waiting for his next RE_PRAY :snonegai:   du 12 Janvier : qu'il prenne soin de lui et sa santé mentale dans ces 2 mois . 

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I just want to calm down by listening to Yuzuru's gentle voice.


Yuki Yuki Daisuki - I like snow very much.

Sekkisei Official Channel - SAVE the BLUE - Snow Project - 



Read by Yui Aragaki, Yuto Totsuka, Aiko Uemura, and Yuzuru Hanyu.

This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].
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One day later and I’m still not able to process this news. I’m not sure I’m able to find the right words to express how i feel. I’m filled with emotions of anger and disgust with the people and the media outlets who have turned the lives of Yuzuru, his wife and their families into hell. I’m also heartbroken to learn that their happiness has been so short. Why does he have to pay such a high price for a bit of happiness? Why isn’t he entitled to a private life? Why isn’t he left alone? Questions no-one can answer… I’m literally sick to my stomach and can’t even imagine what it’s been like for them to be hunted, stalked and abused. 

Yuzuru deserves all the happiness in the world for what he’s done for the country, its people, for hundreds of thousands of fans around the world, for the sport. He deserves happiness simply because he’s such a wonderful human being. 


I’m sorry for this emotional post, but I’m just unable to think clear right now. I’m very concerned about their mental health as well. First he was forced out of competitive skating, then they ruined his marriage, what’s next – will they only stop when they force him to stop skating at all?


I feel helpless, there is nothing I can do, I’m not even able to find comforting words to say to Yuzu. One thing is certain, I can only join the message of Italian fan group and say that I confirm my unconditional support and affection and hope to finally see Yuzu happy. 

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Just read about these shocking news and at first, I could not believe it is true :eek:


At this point, I would rather be left in the unknown of his marriage than having him, his partner and families dealing with all the harassments, driving them to this decision. I was very happy for Yuzu when he announced his marriage and hoped he and his partner could live happily despite all challenges due to his celebrity status.


Right now, I would also be ready to support him even if he left the public eye and public figure skating to focus on his personal life and his own happiness, whatever it will be. He deserves it and it is very sad that he cannot live his life to its fullest with all his treasures, being loved ones, family, figure skating, Japanese lifestyle in Sendai, etc. although working so hard day and night.


He has the right to be happy and live happily with the continued support from his fans. :grouphug:

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2 hours ago, SuzyQ said:

I just want to calm down by listening to Yuzuru's gentle voice.


Yuki Yuki Daisuki - I like snow very much.

Sekkisei Official Channel - SAVE the BLUE - Snow Project - 



Read by Yui Aragaki, Yuto Totsuka, Aiko Uemura, and Yuzuru Hanyu.

Very nice :tumblr_inline_n0o1fhfhFY1qid2nw:. Imagine him reading good night stories to his future children with his soothing voice :big-bed-smiley:

I so wish him to be happy.

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Sorry in advance for the long comment,

I saw the statement yesterday before going to sleep.. I'm not the most dedicated fan or even one who has been around for a long time.

I truly don't understand why the media was doing this to him and his family, or to anyone's family.

I wondered about what they thought they'd gain from the information, and I was angry with them for behaving this way and causing him so much grief, and then I realised that I was focusing on the wrong thing. 


I realised I was disregarding how he and his family must feel, and I feel like this is another one of those points in time where we as fans need to cheer him on, show him our support. I've see some really beautiful, inspiring, and sad artwork over the last day that other fanyus have created. :tumblr_inline_ngf9rmaDKb1qid2nw: and I think those creative things come from a place of healing and soothing. The chances that he sees them is low, but I find it comforting knowing that everyone is showing up for him. (If anyone knows good places to find more, please let me know?). 


I'm heartbroken for his family, and I hope that he can still find a way to have a relationship. :11135030:

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12 hours ago, Perelandra said:

Plus we have every game console ever invented

You got him with the game console for sure :laughing:


My take on things today after the terrible sadness of yesterday - Yuzuru has spoken out, publicly, backed up with a warning to the media via his lawyers, as a way to protect his loved ones, something he has not ever done for himself. To me, this is FightingYuzu in action! He is not passively accepting it, but making hard decisions and actions to DO something to protect his loved ones, including divorcing his wife so she is now his ex wife and no longer can be argued as a legitimate target for the tabloid media. No longer Hanyu-san, but using her own name again. I know we will all support Yuzuru whatever decisions he makes, I am with Brian when he once said Yuzuru will make his own decisions, and they will be the right decisions.

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41 minutes ago, Brave-Toaster said:

Sorry in advance for the long comment,

I saw the statement yesterday before going to sleep.. I'm not the most dedicated fan or even one who has been around for a long time.

I truly don't understand why the media was doing this to him and his family, or to anyone's family.

I wondered about what they thought they'd gain from the information, and I was angry with them for behaving this way and causing him so much grief, and then I realised that I was focusing on the wrong thing. 


I realised I was disregarding how he and his family must feel, and I feel like this is another one of those points in time where we as fans need to cheer him on, show him our support. I've see some really beautiful, inspiring, and sad artwork over the last day that other fanyus have created. :tumblr_inline_ngf9rmaDKb1qid2nw: and I think those creative things come from a place of healing and soothing. The chances that he sees them is low, but I find it comforting knowing that everyone is showing up for him. (If anyone knows good places to find more, please let me know?). 


I'm heartbroken for his family, and I hope that he can still find a way to have a relationship. :11135030:



he has no agency, no backers. the number of celebrities who stood up for him can be counted on two hands after yesterday. Just imagine what kind of entity is behind this.


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