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Everything posted by DancingFeather

  1. Finally, I read the interview series between Yuzu and Itoi-san. Very interesting! And funny, like: I guess I'm currently going from "normal" to "weird" (ep. 11). You know what, Yuzuru? We love you for not being "normal", because that's what gave us the opportunity to become aware of you. Anyone still counting the reasons why we love Yuzu?
  2. More close-ups, right? As we already know the show, I like that. These different angles near him.
  3. Anyone else having fun at failing in their attempt to (slowly) take this position on floor?
  4. That's what art and sport should do: bring people together. Let's not forget it's happening, even today.
  5. See? I mean, not everyone can run the stairs up and down.I would say, even from this point of you, the collaboration Daichi-san / Yuzuru was a success.
  6. It worked for me, thank you @IceWings ! Ah, that CB was so intense! Fantastic!
  7. (my imagination after watching Carmina Burana) D = director Y: I think I should not limit myself to figure skating elements, but emphasize the collaboration with Daichi-san. D: She's an actress, you're a skater. Y: I think it would be fun to ask for the impossible and do it. D: Oh... okay. Would you rather change costumes, do a synchronized turn for the final pose or step on stage for the bow? Y: Yes. D: Ah... Then you'll come up the stairs at the end, even if it's a bit risky? Y: Yes, of course. D: We'll mark the steps and give you some extra light. Y: No need, I'm used to stairs to get off the ice. D: Fine, but take your time. Daichi-san will act the dramatic ending and you can go on stage for the bow. Y: Let's do it. ----------------------- D: What's he doing? It's time to go to the stairs now! That's not funny! - Ah, here he comes. Slow down, Hanyu, the stairs! What the -... they even rotate together at full speed! Y: That was fun! D: No, I almost had a nervous breakdown! I thought you weren't going to make it to the stairs in time, and instead of just walking on stage... Y: I didn't need any extra light, did I? D: That wasn't the problem! Y: You said something about a dramatic ending. D: ... Daichi-san: Oh, Hanyu-san, I had so much fun with you on stage! Y to D: I'm sorry for worrying you. If it makes you feel better, you can point additional spotlights at the steps tomorrow.
  8. Same here. For me, it would be like watching a movie where the main character is missing. Probably great supporting actors, but the story doesn't make sense anymore. Thank heavens our leading actor can do the whole movie on his own.
  9. This just makes me suffer again.
  10. Sorry to interrupt, but did you see how handsome he looks in this last (the 4th) interview picture?
  11. Thank you very much @Anni for keeping us up to date! And thank you to the satellites at the venue for screaming and applauding on behalf of us all! Well, Yuzu, we like your will to win. You win every time, that's for sure, as sure as it is that I lose to you every time I read speeches like this. You certainly don't fail to give us food for thought.
  12. Pictures like this remind me of the incredible fact that everyone is coming for one person only. And they already know it's worth every step, every coin, every trouble.
  13. "The professional world needs a Yuzuru"? I would say, the world needs a Yuzuru. Thank you so much, miracle boy!
  14. Hi Administrators and Moderators. Finally, I sent a donation via Paypal (because GoFundMe doesn't work). Could you please confirm? Thank you for maintaining the site!
  15. Have a great New Year everyone! May we continue to maintain PH and keep this place safe. I wish all satellites that they find happiness in Yuzuru's skating and courage in his words to overcome their personal challenges in 2024. Let's give our miracle boy the best of support and assure him that we only want to see what he wants to show, even if only for a minute. There is hope in every new year, and, even as a non-gamer, I now know that we decide to press yes or no. Happy New Year!
  16. Thank you for the good wishes, everyone! Merry Christmas to who celebrates! It is nice to come here and relax some minutes with Yuzu and the satellites before going back to the busy, noisy family programm.
  17. No other newspaper possible? That's bad. Any chance of getting in contact with Sendai tourist office, like, getting them on board for a large thing sent by us for display? Maybe not, too political, I'm afraid. Thank you administrators, moderators for your work backstage! Let us know if anyone can lend a hand.
  18. I'm in immediately! It is a good idea to get visible and finally, we could do something against the feeling of helplessness. I don't have any knowledge about Japanese newspaper, but if a printed message from Yuzu's huge international fanbase is possible, I think we should go for it.
  19. @admins I just sent an eMail with my message. Thank you very much!
  20. Still trying to process. Wrote that down and go up again to move forward, as our role model does. It should be heaven, it must have been hell. He first thinks of protecting, others only think of revealing. He wrote one sentence announcing his marriage, everyone else wrote articles, stories, interpretations about it. He skates to reach our hearts for only one second, he must be under siege for 24 hours a day. The marriage matter is as private as it can be, but it is people's aim to make it public. He speaks about being negative, we speak about his pure soul. This one person manages to give us happiness, we are hundreds of thousands who failed to grant him his. When his body is healed from injuries, his mental health is attacked. He works night after night to the point of physical exhaustion, while some people wait in cars for days to catch unnecessary information about him. He never looks for excuses for his mistakes, and he never gets excuses for mistakes that are done to him. One day he saves a beetle although he could enjoy the whole venue screaming, the next he is put in a cage and treated like an insect. He never called guilty parties by name, we have always tried to name them. He delights us with beautiful official photos, paparazzi torment him to take blurry unofficial ones. He is respect personified, but he has to beg for his privacy to be respected. Play the game, Yuzu. Go against your enemies. If they are willing to destroy your happiness after all the kindness you've given, it is not worth that you pay attention to every creature on the way. Time to win, time for your opponents to lose. If we can be a source of energy for you, we would be delighted. He is the god of figure skating, we are humans. But that's no excuse. He is human, too.
  21. He will be in the newspapers. Hopefully this will make some people change their bad behaviour.
  22. I don't think I have been this sad since 07/19/2022. It hurts. To imagine all this, to see Yuzu working hard and deliver greatest photos and whatever while he couldn't be happy. To know he produced RE_PRAY while suffering for and with all his loved ones. To be forced to give up, him, who hates to give up and who shows deep respect to everyone. I wondered how they could succeed to stay private and I was relieved that Yuzu didn't post about his privacy on social media. But no, good people suffer. Why do people who do great things for the world always have to suffer from the world? Everyone here has already said it: Yuzu deserves all the happiness in the world. I feel so bad about the fact that the harassers share part of our fan identity: greedy to be showered with pictures and words and glimpses of Yuzu. I don't want him to suffer. I don't want him to feel guitly. I don't want him to sacrifice more and more because we want to see him. Shock, anger, despair. Yet what can we do? Yuzu dear, please, tell us what we can do for you! We need you to be happy again. That's the only thing that matters. We don't go anywhere, take your time. We don't want to feel helpless, because you give us so much. PS: I like this forum.
  23. New program name: 6min-warm-up. No one like him. Thanks for the news @Anni!
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