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HI Satellites.

We seem to be seeing some Fanyus that are out of this universe on Twitter recently. Seems most of us are letting that float by as the space junk that it is. (it is easier for sure).  
‘I just want to leave this Twitter post here for anybody who might find it useful in future, whether to read themselves out of interest or to retweet as a message to those who may need it.


Message to Fanyus

Fanyus: Please read about Honne & Tatemae, Uchi & Soto. 
Then think about the situations Yuzu faces. 
Ask ‘as a Fanyu, how do I contribute to or take Face from Yuzu?”









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For the media stuff, I only heard about the NBC article and JW non-sense from some other fanyus, and I am quite indifferent to them. So it seems I did quite well. I unfollowed the ISU and Jacki* Won* twitter before free dance because I lost interest in the rest of the field. 


I understand there are many people in the world who have different tastes and preference that I don't understand. I know there is no way for us to change each other's mind, so I just avoid those people. I saved some time from reading all PR from the "real skating fans". I'm happy I did that. 


On the other hand, I'm under the impression that Japanese media is being more vocal about the scoring issue recently. This is some improvement. But TBH, if Yuzu no longer cares about his scoring or placement anymore (like he said in the interview), I wouldn't care either. 

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I don't understand why people still use Twitter. It is the worst possible place for news or discussion. It is also where all the toxic people seem to congregate. Cutting out Twitter from my life was the best decision I ever made and gave it me piece. It is not just FS discourse but everything. That place is not worth it and everything important shared there will find its way to better sources anyway, so why bother.

For me, sticking exclusively to the Planet after Worlds made things so much easier and I plan to continue doing that for the entirety of the Olympic season. I love skating and I adore Yuzu so I plan to enjoy both while I can. I will not let stupid people or media ruin that for me.


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I have twitter ac but only use it to "like" stuff basically when I see some posts on PH that I like. I don't follow anyone in particular as I've seen some real nut cases who couldn't stop spilling toxic or unhealthy thoughts that should stay within themselves. No it's not worth wasting your time picking up those garbages so let's just leave them.


I can only imagine that Yuzu has some obligations that most of us are not even aware of. I believe those "obligations" do affect decisions that Yuzu has to make. So as for him participating in WTT and SOI, I just let the people who want to speculate and twist to get on with themselves. Why bother reading something that's only going to upset you or the contents that aren't even true... 


Coming into Oly season, the things are going to get worse. And the bottom line is, they want Yuzu - antis, critics, jornos, tv & media and even Olympics themselves need him to be in. After all, we're all satellites that orbit and gravitate toward the biggest star of the fs galaxies. The strong light that Yuzu emits cannot be ignored even by the those who hate it.


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I agree that if toxicity on twitter is affecting your mental well-being, you should cut out twitter. The relevant stuff winds up being posted here anyway. I also agree that it would be better if people ignored the haters and the drama-makers in general--engaging with them just lets their awfulness reach more people, and many of them thrive on attention. It's never worth it. At the end of the day, none of their petty views will change the fact that Yuzu is 2x Olympic champion, nor will they prevent him from landing 4A. 


Having done my share of time in toxic internet environments, I think that it's helpful to come to terms with the fact that there are a lot of terrible people in the world, and a lot of people with ridiculous opinions who can't be reasoned with. Inside and outside of figure skating. They are not worth your time and energy, and just because they believe something doesn't make it any more true. Their ridiculousness or terribleness is their problem, not yours.


  On 4/3/2021 at 8:56 AM, JanMary said:

For the media stuff, I only heard about the NBC article and JW non-sense from some other fanyus, and I am quite indifferent to them. So it seems I did quite well. I unfollowed the ISU and Jacki* Won* twitter before free dance because I lost interest in the rest of the field. 


I understand there are many people in the world who have different tastes and preference that I don't understand. I know there is no way for us to change each other's mind, so I just avoid those people. I saved some time from reading all PR from the "real skating fans". I'm happy I did that. 


On the other hand, I'm under the impression that Japanese media is being more vocal about the scoring issue recently. This is some improvement. But TBH, if Yuzu no longer cares about his scoring or placement anymore (like he said in the interview), I wouldn't care either. 


It's not just Yuzu though. In fact, out of everyone who has to put up with a horrendously overscored rival, he's probably got it the best, because he's already had an illustrious career and won everything there is to win. But for someone like Rika, whose career is still pretty young, losing titles to terrible scoring often means losing real opportunities (she already lost a worlds medal she should have gotten in 2019). So I do think people should keep being loud about scoring. Plus, bad scoring is just bad for the sport. 

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  On 4/1/2021 at 2:36 PM, Yuzurella said:


Wow! @Henni147, Max quoted your analysis of Yuzu's triple Axels! :2thumbsup:


And yes, I agree, how can it possibly be that Yuzu's 3As still get much lower GOEs than they should considering their incredible quality?

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


BTW Max's this tweet has been made into a web article with @Henni147's analysis :) 




This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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  On 4/3/2021 at 11:17 AM, shanshani said:

But for someone like Rika, whose career is still pretty young, losing titles to terrible scoring often means losing real opportunities (she already lost a worlds medal she should have gotten in 2019). So I do think people should keep being loud about scoring. Plus, bad scoring is just bad for the sport. 


It's nice of you and everyone who are still willing to voice out the scoring problem. I know it's the right thing to do. 

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I block all the antis on twitter, don't post anything and only follow very few people. I didn't even know about those toxic comments until I read posts here.


When I first discovered Yuzu and joined the figure skating fandom, I got very upset whenever I read antis' comments and I was shocked to know that some people hate Yuzu, who basically has never done anything controversial. Then I realize that every successful person has haters, who don't have anything better to do with their time. Now, if I come across a toxic comment, I consider them a joke and enjoy a good laugh.


As what Yuzu said in a post PC press conference, the records and history Yuzu has made will remain forever. The support and love Yuzu gets will not be diminished by propaganda.

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  On 4/3/2021 at 4:14 AM, Umebachi said:

Our baking genius black rabbit - kurousagi - lapinnoirkur strikes again!  Beautiful cake in the image of Yuzu's Believe costumed Hana-wa-saku.  Cake covered with white anko (Japanese bean paste).  Flower petal cup cake on the side... 





Thank you!

I have never tried anko but received this very morning, just in time for Easter (tomorrow) kuri anko (for non-Japanese satellites : a white bean paste with some chesnut paste, here 10%, he loves chesnut paste), and my husband hasn't seen it yet so he's believing we'll "only" have macarons tomorrow. Sort of egg-hiding. In the refrigerator. :626gdau:


@GraceAndPower Thank you so much for this link! I had never dared to ask here why PH founders had left GS, or even to allude to GS as it seemed painful to many here. Now I understand why. It was really mean. And the moderation team here are really kind, even to satellites they may disagree with on some topics, I can attest of it.

It must be said that GS has more search engine visibility, plus the very name of PH can make some people fear a sort of craze and partiality, and this was why at first (after GPF'19, to voice my disapprobation of unfair scoring) I registered there without even lurking on the Planet. So, once I had left GS after observing the intensity of trolling there, and registered here, after months I did return there because some fanyus still go there and fight, and I feel otherwise people like me, who have just discovered Yuzuru Hanyu, may be lied to and sadden and leave figure skating fandom. But I'm not a good fighter at the moment, and I go there more for Ladies' fan fests. (Among Ladies there is also a scoring problem but I find them all "on the same foot", each with her merits and faults and overall beauty, there is not this superiority in everything which sets Yuzuru Hanyu apart from all other skaters.) Plus I've not been on GS these last weeks, not fit for the period of the year (well, no TPT either; they're really mean in another way, to the point the gay audience of the beginnings on DL has deserted, but really funny and sometimes insightful).



To continue on what you were saying, being a fanyu is intrinsically not for the faint-hearted, with his injuries, illnesses, all adversities, and also the joy his skating gives (and his person, character and all); but if one adds the poison shed by haters, and if one take it at heart, it can be too much. I am very glad I'm not on Twitter or SNS (though I really regret missing photos and videos some skaters and others send on Instagram). It seems that their very system allows truth and beauty lovers to be drown under more vociferous haters of all kind. And the most enormous lies pass off as they are yelled louder.

In general, as long as we just rely on what's trending, and don't check primary sources (which have never been as available before I believe), because we are so thrilled by all this whirl, we will believe lies. We fanyus refused to believe evidently wrong narratives about his skating compared to others' because at least we believed our eyes, but how many people won't watch him and really believe another is the best because this is the dominant narrative? The same in so many other domains and there we may not check by ourselves, and let ourselves be led astray. I think it deserves a reflection about social media (and why IT and social media moghuls themselves never let their own children dive in all that stuff).




This is true, and also true that I can access Tweets, for instance of fanarts, or translations, sent on this site by satellites, and this is great.

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@GraceAndPower We salute you for wading through the toxic landfill that is ** (I personally never open that website on my own volition, and only know what was contained there from second/third hand accounts 💀)


@Neenah thing is, the people that you (might) need to follow heh! are (mostly) active on twitter -- if you know whom to follow and whom to avoid (<-- arguably more important than knowing whom to follow :P  :P  :P ) your twitter experience could be rather decent. Of course, the inherent limitations of communication on twitter still remain but at least you get a positive(ish) user experience :P (ie. getting the info you want/need asap).

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Ok Satellites, New topic of conversation: ”shake your ass” in LMEY


It is a travesty. A shame even that Yuzu is not aware of how to properly shake his ass. I thought I may have been wrong but I just revisited some old programmes to see if there was any real, actual Ass Shakage

  • PW could have been a chance to thoroughly shake it but it is obvious Yuzu was way too young to have any kind of experience in that area. The nice feels in PW were just play acting. (Lordy though, if Yuzu did a 2021 version of PW and loaded on the charm (real or imagined) I think I would die!)
  • LGC is the next most obvious example of the potential to shake the appropriate bodily area. Whilst there was a definite maturity from PW TO LGC I think the focus here was more on the boy’s fun of air guitar than making girls go crazy 

So that brings us back to LMEY (Because I just cannot see any potential in a Samurai shaking his ass on the battlefield ... unless he was stuck quite pointily with a Katana).


What are we Fanyus going to do about this?  Don’t we have a real obligation to point out to our Ice Prince that there is a need for Ganbatte in LMEY? Surely he cannot complete Nessie and retire without leaving this issue unresolved? If so, how do we suggest a way to gain said ass shaking skills? It’s no good to say “fix your lack of ass shakage” but not provide suggestions on how to train for this.


So, what say you? ;)

EDIT; I have just seen a hip roll with fingers through the hair action in Vertigo. I think this could be the savior of LMEY.  If Yuzu could re-watch Vertigo and get the hip roll we might be cooking with gas. 








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  On 4/3/2021 at 12:51 PM, SeimeiOrigin said:

Ok Satellites, New topic of conversation: ”shake your ass” in LMEY


It is a travesty. A shame even that Yuzu is not aware of how to properly shake his ass. I thought I may have been wrong but I just revisited some old programmes to see if there was any real, actual Ass Shakage

  • PW could have been a chance to thoroughly shake it but it is obvious Yuzu was way too young to have any kind of experience in that area. The nice feels in PW were just play acting. (Lordy though, if Yuzu did a 2021 version of PW and loaded on the charm (real or imagined) I think I would die!)
  • LGC is the next most obvious example of the potential to shake the appropriate bodily area. Whilst there was a definite maturity from PW TO LGC I think the focus here was more on the boy’s fun of air guitar than making girls go crazy 

So that brings us back to LMEY (Because I just cannot see any potential in a Samurai shaking his ass on the battlefield ... unless he was stuck quite pointily with a Katana).


What are we Fanyus going to do about this?  Don’t we have a real obligation to point out to our Ice Prince that there is a need for Ganbatte in LMEY? Surely he cannot complete Nessie and retire without leaving this issue unresolved? If so, how do we suggest a way to gain said ass shaking skills? It’s no good to say “fix your lack of ass shakage” but not provide suggestions on how to train for this.


So, what say you? ;)










Eh I don't know, the thing is the steps he does in that part doesn't quite enable him to shake his ass properly :hihi:, so unless Yuzu modifies the steps on that part I am afraid the bootyshaking would remain suboptimal :embSwan:

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  On 4/3/2021 at 1:00 PM, Figure_Frenzy said:


Eh I don't know, the thing is the steps he does in that part doesn't quite enable him to shake his ass properly :hihi:, so unless Yuzu modifies the steps on that part I am afraid the bootyshaking would remain suboptimal :embSwan:


Ok@Figure_frenzy,  so the steppage needs upgrading there. We get Shae-Lynn on board then for a couple of side-to-side steps with some deep edges perhaps?

Next thought?

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