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  On 5/1/2020 at 7:24 AM, memae said:


The crossovers are so weird! And the toe steps! They reminded me of bambi or some other gangly baby animal.


The music sounds like creepy circus music in some parts. And the commentator sounds like he's speaking Simlish lol. 



That's the first thing I thought! The crossovers are sooooo weird !! Usually you don't necessarily notice them but this way you can't help! It highlights the fact that there are really a small amount of them in this genius program :agree2:

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  On 4/30/2020 at 5:21 PM, SitTwizzle said:

So you're a very early fanyu!

Do you remember what you thought of him back then? What were your hopes for his skating? If it doesn't bother you to tell it, of course.



His skating caught my attention because it was different from what I have seen before. I liked Johnny's skating before but I thought Yuzu was something more and his skating was more exciting. He was already very good with great jumps and spins, and I thought then he was a very expressive already at such a young age. He skated with such commitment, speed and there was a youthful 'wildness' in his skating combined with ease and elegance which I found exciting. I loved Etude in the 2011/12 season, it was my favourite program then.

I thought he had big potential and actually I was optimistic when I read the news in 2012 that he moved to Toronto.


I hoped I would be able to follow his development over the years and watch his skating and I couldn't be more grateful that I did.

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  On 4/30/2020 at 11:38 AM, EternalSpin said:

I accidentally found a reversed version of 4CC Chopin. Have you seen it?

Hope it wasn't posted before





Showed my mom this video today. Her reaction:


"Why is his score getting lower and lower?! Okay, it's not as perfect as forwards, but negative scoring? ISU is really shameless."



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  On 4/30/2020 at 11:57 PM, Paskud said:

It's a sign.~

He will recycle.~


I tend to think he may recycle "short SEIMEI" some day, it is worthy of a recycling. Of course, he will at least do so in exhibition.

But not this year. I think he will skate to two wholly new programs. And I think he has already started, with one at least.
Resuming skating will be dangerous for younger skaters, but he has already had several periods without skating, it will be difficult, painful and tiresome for him too, but he will know exactly what to do for the quickest recovery, and be ready on time. (As he is not practising in France. Here I don't know when rinks may reopen.)

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  On 5/1/2020 at 1:51 PM, Fay said:

New content, everyone



Ohmygosh so beautiful T_T 

Weird opinion but seeing Yuzu skate with a pop song like this somehow makes him seem more... human (I don’t mean this in a bad way at all I just can’t think of a better way to describe it)

Like I always see him as this otherworldly angel but watching him with pop music just makes him feel closer to us mortals :’)

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