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1 hour ago, Axelover said:

Hello, this is my second post here on PH. I was reading about the visit school and wondered if you have read the article about the city and the condition of the school he visited? It's on twitter. I'm not sure if I can post the link here?



I can see why Yuzuru chose to pay a visit there. 

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It’s marvellous that he chooses this place and a school to show off both OGM - so much more meaningful than allowing it to become a commercial or political event 

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10 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

It’s marvellous that he chooses this place and a school to show off both OGM - so much more meaningful than allowing it to become a commercial or political event 


Yuzu is such a wise and empathetic man-child.

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1 hour ago, lazuliblade said:

Oh wow. I hadn't seen this article. Thank you for sharing! As a former preschool teacher I can only imagine all the various things that the teachers have to consider every day, and I feel for the kids who've been displaced multiple times.

It makes Yuzu's visit even more meaningful.


Yes, today I was feeling especially emotional and cried while reading the article. And then I realized what he had really done. I can only imagine how it is living there, not even a supermarket, and perhaps even the prejudice against them :unsure2:


1 hour ago, Yatagarasu said:


Yes, yes, you can definitely post the link to it, thank you very much :tumblr_inline_mp4i2vHXDy1qz4rgp:

(or you know, just chat, or whatever wink wink)


Thank you! I will try to post more, but I'm a bit boring and just like to enjoy reading. I'm a very new fan of Yuzuru (since last Olys) and my English is bad isn't great. I wrote because I was too anxious to let everyone see how Yuzuru has, in two days, showed the kind of person he is. My admiration for the person Yuzuru only grows, and the same with figure skater Yuzu (I like to call him Zuzinho*, lol). The more I learn and watch, the more I admire him, and the same happens with his actions as a human being.


*Zuzinho is kind of a joke because many soccer (football) players here in Brazil has this diminutive "inho", it's a bit like ~chan in Japanese language, but it can be used with grown-ups.

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I love that he pops up to do these little talks or visits with schools. Kids are a great bunch for him to visit. He loves them, they have no agenda other than being in awe of him when they see him, they don't expect photo ops and hand shakes, but are just earnest and honest and fun... and by going there he can influence and encourage just as he was influenced and encouraged at a young age.... (lol at the girls carrying him around as a child.... I actually used to do that to some of the boys in my grade 1 class too, haha). A visit like that can have a bigger impact than anyone might expect. And yeah, thumbs up for bringing out the gold hardware!!!

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25 minutes ago, Axelover said:

Thank you! I will try to post more, but I'm a bit boring and just like to enjoy reading. I'm a very new fan of Yuzuru (since last Olys) and my English is bad isn't great. I wrote because I was too anxious to let everyone see how Yuzuru has, in two days, showed the kind of person he is. My admiration for the person Yuzuru only grows, and the same with figure skater Yuzu (I like to call him Zuzinho*, lol). The more I learn and watch, the more I admire him, and the same happens with his actions as a human being.


*Zuzinho is kind of a joke because many soccer (football) players here in Brazil has this diminutive "inho", it's a bit like ~chan in Japanese language, but it can be used with grown-ups.


*gasp* What do my eyes see here? No, no. Nobody is boring! We're all unique and interesting! Plus you're a Yuzuru Hanyu fan. Precious man, gentle man. But also, Extra Man. By osmosis we all also get a bit extra as time passes. Or a bit more than a bit but you know, details, details. Anyway. It's how we survive basically. And then, you realize, that figure skating is like a giant soap opera. It's bad but so so good. Cue Russian drama music. Before you know it, you're very very extra and life is a party. And you're missing a good half of your hair, and the other half is grey but oh hey. Yuzuru rocks. Welcome to YH fandom, we're all a bit nutty but it's fun :D



PS your English is great, shhh. 

PPS we have a World Cup thread, just saying!

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IMHO,  he looks about 50x happier at that school than at the People's award ceremony.  Maybe because to kids he is simply a famous and admirable athlete, and they don't think of him in lofty ways such as an idol. paragon of virtue,  secret lover, etc. LOL


 I wonder if he splits his demeanor as a coping mechanism: At home, he is just one part of Family Hanyu; on the ice he is the Ultra Competitor; in public he is the Model of Impeccable Politeness. 

I think we all do that to a degree. 


(Yeah, I had some time on my hands to write this, but now real life calls!)

:crazyshit2: Happy July everyone!

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4 hours ago, Whee1000 said:

IMHO,  he looks about 50x happier at that school than at the People's award ceremony.  Maybe because to kids he is simply a famous and admirable athlete, and they don't think of him in lofty ways such as an idol. paragon of virtue,  secret lover, etc. LOL


I don't know about that. I'm sure some little girl somewhere answered "What do you want to be when you grow up?" with "Yuzu's bride."




but actually I think those kids are really innocent and cute

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....aaannnddd now it's back to normal. Oy.


Anyway, every time I see Yuzu with kids, he seems like such a natural with them, that I think he must have younger relatives of some sort. He's exactly like a cool big brother or young uncle.

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14 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

What about suggesting that if you keep doing your best in your violin studies, someday you would collaborate together on an ice show :P? Would that be enough motivation?




I might have already gotten my conservatory diploma had that conversation happened. 

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15 minutes ago, Fay said:

And so it starts, the real off season... 

But we have so many TV broadcasts this summer, it almost doesn't feel like the off-season.

But that new V neck is the new "Great White Shirt" though. Probably. For Media day.

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