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I, too, doubt that he has any blocks on 4Lz. My only concern about it being back is about the pressure the take off would put on his ankle. While the injury is healed, multiple damages to the ligaments could have made the area more sensitive and I think his take off usually implied a deep sideways bend of his foot, which could remain painful for a while, even after healing and could also lead to more damage long term. He obviously knows better, but that's my totally amateur concern, much more than any mental blocks. I think he knows it wasn't the lutz itself that hurt him.

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5 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

Am I the only one hoping to see 4Lutz back and actuall expecting to see it in the near future that could be next season or the one after that? 

Doesn't feel like Yuzuru to just give up on a jump because he injured himself with it. He injured himself with 4toeloop too. And look at it go now. 


I Dont actually mind who lands the 4A first, whether its Dmitriev(spell?), Keegan, or Yuzuru. It is a monster jump, challenging human physics and they would have to land stable 3As first. I Doubt Brian with all of his experience will let a growing 13-year old boy do it?


I believe that if Yuzu landed 4a someday it would be beautiful tho, our boi is a perfectionist all the way! ( the kuyashi power is also there to fan our Axel overlord )


I Would bet on 4lo coming back at Gpf and then perhaps 4lz at worlds 2019? Yuzu's 4lz, when landed beautifully at practice...I could watch it all day:loveeyes:


As for 4a, well maybe Gpf next year? Someone can snatch my wig and others will land them before him:10636614: I'll pray that they land it with positive Goe.

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Hmm, my reading of the 4A isn't so much a statement or some hidden idea of how long he's practiced it. He already tried one back in the summer shows in 2015, so it's obvious it was something he considered even back then. 


The mentions of 4A as a goal surfaced even before now, but for now, with no further information, I don't think it's an exact timeline. I think it's one way to a) work around questions of Beijing 2022, especially when asked why he's still competing; b) clarify that he's not RTing yet, as he still has long term plans that he wants to fulfill (4A), and as such, since he's considered an "uncle" skater, address head-on that there is still a TES element he has yet to accomplish, and as such, *should* still be viewed as competitively in the fold. Along with all the hints that Brian has given, it means judges cannot write him off, since any judge worth their eyes probably knows Yuzu has the best 3A in the men's field. 

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19 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

Am I the only one hoping to see 4Lutz back and actuall expecting to see it in the near future that could be next season or the one after that? 

Doesn't feel like Yuzuru to just give up on a jump because he injured himself with it. He injured himself with 4toeloop too. And look at it go now. 

It is not about him giving up and more about how much strain it puts on his ankle. If you remember, the reason why the injury was so bad this time around was because the damage the ankle had already sustained before. the 4Lz clearly puts too much strain on the ankle, we know that not just Yuzu but Boyang and Nathan both had to drop it at some point in the last season because of ankle injuries, and they had no problem landing the other quands.

I would love to see it again, but if Yuzu drops the 4Lz to protect his ankle from further damage, it is very understandable especially since he's planning on landing a 4A which I assume would need a good strong ankle to do.


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44 minutes ago, Neenah said:

It is not about him giving up and more about how much strain it puts on his ankle. If you remember, the reason why the injury was so bad this time around was because the damage the ankle had already sustained before. the 4Lz clearly puts too much strain on the ankle, we know that not just Yuzu but Boyang and Nathan both had to drop it at some point in the last season because of ankle injuries, and they had no problem landing the other quands.

I would love to see it again, but if Yuzu drops the 4Lz to protect his ankle from further damage, it is very understandable especially since he's planning on landing a 4A which I assume would need a good strong ankle to do.



Of course, without the medical knowledge and the specifics of his ankle's condition... there is just so much we can say. But I would be really sad if those conditions interferred with his plans and desires and ambitions on his future skating. So I hope for the best. 

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3 hours ago, Murieleirum said:

Am I the only one hoping to see 4Lutz back and actuall expecting to see it in the near future that could be next season or the one after that? 

Doesn't feel like Yuzuru to just give up on a jump because he injured himself with it. He injured himself with 4toeloop too. And look at it go now. 


The 4Lz is gorgeous, but videos of his earlier falls while challenging it are terrifyingly similar to the one that put his career at risk. I have mixed feelings to say the least. 



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18 hours ago, vanadiezz said:


Also if there are other skaters who want to do it first they have my full blessing. I am certain their cleanly landed 4A video (if they landed it first) will be studied intently by Yuzu though... :13877886: 


4 hours ago, Sombreuil said:

I don’t actually mind who jumps 4A first, I’m sure that when Yuzuru does his will be beautiful, correct and probably out of some complex entry because that’s his style and I can’t imagine him toning it down at this stage.  


3 hours ago, Tsubakindy said:


I Dont actually mind who lands the 4A first, whether its Dmitriev(spell?), Keegan, or Yuzuru. 


Yeah.... I am totally not as noble as you folks. I'm totally hoping Yuzu lands the 4A first..... 

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26 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:

Yeah.... I am totally not as noble as you folks. I'm totally hoping Yuzu lands the 4A first..... 

Same. I know Keegan is the Canadian skater and I'm supposed to be patriotic, and it would be nice if he got it, but I'm a satellite for a reason. I really would love to see Yuzu do it first. 


So guys, am I missing something about 4Lz here? We're all talking about how the take-off would put too much strain on his ankle, and I can see how it would, but in the videos that have been posted, it looks like the take-off is actually from the other foot. In which case, then it really is the landing that's the problem. :scratch2: Has anyone ever calculated the relative angular torque on the ankles that each jump creates? I'd love to know how they rank in terms of the forces involved. 


@CupidsBow great pics! I absolutely love the ones of Yuzu with Soohoorang. So sweet!

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11 hours ago, Sammie said:


I loved that interview. Found the whole thing somewhere on YouTube and watched it...I learned SO much myself. Nomura is a natural-born teacher, and Hanyu is like the ultimate student - he's just a sponge. It was electric watching them interact, and made me jealous that I don't have learning opportunities like that in my life. I feel like Nomura is going to do Tokyo 2020 proud. 


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