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hace 20 minutos , ruruzest said:

Then I will be the first reptile evolved from sea to land animal , or am I an amphibian ??? 

Too old to remember stuff properly:smiley-laughing021:


hace 2 minutos , SparkleSalad said:

(Thank you, dinosaurs, for coming out. All these toddlers were making me feel old. :P)

I guess I am also from pre-dinosaur era.

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First of all, congrats on the 2k pages! I can't believe I was sleeping...Rest as usual under the spiler, 'cause I have too much to say, as always!

15 hours ago, asahi said:



14 hours ago, singcarcom said:

Congrats on page 2000!!!! We're now officially in the 21st century!!! :bliss-smiley::bliss-smiley::bliss-smiley:

My historician training is being petty and refuses me to leave without being mean nitpicker- 21st century technically starts along with the 1st of Jan 2001, as 2000still belongs to 20th... yeah, as if it had any meaning on page 2004 OTL.

As an apology, let me offer a bit of mathematic view on our 2k anniversary:

Assuming our forum kicked off properly on May 1st (most of the post on p.1 are from this day in my timezone) and first post on the p2000 is from 5:00 (again, for me) on 30 of November, it took us exactly 7 months to reach 2k, which equals 285,7 pages per month, WHICH EQUALS +/- 9,5 pages a day. Holy shiet, people, we're really crazy about Yuzu:knc_brian1:.

If the posts of the hiding user were added, assuming we would reach 2k the day Hydro saw it, we would be producing ALMOST 11 PAGES A DAY. :knc_yuzu1:

In other words, we basically do not need any spamming virus or anything to crash sites-it's enough if all of people contributing to this thread would decide to write on one day at the same time, and most of the servers would overheat from the influx of the new information. That's why we're the Feared Fanyus TM

12 hours ago, KatjaThera said:

I'm not sure Brian was against Javi being a flag bearer in itself, but he knew the kind of pressure it brought along. And adding to that Javi's gay comments scandal, it probably combined to affect his competition (the title of the article when it came out, was like "Spain's flag bearer said (...)!")


But yes, in Japan seniority - and not necessarily in age as much as career length, I think, though they kind of go hand in hand - is a big deal. As for Noriaki Kasai... I remember I had a phase where I watched ski jumping and it was like 13 years ago, and even then the commentators called him a veteran. (I was shocked when I heard he's still competing... I mean when I was watching the top sensation was a 17 or so year old ski jumper... So I was given the impression that younger is better there, too. But it's awesome for him and I really wish he'd get that gold at 45!)


We tend to forget that, while Yuzuru has an experience of being an Olympian against other Quadsters, he also have a double advantage of his coach being BOTH Olympian skater AND a coach, which basically means that Papa Orser knows how to bite this topic from every angle. When I think of it like that, it is comforting.

Also poor Javi-getting into scandal/controversy mill isn't pleasant anytime and getting it during Olys season? It had to be nightmare. Good thing TCC is a private club...


As for Noriaki Kasai-my father once joked "Oh, you didn't know? It's just, Japan invented a way to create androids and just didn't share the secret with the rest of the world. That's him."

Seriously tho, being the country crazy about ski jumping (our only serious chance for PC medal xD), I knew Noriyaki Kasai was a already there when A.Małysz was jumping onto a scene, and taking into consideration Małysz has already retired, Kasai is a BIG deal. Who was planning to retire during the '22 Olympics had they were assigned to Japan, but since they did not, he decided to go till fifty (I think?) and then again try to have his final comp in Japan. I hope he will succeed!

10 hours ago, Murieleirum said:

YAY we are in the year of... I guess... punk rock 90's or something... I don't know I was 4 at the time, and probably my problems started at that time LOL


Eta: ops, no, I'm 5! I'm already 5!!

xD I feel soo old, I was year before starting school...

Also, don't despair, it was Salt Lake City Olys time, means bby mushroom gets inspired to take skating for serious now!

8 hours ago, MrPudding said:

It just started to snow HEAVILY. I immediately wished for his competitions and health. Road to Nats, Olys and Worlds!

We had our first snow (okay, second) too today, and I also thought that might it snow till PC so the road towards it would be soft and fluffy and sparkling in the sun! (I know it would probably make getting to Pc actually harder had it happened, but you know....)


5 hours ago, micaelis said:

I can see about his foregoing the honor of bearing the flag come the closing ceremonies.  I can REALLY see about the media storm and that's because figure skating has never before had a figure who is not only a superstar but verging on becoming iconic.  At least Yuzu has experience in handling the media so for him much of the media storm will pretty much the same.  Actually I wonder, if Yuzu doesn't get gold in PC, how the one who 'dethrones' the king will handle the media since there's no skater out there who has lived in a bubble the way Yuzu has since Sochi.  If I remember correctly what someone remarked many, many pages ago, Yuzu is the only skater for whom security is a very real concern, thus Yuzu's very own 'Secret Service' detail. As for the fact he already carries the flag of Japan, that is evident every time he skates when the stands contract a case of 'Japanese measles' with a red-and-white rash everywhere you look.  The question of retirement?  I'm sure many of his competitors would like to see him retire.  It would mean room at the top, but I don't think those who run skating competitions would like to see that, because Yuzu competing means a full house, although it also means hiring extra flower girls.  The ice after a Yuzu performance tends to be rather messy.  All in all, though, all this is revolving around what transpires during a mere seven minutes total come next February.  It's hard to think how Yuzu has had everything these last three-plus years revolving around those seven minutes, since I'm sure after his gold at Sochi, even when standing at the top of the podium getting his medal, that he wasn't even then thinking of the words Arnold Schwarzenegger uttered at the end of one of his films - "I'll be back."  Yuzu's every skate over the years since then has been about those seven minutes this February.  The attitude he has carried with him all these years can be used to define 'determination'.  What I'm thinking is if in winning the gold medal at PC, he might not already be thinking of making it a threepeat at Beijing in 2022.  After all, he'll only be twenty-seven then.  Plushenko was thirty-one when he started competing in Sochi, before his withdrawal for medical reasons.  Some food for thought.

Few things I want to slightly correct, and few things I want to contradict a bit:

Slight correction #1: If you speak about active skaters I think you are right about Security, but I'm fairly sure that both Mao and Yu-Na were mentioned to have problems with going out alone, not to mention Yulia's "Fame" after Team Event at Sochi reaching this kind of obsession where both she and Eteri mention how Eteri would find spying devices in the rooms Yulia were supposed to be. So I think Secret Services are a thing, though I cannot disagree about it being a first for male figure skater (unless we have Takahashi fans that can prove me otherwise, but I can't think of any other male/pairs/dance skater possibly having this kind of problems)


Contradiction #1: If they wish for his retirement, they are not his competitors. Patrick, with all of his foot in the mouth syndrome, never uttered anything along the lines of 'he better resign soon' about Plushenko. The same situation with other skaters- you don't want the king to leave the throne, because then you cannot take it from him, and if you don't do it with your own hands then where's the sport in it? Shoma's goal? Having a preformance that can beat Yuzuru. Nathan's respected skater? Yuzuru (And remember, Yuzuru's respected skaters were Johnny and Plushy-how about his dream? Competing on the same ice with them). I don't remember Boyang saying anything about his attitude about Yuzuru (sorry, cowboy spiderboy), but probably only because I'm not following chinese media/translations that much. Jason outright states that competition without Yuzu (okay, in Japan) isn't the same (even if, according to TES Jason REALLY isn't competition to Yuzu...).

If there are the ones that wish for Yuzuru's retirement, those are his antifans (covering themselves up with Shoma/Daisuke's names, but calling them fans is insulting to the skaters, so I stop here), and Western Federations, hoping to push someone else on the pedestal(=way to earn $$$) left after Yuzu (forgetting that Yuzuru build it himself and maintains it with humbleness, hard work, talent and character that cannot be copied, so it will crumble as soon as anybody else will step on it).


Slight correction #2: I think most flower girls/boys are volunteers working in exchange for the experience of being at the same ice as competitors (in one Voronov's case also being able to get a hug from your dream skater)-though I'm not so sure about it. It works like this for any match/competition aroubd here, present gatherers are volunteers...oh, and bonus points if You're a flower boy/girl in Japan: SS training time+your own jacket!


Contradiction #2, tho I seriously hope You're the one right in this one: He himself said he wants to retire while still retaining all of his technical skills (though Nobu keeps showing him that it's not impossible after 30 as well xD) and focus on other aspects of skating and it's surroundings. Then in around 2025 he wants to spread his specialty to other sports as well, taking into consideration how many bumps of his career have equivalent in other sportsmen careers as well (guess that's what all the talks with other athletes from Japan were for xD). Also, Plushenko, even Before Sochi had some 10ish surgeries to keep him in (somewhat) competitive shape, and we all saw the tragedy of his fans when he withdrew and they were left only with disappointment and worry for his wellbeing during the one of the most important Winter Sports event (interesting thing, there was backlash at them for leaving from American media, mostly on the note of 'boo, bad Russians' and not 'boo, not real fans' right? I wonder why...)... I don't wish that to Yuzu, tbh, since he's already started filling his quota of surgeries (granted, not skating-related, but still...)

That being said, equipment development also advanced greatly along with discipline, so maybe the strain on the body isn't as big... (oh, who I want to kid, with five quads?)


1 hour ago, Xen said:

Man, you guys are young! I feel so old. :laughing:


1 hour ago, PapiandPooh421 said:

Wow! You're all so young! I'm 8.:biggrin:


1 hour ago, yuzuangel said:

yeah, im old... you guys are tiny


1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

i was 11:rofl:

If it helps you guys, I'm getting my first ever grade which says: :) , and my parents get a memo from my teachers that I suck at P.E. and will probably struggle with my condition for the rest of my life, but aside of that I'm going to be genius or something. (aka 1st grade of primary school)

ETA: actually, second now in 2004- opinions on me didn't change, though.


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23 minutes ago, Floria said:

With a little bit of practice I think he is capable of doing this spin




23 minutes ago, Floria said:

With a little bit of practice I think he is capable of doing this spin



Sorry for double post, but one more revolution and it actually would be a legal feature for hard upright??? (As if Butt spin and Biellman weren't enough for him...)

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