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I had a research presentation in my class this afternoon and I was very nervous because I have to present them using my second language. But thanks to the promotional video, really lift my mood and made me nailed my presentation 😭😭

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41 minutes ago, Whoopiewoop said:

So, Social media is going crazy because Waseda released a poster confirming that 5 of their students, including Yuzu would participate in the nationals. 


Did I miss something? Has Mr. Hanyu confirmed this himself? I don't believe anyone until he confirms it himself.:8:



You mean this?



EDIT: Wow, if Yuzu really competes, imagine the waterfall of news:

Program reveals

Costume reveals

Layout reveals

Practice and competition footage

Loads of TV news, interviews and press cons



This will be some busy Christmas, I guess.

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52 минуты назад, Whoopiewoop сказал:

Did I miss something? Has Mr. Hanyu confirmed this himself? I don't believe anyone until he confirms it himself

I don't think Yuzu will confirm anything, he is on the official list. The announcement can only come in case of WD.

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@Henni147, yep, that's the one.


9 minutes ago, Lunna said:

I don't think Yuzu will confirm anything, he is on the official list. The announcement can only come in case of WD.


True. I'll only believe in his participation once I see him on the ice ready to skate :weeping: He feels too much like a fairy tale, right now. I need to see to believe, and even if I see, I might think I went crazy and still wouldn't believe it.



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42 minutes ago, Henni147 said:



You mean this?



EDIT: Wow, if Yuzu really competes, imagine the waterfall of news:

Program reveals

Costume reveals

Layout reveals

Practice and competition footage

Loads of TV news, interviews and press cons



This will be some busy Christmas, I guess.

Does this mean he is not registered in a post-grad program? At least at Waseda, and at the moment.


He may also chose to compete at Nationals with his 4CC programs, and to reveal his new programs (with which jumps?0:) ) at Worlds if they happen? For instance, to give "shorter Seimei" an interpretation he may find better — because, for Chopin, I wouldn't see how he could skate better. Or maybe, his new SP and Seimei as FS, as Chopin base value may be difficult to upgrade. Anyway I have no doubt he will surprise us. :ninja:


Also, about Sendai posters, he is indeed their only national champion still competing. But Shizuka Arakawa has also been twice a national champion, and Shun Sato (who was born and raised and trained in Sendai until his father's professional removal when he was 12) and Mone Chiba are also competing at these Nationals. All fanyus of course.

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On 12/13/2020 at 9:53 AM, mineyoo said:

hello guys I'm new to FS and it's been 24 days since I become a fanyuu..

I've been to this website for a while but as I don't really understand how it works, I rarely come here T__T

this might be so random but the retirement of yuzu came to my mind, and it's been bothering me ever since  👉👈  i'm so so so sad for knowing yuzu just now </3 i just realized javi retired at 28 yo and figure skater are normally retired under 30s and now yuzu is 26 yo alr...

esp bcs of the goddamn pandemic!!! 

and another thing is that as i'm completely new to FS, there are a lot of things i need to learn more abt the sport. i'm highly interested in FS thanks to yuzu, but it's an absolute new world to me so there are so many things to catch up. i can't even really have a convo w other fanyu/figure skater fan because i still feel clueless about it (i keep learning about FS on daily basis though!!)

i do wish i were older and more independent so i could travel and watch yuzu's performance in competition with my own money, which is such a big dream to me (i mean it suckz to live in my country where the existence of figure skating is not even recognized). realistically speaking, i don't think i'll ever get to accomplish such a dream because i'm just a mere (and broke) college student now.... :crybaby:

well yeah that's it. i hope you guys are having a good day/night wherever you are. take care of your health because it's the no. 1 priority during the pandemic. i wish you all happiness:love::bunny-smiley::knc_yuzu2:

Thank you and welcome!

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News clips on YouTube about the exhibition.




And Sendai's love for Yuzuru :heartpound:

Sendai TV's posters in the past.  Their LGC posters were also beautiful.  They have good taste, and I really want Sendai TV to release a photo book of their posters.   



This post has been tagged by Fay as [NEWS].
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On 12/12/2020 at 5:31 AM, Pammi said:


It feels like an unpopular opinion, but I am so happy at the prospect of seeing Yuzuru skate. I also think the situation in Japan is somewhat different to elsewhere in that although the rates of infection are going up, they are still comparatively very low when compared to eg. Europe and the Americas. The Japanese government and people seem to take the virus seriously and I think Covid-secure measures will be planned and implemented at the All Japan Championships. I know Yuzuru will be desperate to compete, but I trust whatever decision he makes, I really do. Looking on Twitter, it’s like you can’t mention any excitement at all at the prospect of seeing Yuzuru skate - I find it impossible NOT to be excited about it, I have butterflies just thinking about it and typing this! Some seem to be applying what has happened in Russia to every other country. I do take the pandemic seriously - but some governments have not and this sets the scene for the country and their skating federations. I have some trust that in Japan things will be made as safe as possible for the athletes, and everyone.

 Am I the only one to feel like this I wonder? It’s hard to speak an opinion that some will say does not prioritise health, but I think risk can be assessed and appropriate measures put in place to mitigate risk. 
Maybe it’s not a good idea to post this given the strength of feeling against any competitions from some, but I’ll be brave as I do think other views should be aired too, and also trust my fellow Fanyus to be civil in any disagreement! 🙏🏽🤔

Although I fully acknowledge the validity of worrying about Yuzuru’s (and all the athletes/coaches) health, I just want to be able to express delight at the prospect of watching Yuzuru skate and compete for the first time this season!!! :loveshower: I am pretty sure ALL of us will be cheering him on if he does compete.
 (If he decides not to, I support him fully with that decision too, of course!)


I'm late to this but I think it's completely fine to be happy about the possibility to see Yuzu back to competition again, but feeling worried at the same time. Everyone reacts differently, and some fans are perhaps more worried than others.

If there'll be PCR tests (I think it's confirmed now) at the competition then it's a bit of a relief and while it's questionable how some things will be organized and I don't really trust JSF in general :10640793:but I still hope there'll be enough and sufficient measures that will lower any risks. If Yuzu skates there - and with each passing day, no announcement of WD yet, with all the TV promotion, Sendai billboard I think it's more and more likely he will - it'll be stressful enough for him to compete there in front of home audience, after such a long time of not competing and with possible new program(s) too, on top of all there'll be the thought of the virus during the whole event. So as a fan I'd like to focus on cheering for him as much as I can and trying to turn some % of my anxiety into positive energy. I believe in sending good vibes <3 

Go Yuzu! :10742286:

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The closer it gets and so far no WD news... With no real family gathering for the holidays this year due to our friendly pandemic, this will be something to look forward to... and really, even if there is news of a WD... having both J and Rus Nats happening next week really is a Christmas present, in my view. I will enjoy them both as much as possible, a gift as we get rid of this awful year and hope for the best in 2021.

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I trust Yuzu fully. If he thinks it is ok to stake then I am with him, if he decides messures are not up to the part and he would be risking his health and his familys he wont. He has abstained in the past for this very reason. So yeah, whatever he decides I know it will be the right choice. If he skates ofc I will enjoy it and if things are not good I will agree with him and be happy he wont skate :11135030:

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So does anyone want to play the 'let's speculate about Yuzu's new costumes" game? TBH, I'm half-expecting him to not have all new costumes. I can't imagine he'd have felt comfortable going  around to Satomi Ito's studio to get a costume fitted during lockdown/pandemic restrictions. 


I mean, this may...just may...be the year when Yuzu takes his 'honourary Canadian' status seriously and shows up in the Canadian men's team uniform of grey sweater and black trousers basically pulled from the back of his closet:muahaha:

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