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  On 2/10/2020 at 1:20 AM, watermelonda said:




His answer here seems kind of sad. I hope he doesn't actually think he's inferior just because judges don't give him good score.... :sadPooh:


Interestingly enough, I saw his words in a completely different way... as if he is rising above the undeserving scorying system and staying true to himself, his skating & his art.. Of course it is heartbreaking when it is not rewarded with the scores, but in the end - these are just scores, and staying true to himself is much more important 🙏👑💖💜

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  On 2/10/2020 at 5:07 PM, barbara said:

What's his general feel?  I need my own resident translator.  Maybe it will show up on YouTube with Eng subtitles.



This is very rough, but he said that he was nervous before the program because the quad salchow had been troublesome. He heard the cheers from the audience and that was a great source of support and inspiration for him. The interviewer said that the quad salchow received high marks and Yuzu felt happy with the jump himself. Interviewer talked about the second jump element – the quad toe loop-triple toe loop combination – and said that it was a different layout than his free skate at the PyeongChang Olympics. Yuzu said that there had been a time when he did this program with this layout and he felt that he could express himself better with this layout and that is why he chose to go with it. He said that there were little changes throughout the program. He said that there were a lot of details that he felt he could improve on and that's what he wanted to do. When it was over, he said he felt like he did at the PyeongChang Olympics after the short program when he said "I'm back." It was first time that he felt as if he skated a program as himself and in a manner befitting himself. He thought that it was a performance that he could be happy about from the bottom of his heart.

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  On 2/10/2020 at 6:03 PM, Annie19 said:

Interestingly enough, I saw his words in a completely different way... as if he is rising above the undeserving scorying system and staying true to himself, his skating & his art.. Of course it is heartbreaking when it is not rewarded with the scores, but in the end - these are just scores, and staying true to himself is much more important 🙏👑💖💜


Yeah, he sounds much like... so done with scoring. Like "I'll do my best, if you reward me, it's good, otherwise, it's just ... that, there's nothing else to be done about it I guess"

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  On 2/10/2020 at 6:12 PM, Geo1 said:


This is very rough, but he said that he was nervous before the program because the quad salchow had been troublesome. He heard the cheers from the audience and that was a great source of support and inspiration for him. The interviewer said that the quad salchow received high marks and Yuzu felt happy with the jump himself. Interviewer talked about the second jump element – the quad toe loop-triple toe loop combination – and said that it was a different layout than his free skate at the PyeongChang Olympics. Yuzu said that there had been a time when he did this program with this layout and he felt that he could express himself better with this layout and that is why he chose to go with it. He said that there were little changes throughout the program. He said that there were a lot of details that he felt he could improve on and that's what he wanted to do. When it was over, he said he felt like he did at the PyeongChang Olympics after the short program when he said "I'm back." It was first time that he felt as if he skated a program as himself and in a matter befitting himself. He thought that it was a performance that he could be happy about from the bottom of his heart.


Thank you for the translation.  I think he is "back".  This is the first season in years that he hasn't had an injury.  He is stronger.  And, I believe, he has had some time since Nationals to remember what it means to him to skate truly for himself.  He is best when he internalizes the music and then translates it into movement. That was never going to happen with "tribute" music.

I think that a month of training the "new" programs is going to produce something amazing.

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  On 2/11/2020 at 12:54 AM, FlyingCamel said:


Blue flame hmm

Honestly I’m not sure if it’s just the meaning of his words lost in translation or... I honestly don’t fully understand what he’s getting at here 🤔


But, but Yuzuru---I've always envisioned that your fighting spirit is Red, but your soul has been burning in Blue flames.

Whack me in the head if I'm wrong. 

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I think what he is trying to say is the contrast of his young passion vs his mature passion, one being more chaotic and the other being more focused perhaps? Just an interpretation. Well not to mean he isn't still very young, ofc, but having reached more of a full form in his art and his thinking :sipping:

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