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  On 7/31/2019 at 9:58 AM, KatjaThera said:

I sometimes wonder how embarrassed Yuzu might feel to face these people who get attacked by his fans online... I'd be surprised if there was no awkwardness facing Johnny this Summer. Or how it must have been to see Lilian after this mess. Or any of the other people who get attacked. I imagine how he probably has to apologize to some of these people and that alone would be enough to make me shut up. It's irrelevant if the people that were attacked were really in the wrong or not. Yuzu and his team can handle it when people are in the wrong (see Johnny at FaOI, although that was apparently poorly handled, IMO). He still has to meet most of them and be civil and I know I'd feel like crap. Especially when the fans aren't very often calmly pointing out things or explaining. Many times they're vicious and that's unacceptable, regardless of anything. And Yuzu is the one who has to apologize for it or at the very least face these people and act like nothing's wrong. Yuzu is against bullying of any kind. I don't understand why his fans just cannot comprehend that.


Also, this kind of knee-jerk, vicious reaction also contributes to the bad reputation of Yuzu fans. And gives arguments to those claiming we're all just mindless fangirls who will crucify anyone who isn't pro-Yuzu. All fans are so mad about that reputation, but then some of them go and act in ways that only seem to confirm it... I don't get people, sometimes, I really don't...



This is in no way defending the bad apples in the fandom, as they have been called out, and rightfully so, but here's something to consider:


Re: this summer


Johnny is...a lot. In ~ 2 weeks, his name appeared in 2 dramas. Now, I'm not gonna discuss the details of his action in the hate letter incident (cause in the end he did call out a hater, just not in a tactful manner IMO). But the thing with Yuzu, the one handling things poorly IS Johnny, not Yuzu's team. Being cryptic, going to social media to imply an entire team on all sort of misconduct (and this is something I find it hard to swallow, that he even led people to believe management was homophobic), putting Yuzu in a very difficult situation, etc.


That's not how a media professional should behave, and that's not how an adult handle misunderstanding. Heck, that's not how a self proclaimed "skating senior" should act. The fact it was Johnny who broke FaOI rules, the one who should be awkward is Johnny. Like we call out bad apples, why can't we admit when a skater slipped? I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, but I can only do it when the people correct their own behaviors.



Re: the leak
Bad apples have been called out, and rightfully so. The first thing I saw was tweets calling out bad apples and not the leak, and for that I think the fandom did the absolute right thing. Lbr, not that many fandom will admit part of their community is doing something wrong, let alone correcting them right away (I've been in enough fandoms ever since my teenage years - and at least 2 this summer). I agree that these fans will just give haters the material to dump on us.


However, this lead me to offer my view about many things that've happened in the fandom in the past season. This has nothing to do with the leak, I don't think the fans who commented poorly on Instagram should get away with it.


What I do think is that, as a community we're so large, and faced a strangely large amount of false narratives, that we ourselves don't give fellow fans some leeway. We ourselves are also seeing some people as "knee jerking", as "vicious", as "mindless" that I'm feeling like we're imposing that idea upon part of the fandom, and in many situations we cannot speak out (the one that left the most impression on me is the hate letter incident this summer, in which the victim implicitly blamed us without proof, and we could not defend ourselves in any way, shape or form :shrug:).


We may see a strongly worded argument and we may think, omg that person is overreacting. But the fact that antis are so ready to dump on us any chance possible, that people are reacting as fast as possible. And I think that's a vicious circle. The fact that fellow fans seem so ready to think poorly of fellow fans, make me feel like there is a hierarchy, where the one who are deemed vicious, mindless and overreacting are at the bottom, and make me feel like many (both fans and antis) have a sense of moral superiority for alienating them.


Boy am I bad at expressing myself, so apology if this doesn't make sense to anyone :facepalm: I guess my point is that, I hope to see Fanyus treated with more understanding of why some do what they do, by any community, for we're in a situation unlike any others. (Once again, this is my view on many things that happened throughout the season, and have nothing to do with the leak incident. I just happen to thought-dump at the same time).

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  On 8/1/2019 at 8:38 AM, Leanna A said:

I have different opinions on some of the points.


1)    For what happened during last season and FaOI, isn’t Johnny the one who felt awkward instead of Yuzu?


2)    There is no evidence that the letter was actually written by Yuzu’s fan(s) so we must not think / believe that it is actually related to Yuzu and his fans.

       Only the one who wrote the letter ought to be ashamed of her/himself and be blamed.

      Also, it may be a conspiracy? But I won’t elaborate it here for it’s just a conspiracy. 


3)     There are some haters or antis who claim, pretend and make people believe that they are Yuzu’s fans.

         They do or say something vicious or outrageous so as to make people think bad of Yuzu’s fans and even want Yuzu to be affected.


First of all, I never mentioned the letter and was not talking about the letter, but rather the incident with the picture Johnny was asked to remove and the ensuing drama, as well as the mess following Johnny's US Nats comments.


Second of all, I also did not mean to talk about who should feel awkward/bad or whose fault it is. As I said, that's not my point and it's an entirely different debate.


My point is that Yuzu is an extremely polite person, as well as diplomatic. If his fans attack a fellow skater, and even more so if they attack a sempai skater, regardless of whether they have a point or not, and especially keeping in mind that he said last year that Johnny had spoken to him about how he gets attacked on SNS and Yuzu quite clearly showed he is against bullying, IMO, there is no way he would not feel awkward facing Johnny.


Additionally, I have serious doubts any Japanese person who was involved in an issue like the picture incident, would then go to Johnny and say: sorry, but it's your own fault, deal with it. Given that Johnny obviously felt offended, regardless of whether he had the right to or not, I'm quite sure either Yuzu or someone from his team then went to him and explained things properly and they settled everything - given that they did hug on the last time. But I find it hard to believe Yuzu would not feel bad or at least awkward both about the misunderstanding, again, regardless of whose fault it was, and the attacks to Johnny yet again following that. Yuzu just doesn't strike me like the kind of person who would say: you did this to yourself, I don't care. He'll feel awkward, or bad, he might apologize - whether he thinks/feels he did something wrong or not - he might try to explain, but overall, it just puts him in a bad place. The picture incident would have been awkward either way, but fans going after Johnny again was pointless. If everyone had ignored it, it would have died out much more quickly.


Again, I'm not saying Yuzu should react like this, or that it's right for him to react like this, but for me, for what I know about him and Japanese culture, I believe this is how he would react and this is what I think about before posting stuff online: how would Yuzu react to this, or what the consequences of this be for him?


  On 8/1/2019 at 12:06 PM, YellowShib said:


This is in no way defending the bad apples in the fandom, as they have been called out, and rightfully so, but here's something to consider:


Re: this summer


Johnny is...a lot. In ~ 2 weeks, his name appeared in 2 dramas. Now, I'm not gonna discuss the details of his action in the hate letter incident (cause in the end he did call out a hater, just not in a tactful manner IMO). But the thing with Yuzu, the one handling things poorly IS Johnny, not Yuzu's team. Being cryptic, going to social media to imply an entire team on all sort of misconduct (and this is something I find it hard to swallow, that he even led people to believe management was homophobic), putting Yuzu in a very difficult situation, etc.


That's not how a media professional should behave, and that's not how an adult handle misunderstanding. Heck, that's not how a self proclaimed "skating senior" should act. The fact it was Johnny who broke FaOI rules, the one who should be awkward is Johnny. Like we call out bad apples, why can't we admit when a skater slipped? I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, but I can only do it when the people correct their own behaviors.



Re: the leak
Bad apples have been called out, and rightfully so. The first thing I saw was tweets calling out bad apples and not the leak, and for that I think the fandom did the absolute right thing. Lbr, not that many fandom will admit part of their community is doing something wrong, let alone correcting them right away (I've been in enough fandoms ever since my teenage years - and at least 2 this summer). I agree that these fans will just give haters the material to dump on us.


However, this lead me to offer my view about many things that've happened in the fandom in the past season. This has nothing to do with the leak, I don't think the fans who commented poorly on Instagram should get away with it.


What I do think is that, as a community we're so large, and faced a strangely large amount of false narratives, that we ourselves don't give fellow fans some leeway. We ourselves are also seeing some people as "knee jerking", as "vicious", as "mindless" that I'm feeling like we're imposing that idea upon part of the fandom, and in many situations we cannot speak out (the one that left the most impression on me is the hate letter incident this summer, in which the victim implicitly blamed us without proof, and we could not defend ourselves in any way, shape or form :shrug:).


We may see a strongly worded argument and we may think, omg that person is overreacting. But the fact that antis are so ready to dump on us any chance possible, that people are reacting as fast as possible. And I think that's a vicious circle. The fact that fellow fans seem so ready to think poorly of fellow fans, make me feel like there is a hierarchy, where the one who are deemed vicious, mindless and overreacting are at the bottom, and make me feel like many (both fans and antis) have a sense of moral superiority for alienating them.


Boy am I bad at expressing myself, so apology if this doesn't make sense to anyone :facepalm: I guess my point is that, I hope to see Fanyus treated with more understanding of why some do what they do, by any community, for we're in a situation unlike any others. (Once again, this is my view on many things that happened throughout the season, and have nothing to do with the leak incident. I just happen to thought-dump at the same time).


I know Johnny is a lot. I'm not a huge fan of his personality, though I do think he gets crucified a bit too much. But we have to remember Yuzu has been his fan for years and has known him personally for years. I'm sure he knows Johnny better than any of us. He is still one of his sempai and they seem to at least be civil about it. I don't disagree Johnny didn't act appropriately, but to be honest, that's kind of to be expected by now. But I also think Yuzu's team probably could have done a better job to prevent the misunderstanding. Also, AFAIK, Johnny never did accuse them of being homophobic. Also, Johnny has ALWAYS accepted flower crowns, in every single FaOI edition I can remember. It was hardly an exception, and I'm guessing he never knew there was a rule (if there really is one). And days later, Yuzu came out and said the Pooh he always carries around is a fan gift, which to me was a very :1: moment, because fans had just settled on the explanation being that Yuzu does not accept fan gifts. (Admittedly, it could be he no longer does, but then, to be fair, he'd have to ditch the Pooh cover, too, no?) So, basically, we have no idea what happened, but they settled it between themselves. Fans never should have gotten involved.



Now, for the fandom... I believe justifying overreactions by saying that we get blamed for everything under the sun does lead to a vicious circle.


When attacked, the normal reaction, IMO, is to distance yourself from the bad behavior and offer calm arguments in defense of yourself and everyone else who does not act like this. Arguments of: "Yuzu fans hate Evgenia and write letters like that!!!1111" "Yuzu fans would never!!!!1111" do not lead to anything, IMO, because no side will believe the other. I'm pretty sure I actually commented somewhere and said something along the lines of "As a Yuzu fan, I do not approve of such behavior and I'm sure Yuzu does not either. If the person who wrote this calls themselves a Yuzu fan, I wish they would stop" followed by a positive comment on how Evgenia was treated by the audience at FaOI. I can't speak for all Yuzu fans. I can't even really speak for Yuzu. I myself don't feel attacked, because I know I wouldn't do the things I'm attacked of. People who argue with "But Johnny is bad", "But Evgenia is bad", "But when Yuzu gets attacked nobody defends him!" are only making things worse, IMO. I think 100+ comments like mine weigh more than people getting outraged at Yuzu fans getting blamed and getting into arguments. To me, that's a more adult behavior, while the other is more knee-jerk. Just because the antis are jerks doesn't mean we have to react to them. Not like a lot of fans do.


But again, that's just IMO. People are free to believe or say or do whatever they want. :snpeace: (I will also, however continue to speak up when I disagree with their behavior :P )

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Hello Planet!  I’ve felt so blessed with our wonderful haven since I had the good fortune to join at the beginning. I rarely post, but wanted to share a little something. 

I am absolutely obsessed with the YT video that was posted a month ago: 2018 Olympics Men SP Group 5 Full Version (NBCSN). Someone here mentioned it right after I discovered it. 

I watch it often because I hadn’t seen it until now.  

Johnny & Tara have such complimentary things to say although Johnny hedges on whether or not Yuzu’s SP was “the best SP of all time”. That struck me odd, but Tara made up for it with her praise.

Then, Nathan prepares to skate and and Johnny says his SP is the best choreographed (really?) this season and Tara explains that technically it’s more difficult than Yuzu’s. 

When Nathan finishes, Johnny says “Yuzuru Hanyu sucked the wind out of this building and Nathan Chen doesn’t have the experience to build in this situation...”

I showed it to my wonderful husband who is a big fan and downloads/saves all things Yuzu for me. 

He had not seen this video either.  My husband doesn’t use words like beautiful or graceful to describe Yuzu. He just talks about how talented Yuzu is, how easy he makes skating look and how good he feels after watching one of Yuzu’s great performances. 

When he watched Nathan’s performance, he asked me afterward if Nathan was really a senior skater. I told him he didn’t see Nathan at his best.  But, that’s not why he asked. He thought Nathan looked awkward and gangly and that he was throwing himself around. Plus he didn’t like the music at all. (Neither do I). But, I was trying not to give my opinion because I wanted his thoughts. He said Nathan’s skating wasn’t smooth and he had a long way to go to be on Yuzu’s level. 

I haven’t had the heart to go into great detail with him about the judging system and all the changes.

instead, we’ve thoroughly enjoyed FaOI this summer, and have watched every Masquerade video that’s been posted. We both love it. 

I know that when Yuzu retires, I’ll probably stop watching figure skating. But, I won’t stop following Yuzu.  

And, we’ll have a vast library of Yuzu’s videos to watch and enjoy for a long time. 

(Sorry this was so long.)

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  On 8/1/2019 at 12:47 PM, KatjaThera said:

First of all, I never mentioned the letter and was not talking about the letter, but rather the incident with the picture Johnny was asked to remove and the ensuing drama, as well as the mess following Johnny's US Nats comments.


Second of all, I also did not mean to talk about who should feel awkward/bad or whose fault it is. As I said, that's not my point and it's an entirely different debate.


My point is that Yuzu is an extremely polite person, as well as diplomatic. If his fans attack a fellow skater, and even more so if they attack a sempai skater, regardless of whether they have a point or not, and especially keeping in mind that he said last year that Johnny had spoken to him about how he gets attacked on SNS and Yuzu quite clearly showed he is against bullying, IMO, there is no way he would not feel awkward facing Johnny.


Additionally, I have serious doubts any Japanese person who was involved in an issue like the picture incident, would then go to Johnny and say: sorry, but it's your own fault, deal with it. Given that Johnny obviously felt offended, regardless of whether he had the right to or not, I'm quite sure either Yuzu or someone from his team then went to him and explained things properly and they settled everything - given that they did hug on the last time. But I find it hard to believe Yuzu would not feel bad or at least awkward both about the misunderstanding, again, regardless of whose fault it was, and the attacks to Johnny yet again following that. Yuzu just doesn't strike me like the kind of person who would say: you did this to yourself, I don't care. He'll feel awkward, or bad, he might apologize - whether he thinks/feels he did something wrong or not - he might try to explain, but overall, it just puts him in a bad place. The picture incident would have been awkward either way, but fans going after Johnny again was pointless. If everyone had ignored it, it would have died out much more quickly.


Again, I'm not saying Yuzu should react like this, or that it's right for him to react like this, but for me, for what I know about him and Japanese culture, I believe this is how he would react and this is what I think about before posting stuff online: how would Yuzu react to this, or what the consequences of this be for him?


I know Johnny is a lot. I'm not a huge fan of his personality, though I do think he gets crucified a bit too much. But we have to remember Yuzu has been his fan for years and has known him personally for years. I'm sure he knows Johnny better than any of us. He is still one of his sempai and they seem to at least be civil about it. I don't disagree Johnny didn't act appropriately, but to be honest, that's kind of to be expected by now. But I also think Yuzu's team probably could have done a better job to prevent the misunderstanding. Also, AFAIK, Johnny never did accuse them of being homophobic. Also, Johnny has ALWAYS accepted flower crowns, in every single FaOI edition I can remember. It was hardly an exception, and I'm guessing he never knew there was a rule (if there really is one). And days later, Yuzu came out and said the Pooh he always carries around is a fan gift, which to me was a very :1: moment, because fans had just settled on the explanation being that Yuzu does not accept fan gifts. (Admittedly, it could be he no longer does, but then, to be fair, he'd have to ditch the Pooh cover, too, no?) So, basically, we have no idea what happened, but they settled it between themselves. Fans never should have gotten involved.



Now, for the fandom... I believe justifying overreactions by saying that we get blamed for everything under the sun does lead to a vicious circle.


When attacked, the normal reaction, IMO, is to distance yourself from the bad behavior and offer calm arguments in defense of yourself and everyone else who does not act like this. Arguments of: "Yuzu fans hate Evgenia and write letters like that!!!1111" "Yuzu fans would never!!!!1111" do not lead to anything, IMO, because no side will believe the other. I'm pretty sure I actually commented somewhere and said something along the lines of "As a Yuzu fan, I do not approve of such behavior and I'm sure Yuzu does not either. If the person who wrote this calls themselves a Yuzu fan, I wish they would stop" followed by a positive comment on how Evgenia was treated by the audience at FaOI. I can't speak for all Yuzu fans. I can't even really speak for Yuzu. I myself don't feel attacked, because I know I wouldn't do the things I'm attacked of. People who argue with "But Johnny is bad", "But Evgenia is bad", "But when Yuzu gets attacked nobody defends him!" are only making things worse, IMO. I think 100+ comments like mine weigh more than people getting outraged at Yuzu fans getting blamed and getting into arguments. To me, that's a more adult behavior, while the other is more knee-jerk. Just because the antis are jerks doesn't mean we have to react to them. Not like a lot of fans do.


But again, that's just IMO. People are free to believe or say or do whatever they want. :snpeace: (I will also, however continue to speak up when I disagree with their behavior :P )


The thing is, you're a reasonable adult. Given the size and age spread of Yuzu's fandom, there's bound to be plenty of unreasonable people, who may or may not be mature enough yet, participating in social media about him. While these kinds of overheated reactions (I'm referring to the most recent incident specifically) are disappointing, it just  doesn't seem reasonable to think that we can prevent them happening. For every 100 fans that get the message not to go crazy trying to 'help' Yuzu by attacking 'leaks' or what have you, there's a 1000 more who think they're doing the right thing and showing their devotion by piling on.  And giving those ones any reaction only fuels the fire. 



On the Internet, silence kills drama, so to my mind the best way to smother an overheated fan drama reaction to something is to ignore it. Don't reply, don't 'like', don't retweet, nothing. Just leave it to die in silence. 

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  On 8/1/2019 at 12:47 PM, KatjaThera said:

But I also think Yuzu's team probably could have done a better job to prevent the misunderstanding. Also, AFAIK, Johnny never did accuse them of being homophobic. Also, Johnny has ALWAYS accepted flower crowns, in every single FaOI edition I can remember. It was hardly an exception, and I'm guessing he never knew there was a rule (if there really is one). And days later, Yuzu came out and said the Pooh he always carries around is a fan gift, which to me was a very :1: moment, because fans had just settled on the explanation being that Yuzu does not accept fan gifts. (Admittedly, it could be he no longer does, but then, to be fair, he'd have to ditch the Pooh cover, too, no?) So, basically, we have no idea what happened, but they settled it between themselves. Fans never should have gotten involved.



I agree with you on various points but I think there is a few misunderstanding here.


Firstly, in FaOI, there is a rule that the audience cannot hand a gift to a skater while they are on the ice. In FaOI, there is no time for a skater to collect gifts between performances. Besides, there are no boards between the ice and the audience, so allowing it is a bit dangerous both for skaters and the audience. FaOI organizer always asks fans to hand the gifts by putting them into the gift boxes until the end of the Zamboni time before the 2nd half.


So, Johnny is breaking a rule when he receives the flower crown during the finale. However, I think it is probably overlooked because the giver seems to be more than a fan for Johnny. I have seen photos of Johnny and her having dinner with other skaters on Johnny's Instagram. The tradition of giving/receiving the crown can be traced back to Vancouver 2010, so it may be seen as a tradition between longtime friends or something.


Secondly, Yuzu has never said that he doesn't accept gifts from fans. He just stopped reacting to each gift publicly to avoid troubles among fans. He half-jokingly said that if he gives a fan a special treatment, other fans may leave him/her out.


When he was younger and had fewer fans, he sent hand-written thank you letter to fans who gave him fan letters and gifts. It wasn't rare to see him using some of the fan gifts until several years ago.  Pooh is one of such gifts given a long time ago and now his comrade. I doubt any fan (whether older or newer) would attack Yuzu or the giver for Pooh being there. I doubt any fan would get mad at Yuzu for how he handles the gifts now either because obviously, it's the best he can.


Since I don't know what happened between Johnny and Yuzu's team, I don't want to comment on the photo incident itself. I don't feel that I need to anyway because I know Yuzu is in no way afraid of wearing flowers (see FTT costume) and if he and his team asked Johnny to take down the photo there should be a good reason to do so. It's too bad that Johnny wasn't happy about it, but since they are two different persons there can be a disagreement. Also, Johnny might have had a good reason to act that way.

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Yuzu in the shower after he gets a silver medal: Meeeemoryyy :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg: all alooooooone in the mooooonliiight :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg: I can dreeeeam of the ooooold daaaaayys :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg: I was beauuuuutiful :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg: theeeeeen :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg:


Mom, Sis: :tumblr_inline_mzx8y3bms41r8msi5:   :tumblr_m9gck4P2Jf1qzckow:


Yuzu in the shower after he gets a silver medal: i reMEEEEEEMMMMBER :tumblr_inline_np9uqivUkQ1qid2nw_75sq: the TIME :tumblr_inline_np9uqivUkQ1qid2nw_75sq:i KNEW :tumblr_inline_np9uqivUkQ1qid2nw_75sq:what HAAAAAAAPPINESS WAAAAAAAS :tumblr_inline_np9uqivUkQ1qid2nw_75sq:


Mom, Sis: :tumblr_inline_mzx8wwBqAg1r8msi5:  :tumblr_inline_mzx8t825tZ1r8msi5:

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