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  On 5/1/2019 at 8:07 PM, ralucutzagy said:

Guys, it's already May ... nothing about FaoI yet ... if he's not doing FaoI, this off-season is gonna feel endless ... :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:


I really think he will do at least FaoI in Sendai:13877886:...but even if so...this off-season would be reeaaaallly dry, not to talk about how weird it would be to watch the other FaoI shows without him... :tumblr_inline_mnvwrg4ssV1qz4rgp:...but in the end, I hope he does what he thinks/knows it's better for him regarding his health and preparation for the upcoming season...:tumblr_lkl6q24eyw1qfamg6: 

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  On 5/1/2019 at 7:09 PM, rockstaryuzu said:

Yuzu as a choreographer...somehow I picture it being more like him and Mura in CWW: " and then you do twizzle-3A-twizzle, that 50-step StepSeq I showed you before, one-foot travelling camel spin, Ina Bauer into another 3A-"


"-3A combo, 4lo, hydro-"



"I'm still trying to understand the first combo jump...4T-3A into a sit spin, you said?"

"You mean the easy part?"




:headdesk:WHY can I totally see him doing this?!

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I also think he'll do at least Sendai. I don't think FaOI going to Sendai just happened, I'm pretty sure he made it happen. So I can't imagine him not going, especially since he knows him being there will make it better financially.


On top of that, we know he was already on the ice right after Worlds, despite being told officially that he needs treatment for 2-3 months (I think it was?), which seems to hint the treatment this time does not include off-ice time. Either way, as it's known he's been training, I can't imagine he wouldn't do at least Sendai (it'd be different if he'd fallen off the face of the Earth again and we wouldn't know anything; but he knows about about Joseph's interview and he told JSF he was doing an overseas training camp - I think it was - after the Sendai monument design unveiling). He did no-jumps/few jumps while recovering last Summer, so he knows it's doable, and successfully so.


My guess is they either waited for the whole Heisei-Reiwa ceremonies to finish, maybe waited for Golden Week to be over, too, or there might still be discussions with other skaters and they won't announce Yuzu until there's no one else to announce.


That being said, the more people worry, the more I worry, too... Obviously, I want him to rest and heal and I'm sure the shows would be awesome either way, but after going through all the stress of getting tickets and managing to get them to most shows I tried for, it would definitely be a damper if he didn't go... Especially knowing he did do shows last year as part of his rehab... And I just dreamed I'd woken up to an announcement he was doing them all, and waking up for real to discover it was just a dream and then see more people worrying was pretty depressing :dontdothistome:

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  On 5/1/2019 at 7:09 PM, rockstaryuzu said:

Yuzu as a choreographer...somehow I picture it being more like him and Mura in CWW: " and then you do twizzle-3A-twizzle, that 50-step StepSeq I showed you before, one-foot travelling camel spin, Ina Bauer into another 3A-"


"-3A combo, 4lo, hydro-"



"I'm still trying to understand the first combo jump...4T-3A into a sit spin, you said?"

"You mean the easy part?"





That is so totally him......:xD:

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