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  On 11/11/2018 at 12:12 PM, Salior said:

This is oddly specific, but does anyone have examples of people praising Yuzu's 4S? Other than Ghislain 


I don't but I'm going to take this opportunity to praise Yuzu's 4S. Because it's the best 4S--this isn't even bias speaking. I think you could argue about who has the best 4T but no one has a 4S nearly as good as Yuzu's. Between the height, the limited PR compared to all the other 4S, the running edge out, and how easy and effortless he makes the jump look, I actually think it's his second best jump after 3A (maybe 1st best jump this season because his 3A is suffering from 4A training).

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  On 11/10/2018 at 5:31 PM, SydneyH said:

the thing is that this 'female commentator' is Nathalie Péchalat and seriously when you know her costume history when she was competing....I will just say that she almost has not right to criticise Yuzuru's costumes lol :idk:


Yes I agree with you about the taste of Nathalie Pechelat for her own costumes when she did competitions in Ice Dance. I remembered in Sochi Olympics her FD was about Egyptian Mommies and she wears a costume with white bandages like toilet papers. It was quite stunning as bad taste. And she thinks she has the right to dictate what a male skater must wear or can wear in competitions and exhibitions. I can not understand why she complained about the Swan costume of Yuzuru. It was amongst the best costumes ever.

Now another French commentator Alban Preaubert(is it his name sorry if I don't get it right?) said that he does not like Yuzuru 's costume because it is blue (same colour as Johnny Weir 's costume in Otonal).

Both of them seem very narrow mind to me. They talk only about the costume, not about the skating. Are they commenting like that too with skaters other than Yuzuru?

I live in Canada, in Montreal Quebec where French language is our first and official language, before English.

I listen more to English programs when there is skating broadcasted on TV, like on CBC or TSN rather than on French television.

But our Canadian commentators both in French or in English always appreciate and compliment Yuzuru 's skating, even when Yuzuru competes against our own skater Patrick Chan. Kurt Browning, Carol Lane, PJ Kwong are all big fans of Yuzuru.

Sorry for French fans of Yuzuru who have to listen to those two French commentators on TV.


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  On 11/11/2018 at 12:12 PM, Salior said:

This is oddly specific, but does anyone have examples of people praising Yuzu's 4S? Other than Ghislain 


ITAEsp every time Yuzuru lands a beautiful 4S (so, many times LOL... always demanding max GOE)

for sure I remember GPF16 FS the solo 4S, I believe there is a subtitled videos of the ItaEsp commentaries, Angelo says "when he lands it like that it's an amazing/awesome jump, wonderful 4S" (emphasis on wonderful). Later during the replay Angelo swoons a little more calling it enchanting :img_20:

aw that particular 4S reminds me of when I was just starting to realize different types of quads existed and that there are nice quads and gorgeous quads...that 4S was one of those I associate with pure beauty:tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5: I love 4S (when it behaves! And I love all of you, Yuzu's jumps, don't get jealous!:10742289:)

Yuzu's best 4S look so large...I don't mean only the size, but just large as in airy, light, feather-like, suspended in time and space...the sweeping take off, weightless, and the beautiful air position, and the soft, soft, soft landing with free leg unwrapping without any rush, and the back so straight but relaxed...

I also love you, 4T, but I'd love you more if you could be back to your faithful self...and 4Lo, I'd love you more if you didn't leave your best self in practice... 3A I love you so much, even if you were kinda unruly in Helsinki I have faith you're get all those +5 in a few days...show them all how a true +5 3A looks like! And 3F please keep that inside edge and keep being reliable and nice, 3Lo and -3T and -3S and 1Eu (you never know, I don't want to see 1Eu< on Yuzu's protocols:P) keep behaving (expecially you, 3T... and, if you'll be back being nice enough, Zuzu will make you even prettier wih a rippon...don't you want a pretty rippon?:tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw: but you need to be good first!):snonegai: 3Lz, my bb, I love you too (I miss 4Lz too, but Zuzu's foot comes first, so I'll survive without it, while watching that collection of last season COR 4Lzs on loop:tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg:)

so...have I covered all the jumps?:tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg: I'll need to send my usual prayer to spins and steps before comp too...:winky:


  On 11/11/2018 at 5:28 PM, Lunna said:

I'm ready! :loveshower: *only my computer hard drive is not)))*


 same :embSwan:


  On 11/11/2018 at 6:11 PM, shanshani said:

I don't but I'm going to take this opportunity to praise Yuzu's 4S. Because it's the best 4S--this isn't even bias speaking. I think you could argue about who has the best 4T but no one has a 4S nearly as good as Yuzu's. Between the height, the limited PR compared to all the other 4S, the running edge out, and how easy and effortless he makes the jump look, I actually think it's his second best jump after 3A (maybe 1st best jump this season because his 3A is suffering from 4A training).


but 3A in practice isn't suffering that much...I mean, in practice he's landed some of the most gorgeous 3A ever sandwiched between twizzles, that's not what I'd call a 3A suffering from Nessie training :space: IMO Yuzuru's 3A in seq had troubled landing because, while quite good, the landing on 4T wasn't super-perfect (also, jumping that seq is probably harder than 3A from standill as he can't do much to adjust his balance after landing the 4T) and the one in the combo was the last jumping pass...and yet he still managed to do the whole combo... I think in comp his FS 3As are mainly suffering from stamina (and crazy sequences) and the SP twizzle one...well let's remember not long ago he used to creatively save the landings most of the time :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:

tbh I'm amazed at how good his 3A is, considering that with Nessie training his 3A got even bigger and he's still doing the craziest entries and exits...(also let's remember last season too Yuzuru had troubles landing 3A as last jumping pass, now he's doing that from counter and in combo with an even more packed program because of the time reduction)

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