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Poll - When/How did you become a fan of Yuzu?

When did you became a fan of Yuzuru?  

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18 minutes ago, Swarna said:

I am from a country named India where figure skating or any other winter sports are basically non existent.... So me being a 22 yr old and a medical student basically didn't even know that winter sport or winter Olympics even exist. But I am interested in sports so i usually watch some replys of summer Olympic matches.... It was then I saw yuzuru's peyongchang FS program and I clearly remember that the first thought that I had was Oh! Wow!!! This guy really floats on ice. And then I watched a couple of more of his videos and what I came to respect the most was his work ethic and his intelligence and deep knowledge that you feel while watching his interviews. 

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I love to watch how he touches the ice both before going in and after going off the rink..  I love how you can see through his performance that he had put alot of effort in that. I love how inspite of every thing, he is so humble. I used to watch his videos in break while preparing for my exams because he makes me believe that if he can go through all those injuries and difficult times then I can too..... My problems are nothing compared to his and so I should be easily able to pass every difficulty....

And at last I came to know of his obsession with gold medals and my name literally means gold( to be exact it means the light that gold radiates.) See we have a connection there . 

Omgggg you're an Indian fan???? I'm a Vietnamese fan currently staying in India! And yes figure skating is so unfamiliar here, I feel very lonely cuz there's nobody that can share my interest *sobs*:13877886: Ppl around often find the sport (or Yuzu) too feminine and "cute" for their taste Oh the number of times I inwardly rolled my eyes at that. Where are you living in India? 

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3 minutes ago, VyVy99 said:

Omgggg you're an Indian fan???? I'm a Vietnamese fan currently staying in India! And yes figure skating is so unfamiliar here, I feel very lonely cuz there's nobody that can share my interest *sobs*:13877886: Ppl around often find the sport (or Yuzu) too feminine and "cute" for their taste Oh the number of times I inwardly rolled my eyes at that. Where are you living in India? 

I live in Karnataka now.... Where are you from

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44 minutes ago, Swarna said:

I am from a country named India where figure skating or any other winter sports are basically non existent.... So me being a 22 yr old and a medical student basically didn't even know that winter sport or winter Olympics even exist. But I am interested in sports so i usually watch some replys of summer Olympic matches.... It was then I saw yuzuru's peyongchang FS program and I clearly remember that the first thought that I had was Oh! Wow!!! This guy really floats on ice. And then I watched a couple of more of his videos and what I came to respect the most was his work ethic and his intelligence and deep knowledge that you feel while watching his interviews. 

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I love to watch how he touches the ice both before going in and after going off the rink..  I love how you can see through his performance that he had put alot of effort in that. I love how inspite of every thing, he is so humble. I used to watch his videos in break while preparing for my exams because he makes me believe that if he can go through all those injuries and difficult times then I can too..... My problems are nothing compared to his and so I should be easily able to pass every difficulty....

And at last I came to know of his obsession with gold medals and my name literally means gold( to be exact it means the light that gold radiates.) See we have a connection there . 


Welcome to the Planet, you joined at the right time, before the World Championships! :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw: Hope you'll enjoy it here.


p.s. you can edit your own posts and delete the spoiler:)


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26 minutes ago, Swarna said:

I am from a country named India where figure skating or any other winter sports are basically non existent...

India! This is really special indeed. In Germany it's the other extreme: we have so much wintersport broadcast that figure skating doesn't fit into the schedule anymore... :unsure2:
That's the reason why I haven't watched any figure skating since the Yagudin/Plushenko era around 2000... until 11th December 2016.



Dad watched a Bundesliga talk and zapped to Eurosport during the commercial break. The GPF gala in Marseille was broadcasted and Yuzu skated to Notte Stellata.

It was like... I don't know... hypnosis or sth. Eyes widened, mouth open, jaw dropped. I feared that dad would switch back to soccer, but he didn't. He fell in trance just as I did.
We looked at each other - back to soccer?

Nope. Rewatched Yuzu's EX from the beginning, because we had missed the first 30 seconds :sipping:
From that day I haven't missed a competition from Yuzu anymore.



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Hi everyone,

I'm from Russia, and figure skating is rather popular here. I watched since childhood with my mom, was a big fan of Pluschenko and Lambiel. Then after Torino, when they stopped competing, I stopped watching, and didn't watch FS for more than ten years. Then this autumn I went to see SP at COR in Moscow with some friends just for fun. Vaguely knew there would be a two-times Olympic champion (cool!), whom I had briefly seen somewhere. And then there was Otonal. The funny thing is, I didn't really know what hit me. I just decided after I got home that I should catch up on what I had missed in those ten years, especially on the two-times Olympic champion. And I'm still catching up )))

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18 minutes ago, Shimmering said:

Hi everyone,

I'm from Russia, and figure skating is rather popular here. I watched since childhood with my mom, was a big fan of Pluschenko and Lambiel. Then after Torino, when they stopped competing, I stopped watching, and didn't watch FS for more than ten years. Then this autumn I went to see SP at COR in Moscow with some friends just for fun. Vaguely knew there would be a two-times Olympic champion (cool!), whom I had briefly seen somewhere. And then there was Otonal. The funny thing is, I didn't really know what hit me. I just decided after I got home that I should catch up on what I had missed in those ten years, especially on the two-times Olympic champion. And I'm still catching up )))


Hi! Welcome to the Planet :) This is the perfect place to catch up on everything related to Yuzu <3 Hope you'll enjoy being here!

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I'm not sure if I replied to this thread yet.


I remember noticing Yuzu's performance at Sochi, and being satisfied that skater with the least number of mistakes won (let's face it, the Sochi men's final was messy as heck), even if he did win over PChan, who I had been planning to cheer for. I remember being really taken with PW, not so much with R&J2. 


Then life got busy and I forgot about figure skating until two years later, when I happened to flip on the TV and catch the debut of LGC at Skate Canada 2016. Because I liked Prince, I watched and was amazed as Yuzu basically channeled the guy. I mean, Yuzu's attitude for that piece was absolutely perfect.


And since then it's just been a slow burn, with my fanyudom growing quietly, until suddenly at NHK17, after the injury, it burst into full flower in the most unexpected way. As Yuzu limped off the ice, I was gripped with tension and a sense of tragedy. And the next day, when the announcement was made about his injuries, I suddenly felt compelled to pray for his recovery - something I had never felt about any athlete before. I have no idea why; I just knew it was vitally important that he recover and compete at the Olympics...and since then I just keep getting more and entranced by him. 


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  • 1 year later...
On 5/5/2018 at 8:35 PM, Coquelicot said:

The funny thing is, the more you learn about the sport, the more you have a greater appreciation for what Yuzu actually does!!

 The mark of great geniuses. And an excellent incentive to dig into "how things work".


On 1/6/2019 at 4:47 AM, PoohCannelle said:

Oh, Chopin Ballade n°1, I know this piece ! One of my favorite of Chopin :tumblr_m9gcveIckR1qzckow:. Video with no commentary, good. If he doesn't skate beautifully on that, I'm going to be sooo disappointed. Actually no, I'm sure it's not going to be artistically perfect, but anyway, I need to study fs for my next video. It's just 3 minutes after all.''

I can really relate. Chopin is so rarely played well, first. And skating. Well, when I saw it I worried a bit less than you because I had seen him in other programs.


I used to watch (Singles) figure skating and (Ladies) artistic gymnastic with my mother, who was a "casual fan" but for many reasons I didn't watch it later.

Yet I loved ballet and found a Russian forum about Nikolay Tsiskaridze, which I translate with automatic translation, and which have some figure skating threads, only Russian, mainly Ladies. I wasn't impressed by Evgenia Medvedeva and even Elena Radionova, but in early 2017, I saw this Junior, so graceful at so young an age, Alina Zagitova, so I started following this thread more regularly. Then, came the "3 Aces" and their different personalities caught me and I started watching their programs on Youtube when one video was missing in the thread, and at some time in 2019, I saw Hope & Legacy from Helsinki, and it was so beautiful! Yet, as the comments said it was his most beautiful program, I lacked the curiosity to watch more of him (I still wonder why) and just re-watched it from time to time. I had not endeavoured yet to differentiate jumps, to observe details, just a global impression.

Then, there was lateness in the uploading of the 2019 GP videos on the Tsiskaridze forum, so I watched them on Youtube and at Skate Canada, there was this Yuzuru Hanyu and I decided to see what he was doing now. Whaw! From then, I watched a great deal of his videos, I discovered GS but didn't register, then came the GPF robbery and I was so shocked I decided to register on GS to share it. Then I saw what a troll cave it could be (well in tune with Alexandra Trusova's short program after all). At first I didn't have occasion to be much there, then I registered here though I had some prevention of partiality, and I don't regret it (maybe some satellite do), and I decided "not to feed the trolls" and didn't reconnect on GS.

Aaand, I must confess, I watch so much more Yuzuru Hanyu than Nikolay Tsiskaridze at the moment, though I find the latter handsomer (:banned:) and he would dance so wonderfully and he is such a great teacher. And I know he likes figure skating but I have never read any name of a skater from him, so I don't know what he thinks of Yuzuru Hanyu.

We are really blessed to have several G.O.A.T. And Yuzuru Hanyu is so nearly perfect off-ice as well.

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Hi, um, I'm new here, so this is going to be awkward...:rofl3:But, anyway, I hope it's okay for me to share my story here! It's nothing special like all the other stories everyone else has. Before just a few months ago, I wasn't a fan of figure skating. I never liked any sports besides badminton, but even then I never watched it. And I don't have any social media, so I'm actually never up-to-date on anything. 


Anyways, my earliest memory of anything remotely close to it is when my family went on a sort of reunion thing, and we dined at a restaurant. I was somewhere between 10-15? years old at that time, so I don't clearly remember much. Whatever the case, normally I don't pay any mind to the TVs since it's just news or football/soccer (sorry, not sorry), but interestingly, this one was an exception. The TV was playing an ice dance competition, I think, because I can remember watching the Shibutani siblings skating. I really can't remember anything about the skate, but I was impressed by what they did. Unfortunately, while it left a good impression, it wasn't enough for me to actually become an invested fan. Sorry, Alex and Maia!!!!! :sorry:

Life went on, and pretty soon I completely forgot about my interest, and I also got busy with school and health issues. Big events like 2017 World Championships in Helsinki and the Olympics came and went without my knowledge, which I highly regret!!!! Silly little me thought all sports were utterly crazy and unpleasant to watch. I didn't even know figure skating was a sport.....:headdesk2: Honestly, I wasn't a bright kid, heh heh heh...


It was early this year when it all began, I guess. I had more time on my hands, with what was going on, so I started browsing Youtube for things to do. And, of all things, what do I find on my recommendations??? 


F I G U R E   S K A T I N G


And I though, "Nani? I don't watch ice skating. I've only ever watched art and craft videos, so what in the world?" (I know what y'all are thinking....I thought it was ice skating...:happy0007:) Anyhow, I was curious, but not enough to click on any of the videos. Again, regret of a lifetime! Then, I saw this one video titled, "Rare & Unusual Jumps in Figure Skating," and I was like, "Wait, you jump in figure skating? That sounds cool!" So I clicked on it....


....and guess who was featured? There were actually several skaters, both famous and not, who made appearances, but the one that stuck with me the most......


....was him: Hanyu Yuzuru himself


I still stay up at night wondering why. The video talked about jumps in figure skating that were so difficult or worth less points that skaters rarely attempted them, and of course the 4Lo was included, and as the one who ratified it, Yuzuru-kun was shown landing the jump. But why did he stand out to me? Frankly, IDK. Maybe it was because he's Japanese, and I really liked the way his name sounded. And some of the clips shown were not the most clear since they were from a while ago, so I couldn't really make out his face. But there was something different about the way he jumped. I think it might have been because he made it look effortless and gentle, and it really spoke to me. Furthermore, his 4T+3A was included, and the maker of the video wrote: 'Only Yuzu is crazy enough to attempt this in competition.' I was already drawn to the way he jumped, but hearing how brazen he was kind of was the final straw. I just had to search him up to see who he was. 


So I did, and I learned of all his achievements and records. The more I learned, the more amazed and interested I was, so I immediately went on Youtube to search up his performances. I remember his 2014 OG "Parisienne Walkways" being one of the first I saw. I was stunned by how skilled he was and how easy he made it all look. But really, for me, I think that the point of no return was when I watched his "Notte Stellata" from the Olympics. I was speechless, stunned beyond words could express. And I still am; I have no words to describe exactly how I felt. But other than the sheer beauty and otherworldliness that he radiated, another thing that spoke to me was what the program was: I learned from the comments section that he dedicated it to the victims of the 2011 disaster. I found out that he had fled from the rink in his skates, terrified and confused, and how he had persevered through it all to fulfill his dreams. 


And that, I think, was how I truly became his fan. Realizing how great his inner strength was and how much he had sacrificed to reach where he was shook me to the core. I thought, "This man is more than the greatest figure skater. He is something more, much more. He is someone I can always look to for inspiration and who will always remain a role model to me." And from there, the journey began. 


My sincerest thanks to Yuzutea-san, the maker of that video that I mentioned, for bringing me to where I am now, and to all of you reading this for this incredible "planet" that I can call home. Although, um, sorry for the long rant??? 


Finally, I just have to say, arigatou gozaimashita, Yuzuru-kun, for everything. I truly hope that he will succeed in his dreams! :img_21:

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