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Media Day 2018

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3 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

Nijinsky will be fabulous - less convinced by Otonal - seems a bit ....flat?.....but he’s probably chopped it around to make it more interesting - can’t wait to see!!!!!


For sure he'd have done his own cut, and given what a superb job he did for Seimei, I think we can wait to hear it...


But you have to give it to the King of Extra, don't you? He even fanboys way more extravangantly than most folk could dream....

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1 minute ago, MajaHled said:

Couldn't he theoretically have it as the solo jump (the one that used to be with steps, not the axel type)?


Oh yes, also true. Sigh. My head is stuck in Juniors I swear. Yes. But we won't talk about that either. 3 quads in the Sp ... no. 

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