PPOS Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 4/4/2021 at 9:09 AM, tafattsbarn said: Oh, so i see booty appreciation does not go against the rules? Your google search is much more sophisticated then my own, but i suppose we shall share the wealth, hmmmm (kind of hilarious that his name doesn't even have to be in the 'purple pants of sin' search and it's still only him lol) https://www.google.com/search?q=yuzuru+hanyu+ass&sxsrf=ALeKk02KkyYV0_-874GMeamw08fDzYKiYw:1617526857693&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGvJGOneTvAhVjkosKHfLPDRIQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1536&bih=722&dpr=1.25 Fun fact: Yuzu's booty has an entire instagram account dedicated to it, as i found out today lol: https://www.instagram.com/yuzuspeach/ I think you've identified the problem here, though it would still be appreciated if he could throw himself into the booty wiggle with a bit more abandon (even if his ass lacks the requiered meaty-ness to actually wiggle v-v ). Reveal hidden contents Though it's round, and perfectly perky, it does look rock hard lmao Expand So we are now speculating on not just the peachiness but also the firmness of the 🍑?? I think it's rock hard also but with the involvement of some good hip action he could give it a good shake/ wiggle.....with us all egging him on!!!! Link to comment
PPOS Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 4/4/2021 at 2:07 PM, rockstaryuzu said: I can easily demonstrate booty-wiggling, but, unlike with Yuzu, ain't nobody on the Internet want to see that! Expand Just to show him HOW......I'M sure no one wants to see my attempt either but I'd love to think of him standing in front of his mirror practising after watching all the vids!!!😉😉 Link to comment
PPOS Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 4/4/2021 at 3:36 PM, hananistellata said: If Yuzu keeps LMEY by the time the crowd is allowed to scream we may even hear people cheering on his wiggle. Expand Or standing up and shaking it with him????, Link to comment
Umebachi Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 4/4/2021 at 1:37 PM, Melodie said: This is a really long but well-written thread. I will paste all the tweets under this thread here, but please read them on twitter if you can. It is worth it. There have been discussions about Heaven & Earth and Seimei being alike (because all Asian music are the same, apparently). While they might be spiritual kins, in many ways I think of them as polar opposites. For one, the tonality. Where Seimei is dramatic and charged with tension that builds to a big finish, H&E is introspective and self-searching, a ride into battle with no easy answer. If Seimei is depicted in the program as a confident hero, Kenshin in H&E is a weary general. It's somewhat reflected in the way he moves. Seimei is all about snapping into motion, limbs moving in precise arc and right on beat. On H&E, his arm movement is soft and water-like, while the feet move in circles. Like a pondering or delirious mind in a foggy battlefield. Where Seimei is sharp, punctuated movements, H&E is like a walk through a spiralling path, a dance with the wind. Even outside of the stsq, little touches like how he uses his arms continue. This part, especially right after the 3A. The way it begins and ends also feels like opposites. Seimei starts with suspenseful quiet while H & E kicks off with a charge into battle rightaway, that grand cinematic orchestra that conjures to mind galloping horses and opposing forces, accelerating right into the 4lo. And in the end, it reverses. Seimei as a story is somewhat attached to the idea of good and evil ("the light that banishes the darkness", as SLB says) and builds like a victory lap toward the end. In this aspect at least, it is the more 'traditional' hero / warrior FS program. In H&E, good and evil seem irrelevant, and the greater battle is waged against questions that visit in the dark - how long should one fight? what is the point? this is where (imo) the program does something unusual, rising to the highest upswell of the music, and then leaving us on that haunting note, the final plucks of the stringed instrument (a biwa, I think?). It deliberately denies a triumphant resolution. It fits with what Yuzuru suggested that the program is less about victories or losses as it is about the cost of battle. It leaves you in that tension like a snap of a finger that ends a dream abruptly. Given that a lot of programs are designed to ramp up the hype toward the end, it feels like a distinct choice. What is the point of a hero's journey, if not victory? It's for him to answer. Personally, I agree with what they said. I also feel that H&E is so much more difficult to interpret than Seimei. I honestly don't think younger Yuzu would have been able to pull off H&E in the way that the present Yuzu can. No matter what, I sincerely believe that "Yuzuru Hanyu today is better than Yuzuru Hanyu of PC Seimei and World's Hope and Legacy." It is so exciting and inspiring to see an athlete of his caliber still striving forward and making improvement. @Yuzurella: I didn’t see your post. Turns out we both posted the same things LOL, but I agree with you it is such a nice thread Expand I responded to M @mousse in another long thread, which I attach here. Link to comment
river Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 4/4/2021 at 3:36 PM, hananistellata said: If Yuzu keeps LMEY by the time the crowd is allowed to scream we may even hear people cheering on his wiggle. Expand Oh, if you listen closely at Worlds, you can hear someone cheering it on from the stands. Link to comment
Fay Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 This post has been tagged by Fay as [NEWS]. Link to comment
SuzyQ Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 Whole interview of the video from Fuji TV in Japanese text, and rough translation by DeepL and me. 正直悔しい気持ちはもちろんあるんですけど、ただトレーニングの成果自体は、点数に結びついていないところでしっかりと出せてもいたので、収穫もありつつという感じではあるとは思います。 To be honest, of course I feel frustrated, but I was able to show the results of my training in the areas that didn't lead to points, so I think I was able to reap some benefits. それと、もちろん自分自身この世界選手権に出るか出ないかってことをギリギリまで迷いましたし、3月の、来る時にちょうど地震が起きて、かなり気持ちの方も、「これは出ない方がいいってことなのかな」とか、「そもそもこのような状況の中で僕が出ていいのだろうか」ということをまた改めて悩んで。まあ、結局来たんですけど、でもその来た理由はもう完全に、枠を取ってオリンピックに繋げていくということが一番だったので、だから勝ち負けではなくて、とにかく日本の枠取りに全日本王者として最大限貢献するということを一番の目標にやってきました。 Also, of course, I was wondering until the very last minute whether or not to participate in this World Championships, and in March, right before leaving Japan, the earthquake happened, and I was feeling like, "Does this mean I shouldn't participate?", or, "In the first place, should I be allowed to participate under these circumstances?", I wondered again. Well, after all I came here, but the reason why I came here was simply to win the spots and lead it to the Olympics, so my main objective was not to win or lose, but to contribute to winning Japan's spots as the national champion. まあ実際、この世界選手権で完璧にノーミスできて、もし優勝することが出来たとしたら、かなり自分の中で満足できてたと思うんです。ただそれをさせて貰えなかったというか、確実に順調な階段を上っていって、完全に良い形で練習から6分間練習までいっていたとは思うんですけど、ちょっとしたズレで本番が、ほろほろと崩れてしまって…でも、うん…なんかそれで良かったんじゃないかって思うんですよね。やっぱ「天と地と」は全日本でアクセル(4A)なしの構成で完成できてると思うんで、やっぱりアクセル(4A)込みのプログラムの完成形をちゃんと見せないとだめだっていうふうに言われた気がしていて、それが今モチベーションになっています。 Well, actually, if I had been able to make no mistakes and win the Worlds this time, I think I would have been quite satisfied within me. But I wasn't allowed to do that, or how to say, I was going up the stairs steadily, and I think I went from the practice (before FS) to six-minute practice in a perfectly good shape, but there was a slight deviation, and the actual performance fell apart gradually. But, well... I think it was a good thing after all. I think "Ten to Chi to" was completed without Axel (4A) at the Nationals, so I felt like being told that I had to show the complete program with Axel (4A), and that's my motivation now. You know, The greatest sarcasm to ISU from Yuzu without noticing : "I was able to show the results of my training in the areas that didn't lead to points" This post has been tagged by Fay as [NEWS]. Link to comment
Fay Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 So basically, he was in two minds about going to the Worlds right to the end. Can’t have been an easy choice to come. @SuzyQ Link to comment
Henni147 Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 4/4/2021 at 3:46 PM, Umebachi said: I responded to M @mousse in another long thread, which I attach here. Expand Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts about Seimei and TenChi. It's really a great thread. I added my personal take on this topic, too: Link to comment
rockstaryuzu Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 4/4/2021 at 3:39 PM, PPOS said: Just to show him HOW......I'M sure no one wants to see my attempt either but I'd love to think of him standing in front of his mirror practising after watching all the vids!!!😉😉 Expand Link to comment
tafattsbarn Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 Direct link: https://sportlandiamartina.wordpress.com/2021/04/04/quality-goe-and-pcs/ Interesting data analysis on scoring trends in GOE and PCS for individual elements (all in 100+ point short programs, so basically good quality ones) for Yuzu comparing his scores before and after his second olympic gold medal. The result is nothing we on this forum and elsewhere haven't observed in real time as competitions have come and gone, but it's disheartening to see laid out like this in graphs and data points. Either Yuzu's execution of elements has drastically declined in quality (which we all know isn't true, and no one can convince me it is), or the scoring fuckery has increased with time. It's pretty disgusting when you see it displayed so clearly like this. Link to comment
rockstaryuzu Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 4/4/2021 at 3:36 PM, hananistellata said: If Yuzu keeps LMEY by the time the crowd is allowed to scream we may even hear people cheering on his wiggle. Expand And he'll have had time to practice it by then so... In any case, I think the real reason it's in the choreo is just to make us smile and laugh, in which case, objective already achieved, so it's fine with me even if he leaves it as is. Link to comment
barbara Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 4/4/2021 at 12:22 PM, SuzyQ said: [NEWS] Photos slides of Yomiuri Shimbun. https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/s/ims/2021wfigureselect/ https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/s/ims/2021wfugurepractice/ https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/s/ims/2021wfugureMS/ https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/s/ims/2021wFigureMF/ https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/s/ims/2021wFigureexhibition/ Expand Does anyone know how to download any of these pics???? Link to comment
Henni147 Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 My first and last take on the wiggle topic: The lyrics of the song say "shake your arse". According to the Cambridge Dictionary the word "shake" is defined as follows: to move backwards and forwards or up and down in quick, short movements, or to make something or someone do this. If you are shaking, your body makes quick short movements, or you feel as if it is doing so, because you are frightened or nervous. Yuzu clearly satisfies the criteria to make something move in quick and short movements. And the certain something matches the required a-word in the lyrics. Hence, perfect 10.00 for IN. Literally. Link to comment
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