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Isn't it a first time too, he assumes being co-choreographer of his programs? I confess I dream seeing a whole choreography by him, competitive or not. :tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg::8430721:

And, I guess we will have many discussions after Nationals, to guess where he means to jump a yon-A in his programs. At first sight and being so ignorant, I would say, as the quad jump in his short program because he doesn't lack stamina for a short program, even his which are so taxing, with a "plan B" of a quad jump instead of the 3A if he pops the 4A into a 3A? Because, in a long program, 4 or 5 quads + all what he does (and he will never want to skate an empty program with just elements) is already so incredible.

Also, do you think he would prefer us fans not to watch the title of his musics before discovering the programs themselves? (I should consult my MD first, maybe.)

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The 15:45 - 17:00 program on 24 Dec on Fuji TV seems to say Hanyu Yuzuru practice from yesterday.

However, my Japanese reading ability is not the best, so I hope a  native Japanese speaker will revise if I’m wrong. That program is not available in my part of Japan, but could be available on iSakura ( Fuji One)

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10 hours ago, amylance1215 said:

Can someone please tell me this means we will be able to see his practice session??!!!

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


Fuji TV: IT! 15:45 - 19:00  Yuzuru Hanyu's in the practice session the day before (the competition)

FNN Live News a 24:00 - 24:45 Yuzuru Hanyu and others official/open practice - Japan Nationals FS tomorrow


I get a feeling that they will show like a snippets of the practice session. These are "News" programs and they will just have a small segment of figure skating where Yuzu and others having practice session. We will wait and see...

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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11 minutes ago, Umebachi said:



Sponichi is reporting that Hanyu-senshu has entered the venue at 11:11 AM.   They are confirming that the media are maintaining good distance from him.  The first group of men will start the OP at 12:45.  



So glad to hear that they are not mobbing him! Hoping everyone will be safe. 


Wonder if the news media will drop his programs? Aaaah, can't wait to hear the news about his new programs, music, choreo, costumes! :tumblr_inline_mfy92hO4sm1qid2nw:


After this long drought, it was so good to see his interview. Want more! :tumblr_inline_n2pjcy6tMv1qdlkyg:

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1 minute ago, IceWings said:


So glad to hear that they are not mobbing him! Hoping everyone will be safe. 


Wonder if the news media will drop his programs? Aaaah, can't wait to hear the news about his new programs, music, choreo, costumes! :tumblr_inline_mfy92hO4sm1qid2nw:


After this long drought, it was so good to see his interview. Want more! :tumblr_inline_n2pjcy6tMv1qdlkyg:


I suppose we should continue our discussion on the JNats events page, but I expect the Japanese media will give us blow by blow details of his practice.  Since he has arrived already, he might be in one of the earlier practice groups?  Possibly Group 1 at 12:45 - in another 45 minutes!


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