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On 22/5/2017 at 18:52, Neenah said:

I have been looking into the PC's for last season and wanted to share some numbers.
I counted the number of 10's given to the top men last season. Here is what I found

  • A 10 was given by the judges a total of 55 times (34 at WC, 8 at RC, 5 at EC, 3 at NHK, 3 at GPF, 1 at 4CC, and 1 at WTT).
  • The skater who got 10's are Javier (25), Yuzuru  (22), Patrick (5), and Shoma (3)
  • 26 were given for IN, 15 for PE, 10 for CO, 3 for SS, and 1 TR
  • Javier have four 10's for a skates with falls (3 in EC for CO and IN in the FS, 1 in WC for INT in the FS)
  • Yuzuru have nine 10's for his SP even though he was never completely clean (NHK, GPF, 4CC, WC) one in TR,one in CO,2 in PE,  and 5 in IN.
  • Yuzuru also received  a 10 for his FS at WTT in IN. The rest of his 10's were received for his Worlds FS (1 for SS, 2 fo CO, 4 for INT, 5 for PE)
  • Yuzuru is the only skater with a 10 in TR (NHK for the SP).
  • Three skaters have 10 for Skating skills Patrick, Yuzuru, and Shoma all in WC (Patrick for SP, Yuzuru and Shoma for FS)
  • Shoma got all his 10's for his FS at Worlds. (SS, CO, IN)
  • Patrick got all his 10's for the Worlds SP. (1 for SS, 2 for PE, 2 for IN).

Looking at the numbers made me realize that the change the ISU made about not giving a 10 for a performance with a "serious error" (whatever that is:confused2:)is not really going to do much as most of these 10's were given for outstanding performances (I don't know about other disciplines though)
Though it is interesting to see the number of 10's in INT and PER,the most subjective of all components ;)


Edit:corrected Patrick's data


*Data is from the GP's, GPF, EC, 4CC, WC, WTT. Mistakes are possible, let me know if you spot any so I can fix it.

** Anyone have a suggestion on a better way to present the data?!!!! This looks confusing but I couldn't fit it into a table or decide on how to break it  into more than one

***I am starting to feel like the boring friend who only talks about studies when the group meets :facepalm:


I couldn't actually handle the tables in the forum to do what I wanted and couldn't copy the one I did in Excel, so I just went ahead and uploaded it as an image. Your research, in table format.




Note: Technically, Yuzu's SP at 4CC 2017 didn't have an error... he popped a quad but every element was counted. :shrug:

Edit: Please assume Yuzu's WTT FS should have a * there (corrected)

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that requiem with live piano :smiley-love017: japanese nationals gala is really something! it reminds me, he performed hana ni nare with a live performance too when he won the first time


30 minutes ago, randomanon said:


I think out of the top 6 Yuzuru's probably the most versatile out of them all - he's done the warhorses, piano, blues (PW), rock (you can classify prince as rock right??? , please correct me if I'm wrong), japanese music (seimei, H&L) of different styles... a pretty big range... he tries (and succeeds!) to expand his artistic comfort zone...

i totally agree! which is why for next season even when he choose a more dramatic music to suit judges' taste i hope it will still be something uniquely different (but not too much because, risky lol) from what we usually see from other skaters

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23 minutes ago, Yolo3a said:

I hear last year they predicted the silver correctly as well. But this year silver goes to whom? #plsbeBoyang


I guess there were only two real contestants for gold and silver then, so if they predicted gold for Yuzu, Patrick had to take silver. This Olympics, the podium is anyone's guess, really. I'd actually be happy with any iteration of the podium (with Yuzu for gold, of course), but I'm hoping for an uncles podium and the youngsters can fight for it at Worlds.

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1 minute ago, xeyra said:


I guess there were only two real contestants for gold and silver then, so if they predicted gold for Yuzu, Patrick had to take silver. This Olympics, the podium is anyone's guess, really. I'd actually be happy with any iteration of the podium (with Yuzu for gold, of course), but I'm hoping for an uncles podium and the youngsters can fight for it at Worlds.

I want uncle podium :BeatingHeart: I don't know if the youngster can handle the nerve. I think olympic is different from other competition. BTW anything can happen. I will cheer for Yuzu no matter what's happening. 

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my fave podium would honestly be Yuzu-Javi-Boyang but I guess I will be happy with any podium, too, as long as Yuzu gets gold (and no one gets too close to his scores) 


(I should probably start preparing myself mentally for the worst but I just cannot imagine a podium w/o Yuzu on top :sadPooh:)

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17 minutes ago, anyanee said:

I want uncle podium :BeatingHeart: I don't know if the youngster can handle the nerve. I think olympic is different from other competition. BTW anything can happen. I will cheer for Yuzu no matter what's happening. 


Yea I agree Yuzu said so too during 2014 Sochi :68556365: I just really hoped javi can get to the podium in Pyeongchang.. and gold for our golden boy of course!

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2 hours ago, Fresca said:


I think Yuzu is very versatile and the only styles he wouldn't be able to do are really hard hitting ones like some types of hip hop. I know there are those who think Latin won't suit him but I think he'd be good at even that. I have never seen a Latin FS program remotely close to the real thing. They are all jazz with maybe a little sprinkle of paso doble thrown in but mostly jazz packaged as Latin and sold well and Yuzu is good at jazz.


I think he would be able to do hip hop very well, because he's got the sense of rhtythm and musicality for it. That off-ice hip-hop training video of him shows how impressive he is! :smile:


1 hour ago, randomanon said:


I think out of the top 6 Yuzuru's probably the most versatile out of them all - he's done the warhorses, piano, blues (PW), rock (you can classify prince as rock right??? , please correct me if I'm wrong), japanese music (seimei, H&L) of different styles... a pretty big range... he tries (and succeeds!) to expand his artistic comfort zone... Which is why I think if he did do Latin, I'm sure he'd sell it.


I agree about the versatility so much, and this season was a very good example how different styles he is able to interpret on the ice. Let's Go Crazy which is funk-rock, upbeat, extrovert and loud vs Hope and Legacy with its completely different musical roots and which is introverted, sensitive and calm. I am sure he could do Latin as well (I wasn't sure about it years ago, but now I think the opposite), of course depending of its the type as well.

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I definitely want Yuzu at the top in PyeongChang, but I am having a hard time imagining a podium without Nathan and/or Shoma on it. As long as Yuzu gets the top spot I am willing to do away with all the other dream podium placements I want across all the disciplines. See, I am an excellent negotiator, skate gods! :bow::bow::bow:


5 hours ago, Altie said:

There's been some cool stuff on Tumblr lately. Sorry if if it's already been posted, I wasn't online these days :


- an amazing gifset

- another amazing gifset

(seriously, this tumblr user has incredible gif editing skills !)

- a snippet of keiji's interview about Yuzu... and girls !!!! (I'm shocked :rofl:)


And I suppose there's already be lots of talk about this interview with Shizuka but is there a summary/transcription somewhere ?



That Keiji interview is :rofl::rofl:. And since most probably don't understand Japanese at these things they can probably say quite a bit! 

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The Olympic podium belongs to the skaters whom are able to deliver, when it counts, under a huge amount of pressure. To me, Yuzuru already has his name written, IF NOT ON THE GOLD, on the silver. Because he's the one with the most experience. Yes, Patrick and Javier are older, but I am positive they've never felt all of the pressure Yuzuru has felt since he won Sochi. I think it's a question of mental sanity. To be there, and to be able to filter your thoughts, letting only the positive thoughts get absorbed. 

If you're at the Olympics and you start thinking "if I fail here, I'll have failed everything", or "the whole world is watching me, if I make a mistake everyone will remember that" or "that skater looks more motivated than me", and so on, chances are the thoughts are going to reach you while you're performing. 

I believe Yuzuru will be able, when it counts, to have the right thoughts. Everyone (the press) is trying to insert bad thoughts in him like "He's the only one with something to lose", but I don't think he sees it that way. He sees himself equal to everyone else, and sees the Olympics as the greatest occasion to show his vision of skating to the world. He's had experience defending titles, he's had experience winning medals despite injuries, and he never fails to deliver, when it counts, no matter the amount of pressure.

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5 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

The Olympic podium belongs to the skaters whom are able to deliver, when it counts, under a huge amount of pressure. To me, Yuzuru already has his name written, IF NOT ON THE GOLD, on the silver. Because he's the one with the most experience. Yes, Patrick and Javier are older, but I am positive they've never felt all of the pressure Yuzuru has felt since he won Sochi. I think it's a question of mental sanity. To be there, and to be able to filter your thoughts, letting only the positive thoughts get absorbed. 

If you're at the Olympics and you start thinking "if I fail here, I'll have failed everything", or "the whole world is watching me, if I make a mistake everyone will remember that" or "that skater looks more motivated than me", and so on, chances are the thoughts are going to reach you while you're performing. 

I believe Yuzuru will be able, when it counts, to have the right thoughts. Everyone (the press) is trying to insert bad thoughts in him like "He's the only one with something to lose", but I don't think he sees it that way. He sees himself equal to everyone else, and sees the Olympics as the greatest occasion to show his vision of skating to the world. He's had experience defending titles, he's had experience winning medals despite injuries, and he never fails to deliver, when it counts, no matter the amount of pressure.


You said it so beautifully! :goe: and I wholeheartedly agrees!!

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hace 4 minutos , Murieleirum said:

The Olympic podium belongs to the skaters whom are able to deliver, when it counts, under a huge amount of pressure. To me, Yuzuru already has his name written, IF NOT ON THE GOLD, on the silver. Because he's the one with the most experience. Yes, Patrick and Javier are older, but I am positive they've never felt all of the pressure Yuzuru has felt since he won Sochi. I think it's a question of mental sanity. To be there, and to be able to filter your thoughts, letting only the positive thoughts get absorbed. 

If you're at the Olympics and you start thinking "if I fail here, I'll have failed everything", or "the whole world is watching me, if I make a mistake everyone will remember that" or "that skater looks more motivated than me", and so on, chances are the thoughts are going to reach you while you're performing. 

I believe Yuzuru will be able, when it counts, to have the right thoughts. Everyone (the press) is trying to insert bad thoughts in him like "He's the only one with something to lose", but I don't think he sees it that way. He sees himself equal to everyone else, and sees the Olympics as the greatest occasion to show his vision of skating to the world. He's had experience defending titles, he's had experience winning medals despite injuries, and he never fails to deliver, when it counts, no matter the amount of pressure.

Completely agree. I am sure he will be on the podium at least. If something goes bad in the SP, he will still have the FS and he is the king of comebacks.  

And anybody have something to loose at the Olympics. For Javi and Patrick it will be their last chande to win  an Olympic medal.  Nathan doesn't seem motivated to have long skating carrer, he wants it here and now and the pressure will be huge next season. Shoma is loved by judges right now, but by the next Olympic new stars will rise.  

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