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We just call them capsicum in Australia. I gave up on keeping up with other names for them.


Now I'm reading about capsicum. Did you know birds don't feel the spiciness of capsaicin, only mammals? And their bright colours attract birds who spread their seeds? The things you learn from figure skating... in a very round-about way.


ETA So much about capsicum membranes and placenta! I don't think I can eat them anymore!

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In the US paprika is commonly used to refer to the dry spice, but is actually the real name for a red bell pepper. It's just that people always call it a red bell pepper and don't realize it's a paprika pepper. That's what paprika the spice is made from. 


I have made the same mistake as Yuzu before. Mistaking a slice of roasted red bell pepper for a tomato in my sandwich. It was a gross surprise as I hate bell peppers. 

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2 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

Omg did anyone just watch that on Fuji? Runthrough of SEIMEI from open practice in red UA! I tuned in just as that kid slid in front of him and pissed myself at the look he gave him. 


Was it a full runthrough? It looked UNBELIEVABLE and NOT HUMAN!

It was a full runthrough, but Yuzu's a tease so he basically only did the jumps and a few steps and spins here and there

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