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I'm not sure physically attending class would work for him, especially in Japan... and I can't see him doing it anywhere else. Maybe after he retires, the craze will die down a bit but I'm not sure...


Personally, I still hope he'll give choreographing a try. It's a more creative process and would go better with the artist in him. Also, as Brian said, after retiring, it's best to do ice shows as long as you can, before settling into coaching. As Yuzu is still very young, if he follows that advice, it will probably be very long until he gets to coaching. However, choreographing he could definitely do in parallel with ice shows. And personally, I also think that by choreographing he would pass on his values about complete and complex programs, jumps as part of the choreography and overall artistry on to new generations, much better than he would as a coach. That could be such a blessing for figure skating... Imagine more skaters doing what he does...


I also hope he won't give up that dream he mentioned of starting a skating school and working with all his idols on it... I imagine a huge, international skating network, connecting skating schools around the world, promoting figure skating and maybe even helping skaters in countries without a history in the sport, without infrastructure and finances and so on... Sounds too idealistic at this point, but if anyone can make that happen, it's definitely him...

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On 5/1/2019 at 3:48 PM, Veveco said:

For those who might not know yet, we are organizing a fan book on the Planet! :dancingpooh:

You can help us by filling this survey and/or share your experience as a fanyu + leave a message for Yuzy here (or here if you don't have a Google account).

More details on the Fan Project thread. We'll keep the forms open until May 12.


So far we had over 400 answers for the survey and over 100 for the book! The tweet really helped the promotion of the project, thank you again @yuzuangel :10742289: (Before the beginning I was telling myself that it would be a success if we could have at least 100 replies overall) 


Here is a sneak peak into the sort of statistics that we are getting. Seimei seems to be the overall favorite program, followed by H&L and Chopin. You can vote to defend your own favorite programs ;)





I want to say thank you to everyone who is involved in the creation of this fan book. This is a wonderful idea :grouphug:

It's a bit sad that videos cannot be printed in photobooks, because Yuzu inspired and motivated me to reach the next level of editing skills. I never thought that I could learn something challenging like this without outside help.



This fan project and the latest video deletion wave on YouTube fueled me to create a decalogy of Yuzuru Hanyu-tribute videos:


Signature moves (part I & II)

(III) Jump evolution

(IV) Spin collection/ Iconic starting and ending poses

(V) Step sequence selection

(VI) Best recovery jumps and layout changes
(VII) Greatest practice moments
(VIII) Rituals and fan culture

(IX) Tribute programs and elements

(X) Career flashback (including major titles, records, firsts and special moments)

(I) and (VI) are finished and uploaded already. The topics and order of publishing can change. It depends on the next couple of seasons, the available video material and my personal schedule. Yuzu seems to stay competitive a bit longer and plans new jumps and other things, so it makes sense to wait especially with II, III and X. The ritual and tribute collections are clips that I had on the radar a while ago, so they might be up next.

My motivation is to create a summary of Yuzu's skating history and introduce him to old and new fans in a series of different viewpoints (technique, artistry, cognitive and mental strength, success and popularity). I don't want to compare him with other skaters or make any rankings (top 10 jumps, moments,...). Tastes are different and I think every fan has his or her own personal ranking already. I just want to make people remember his achievements and legacy in this sport.


Do you think, this is a good idea and worth a go? If you have other nice ideas for topics, I'm open for every suggestion. Might need some help with the raw material (my FS video archive is very... limited...) Especially show footage and practice fancams are difficult to get due to copyright issues. However, I will do my very best to edit new clips and complete this series :10815002:

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1 hour ago, Henni147 said:

It's a bit sad that videos cannot be printed in photobooks, because Yuzu inspired and motivated me to reach the next level of editing skills. I never thought that I could learn something challenging like this without outside help.

I've been thinking about this issue because one person mentioned in the survey that they were preparing a Yuzu-inspired free program (!) so I assumed they might record themselves? I'd love to include videos, but I'm not sure what is the best solution. A screenshot in the book with a link to the actual video in the legend? Embed the video in the pdf version? Either way, there has to be a digital version of the book to make it work properly. Or make a public folder with the videos and provide the link in the book?

If anyone has a better idea, I'm open to suggestions. :think:


I love your decalogy idea. It seems like quite a bit of work, but it could be really great for both old and new FS watchers!

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24 minutes ago, Veveco said:

I've been thinking about this issue because one person mentioned in the survey that they were preparing a Yuzu-inspired free program (!) so I assumed they might record themselves? I'd love to include videos, but I'm not sure what is the best solution. A screenshot in the book with a link to the actual video in the legend? Embed the video in the pdf version? Either way, there has to be a digital version of the book to make it work properly. Or make a public folder with the videos and provide the link in the book?

If anyone has a better idea, I'm open to suggestions. :think:


I hate to go with ISU's methods, but how about the conservative solution: record all video clips on a DVD and put it into the book with a legend?  :dontdothistome:

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3 hours ago, KatjaThera said:

I'm not sure physically attending class would work for him, especially in Japan... and I can't see him doing it anywhere else. Maybe after he retires, the craze will die down a bit but I'm not sure...


Personally, I still hope he'll give choreographing a try. It's a more creative process and would go better with the artist in him. Also, as Brian said, after retiring, it's best to do ice shows as long as you can, before settling into coaching. As Yuzu is still very young, if he follows that advice, it will probably be very long until he gets to coaching. However, choreographing he could definitely do in parallel with ice shows. And personally, I also think that by choreographing he would pass on his values about complete and complex programs, jumps as part of the choreography and overall artistry on to new generations, much better than he would as a coach. That could be such a blessing for figure skating... Imagine more skaters doing what he does...


I also hope he won't give up that dream he mentioned of starting a skating school and working with all his idols on it... I imagine a huge, international skating network, connecting skating schools around the world, promoting figure skating and maybe even helping skaters in countries without a history in the sport, without infrastructure and finances and so on... Sounds too idealistic at this point, but if anyone can make that happen, it's definitely him...

Yuzu as a choreographer...somehow I picture it being more like him and Mura in CWW: " and then you do twizzle-3A-twizzle, that 50-step StepSeq I showed you before, one-foot travelling camel spin, Ina Bauer into another 3A-"


"-3A combo, 4lo, hydro-"



"I'm still trying to understand the first combo jump...4T-3A into a sit spin, you said?"

"You mean the easy part?"



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2 hours ago, Henni147 said:


I want to say thank you to everyone who is involved in the creation of this fan book. This is a wonderful idea :grouphug:

It's a bit sad that videos cannot be printed in photobooks, because Yuzu inspired and motivated me to reach the next level of editing skills. I never thought that I could learn something challenging like this without outside help.



This fan project and the latest video deletion wave on YouTube fueled me to create a decalogy of Yuzuru Hanyu-tribute videos:

  Hide contents

Signature moves (part I & II)

(III) Jump evolution

(IV) Step sequence selection

(V) Iconic starting and ending poses

(VI) Best recovery jumps and layout changes
(VII) Greatest practice moments
(VIII) Rituals and fan culture

(IX) Tribute programs and elements

(X) Career flashback (including major titles, records, firsts and special moments)

(I) and (VI) are finished and uploaded already. The topics and order of publishing can change. It depends on the next couple of seasons, the available video material and my personal schedule. Yuzu seems to stay competitive a bit longer and plans new jumps and other things, so it makes sense to wait especially with II, III and X. The ritual and tribute collections are clips that I had on the radar a while ago, so they might be up next.

My motivation is to create a summary of Yuzu's skating history and introduce him to old and new fans in a series of different viewpoints (technique, artistry, cognitive and mental strength, success and popularity). I don't want to compare him with other skaters or make any rankings (top 10 jumps, moments,...). Tastes are different and I think every fan has his or her own personal ranking already. I just want to make people remember his achievements and legacy in this sport.


Do you think, this is a good idea and worth a go? If you have other nice ideas for topics, I'm open for every suggestion. Might need some help with the raw material (my FS video archive is very... limited...) Especially show footage and practice fancams are difficult to get due to copyright issues. However, I will do my very best to edit new clips and complete this series :10815002:

it'a wondeful idea I jut love your videos!

Great music choice and you included Etude(very underrated program but still one of my fave)and Change ,my top 3 fave EX so far!:clap:

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8 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Guys, it's already May ... nothing about FaoI yet ... if he's not doing FaoI, this off-season is gonna feel endless ... :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:


I still have hope that Yuzu will at least do FaOI in Sendai. Come on, it's Sendai. He has to be there! Even if he's only being carried around on the ice by some hunky pair skaters or ice dancers... :pouty:

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12 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Guys, it's already May ... nothing about FaoI yet ... if he's not doing FaoI, this off-season is gonna feel endless ... :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:

I guess that Faoi wouldn’t anounce anything yet because the old emperor stepped down yesterday and the new emperor was crowned today! But I think that they might anounce it after golden week ! 

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6 hours ago, Veveco said:

For those who might not know yet, we are organizing a fan book on the Planet! :dancingpooh:

You can help us by filling this survey and/or share your experience as a fanyu + leave a message for Yuzy here (or here if you don't have a Google account).

More details on the Fan Project thread. We'll keep the forms open until May 12.


So far we had over 400 answers for the survey and over 100 for the book! The tweet really helped the promotion of the project, thank you again @yuzuangel :10742289: (Before the beginning I was telling myself that it would be a success if we could have at least 100 replies overall) 


Here is a sneak peak into the sort of statistics that we are getting. Seimei seems to be the overall favorite program, followed by H&L and Chopin. You can vote to defend your own favorite programs ;)




That is a cool stat! We could tweet it too, maybe it'll inspire others to fill out the survey? ;) 

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Sure, good idea! I can drop a few more graphs next week to remind people as well. Obviously results are changing a bit as more people reply, but it seems that the general trends are established already. I won't spoil the results too much but it is interesting to see :67638860:


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