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  On 4/1/2019 at 2:21 PM, Henni147 said:

Yuzu is the smartest fool in the history of April Fools' Day.

Completely bomb the 6-min-warm-up, leave everyone in shock and silence and then pull off the greatest freeskate up to date   :LOL:


I know right. What are the odds of him delivering the biggest free skate on April Fools day, not very high. Classic troll lord Yuzuru :goat::xD:

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Ahhhhhhhhhh so happy our beloved Planet is back!:smiley-happy093:

just in time to celebrate the the most healing of all the healing programs! Happy Hope and Legacy day!:7938863::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg::67573730:

(we should compile some a calendar with all the important fanyu recurrencies marked :10742289: they are so many:tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg:)


  On 4/1/2019 at 2:11 PM, ICeleste said:

I'm so glad the Planet is back! Just in time to come here and wish you all a happy Hope and Legacy day :8430721::knc_yuzu2: (forever salty about the 3.2-million-views video being deleted off Youtube)


why did you remind me of that?:tantrum: plus the underscored WR...I guess more reasons to go and watch H&L on loop:tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp: watching that performance is the best self-care (also, it feels extremely good to know that's one record that's gonna STAY!!!)



RE: new myRepi/Yuzu Days content (I love the timing btw, kinda needed to dispel the scoring-related dark clouds on such a day)

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some of those replies are :tumblr_inline_mjgka6fYNw1qz4rgp: some are a bit :smiley-sad016: Sending tons of virtual hugs to Yuzu <3

Also... (´・ω・`)

that kaomoji is so cute:tumblr_inline_mzx8zzarLt1r8msi5:it feels so on brand that our Ci Lord likes it:10636614:

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