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34 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

That kind of thing is common in Japanese TV, since it's really meant to be as if they had filmed the events as they happened, which obviously they couldn't have. It's actually meant to show his struggles first hand. And actually having him act it would be both time consuming, and why make him go through it again?


I'm sure there'll be lots of cringe, but I'm pretty sure it won't be as bad as others I've seen which included bad wigs on top of bad acting. But if you blur the visuals in your mind, the idea can be interesting. I'm pretty sure it will be based on Yuzu recounting, though. Japanese TV is generally careful about things like that. (Though they likely will amp up the drama a bit...)


What they could have done is make it a documentary of interviews with the people they are using as a source for this drama thing. It also seems a bit rushed? It’s only been 3 months. If they waited a bit with it they could maybe even have been able to interview Yuzu at some point (and wouldn’t need the re-enacting). I‘ve never watched one of these and don’t know much about Japanese TV but to me it just seems to be a way to capitalize on Yuzu‘s struggles while the olys hype is still alive and that doesn’t sit too well with me 


I am not going to watch it either... unless the reactions are good or something. If there is any new info that comes with this show I‘m sure fans will discuss it anyway

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If they made a documentary about Medvedeva’s trials and tribulations this season, there’s no way they would have missed out on Yuzu’s epic story. Since they couldn’t film it in TCC, it’ll be enacted by someone else. Bring it on, I can do with some laughter right now. 

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6 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

I don't get the fuss. This sort of thing is super normal on TV. I'll be watching for Mr Orser (and my favourite hosts,) though I do wish they wouldn't dub interviews. >_<

I don’t get the fuss either. I’m used to watching these type of things.  :shrug:

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Sendai's local information magazine is already # 1 Best Seller on Amazon ranking (to be released on May 25:laughing:





The editorial staff are all astonished by the situation  :smiley-laughing021:



EDIT:  Sorry, I made a mistake.  The release date is May 25.  I may be still in April :13877886:

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It's fun looking at these reactions to his win. I'd like to see a compilation of them all. I commend them for keeping a steady hand. I SO totally had shaky cam going on for myself. :4::4::4:


18 hours ago, Msyloves said:

As a fan, I'm just a few days older than Yuzu's second OGM. I could only watch the short program live and just totally went offline during his free skate. I was too nervous to watch Shoma or Javi's skates and relied on Twitter and Planet Hanyu to tell me that he won. :peekapooh: But I was screaming when I saw the scores!! :smiley-happy105::smiley-happy105:


I was oddly calm for the short, but for the free I felt so extremely nervous.  The closer it got to his skate I thought I was going to puke and I didn't understand how these skaters could function with nerves let alone skate well. I wanted SO badly to just fast forward to the results, but that wasn't really an option because I was there in person and it didn't get any more live than that.  Completely irrational thoughts, but I was thinking them. 

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17 hours ago, yude said:

A sport entertainment program will be aired on May 25 from 19:00 on NTV, there is going to be docudrama of Yuzuru including Orser's interview. 




Young actor, Kenshin Endo plays the role of Yuzuru. I don't know him but he is 17 and 179 cm tall, and plays basketball. 





Any dramatisation about actual person or event would have mixed review depending on who you'd ask and what you'd ask. Considering this is presented by comedian duo 'くりぃむしちゅー’, I'd imagine it is an entertainment program. Unlike a documentary which involves actual person or event, it is essentially a program providing something to watch (and enjoy) for wider audience not for a specific audience. So if you are a hard core fan of Yuzu, of course you wouldn't be satisfied with what you get from this. Seeing someone with the same hair cut, similar hight & built, same age group, etc may remind you of him but you can't help but feeling 'コレジャナイ感' (looks very similar but this is NOT IT!) 


I'd watch it just to see how cringe-provoking or I may even find something that I didn't know about... :meditationf: This program is called '掘れば掘るほどスゴイ人' (meaning deeper you dig into find out about the person, the greatness of the person gets greater) So I want to see how deeper they actually got to find out about Yuzu & his 3 months hiatus leading up to PC. 


But if you don't know or understand how Japanese TV stations/programs operate, I wouldn't recommend watching it. Those of you who cringed hard on 'Hanyu Yuzurenai', this program may give you even more cringe. I think I can take it even if it means watching the injury and the struggle. I may not find anything I like but if I watch it, at least I can tell if they did digging right.


They are supposed to show BOrser's interview but I won't be surprised if the interview is the one that he's given to Oly channel. After all, not everyone in Japan watches YT or Yuzu news obsessively like we do. I'd say the majority of the audience wouldn't speak English either so finding out overseas news about Yuzu isn't easy because of the language barrier. If all the materials used in the program are well known old news among Yuzu fans, I'd say that's not a surprise. After all, us satellites orbit around the planet everyday so if anyone notices any news about Yuzu, we're the first to know!! Or else, our observation & analysis skills will be scrutinised:13877886:


Over dramatisation is another thing but I understand if they (TV station) want to sell (or milk), they might as well be turning it into a tear-jerker. If you like it or not, once you become famous, people project images of what they want to see. Everyone loves hero in crisis and miracle come back so I will be prepared & get myself a box of tissue. Just watching and reading about Yuzu makes me cry (today I watched Yuzu touching the ice at the end of Oly gala and that made me cry) so I may be fooled and cry a river over a stupid dramatisation. Who knows...:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: 


One thing I hope is the information they give is as accurate as possible.

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Yuzu if you’re lurking , we fans still need to see the two gold olympic medals on your neck so we can collectively cry some more !:thanks:


i can’t imagine the situation when you’re so emotional and crying with all the cameras pointed at your face like that ! As for me , it was so ugly crying complete with tears and snots streaming down my very red face and plugged nose !

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