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  On 6/24/2019 at 8:49 AM, LadyLou said:


Thank you for all you've done, It's really a huuuuuuge work and the stats part looks amazing:tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg: I wouldn't know how to do a fraction of what you did...

I love the cute podiums too :67638860: 

at a quick view I haven't spotted any mistake, I'll reread more carefully on my laptop later.


I just wanted to raise an issue tho, since I've seen we are using the word fanyu (and infanyuation). That term is sometimes used by other fans specifically to talk about bad/crazy behaviour (real or imaginary) from Yuzu fans (as if there were the sensible fans and then the crazed fanyus) and afaik the term wasn't created by fans, but as a mocking, even tho it's now widespread as just short for "Hanyu fans" and many use it freely and with pride. Personally I don't have issues using fanyu myself, when online, but maybe it would be better to avoid using it in an "official" fanbook, despite how funny is. Same with infanyuation, it's funny and cute and in the context of the Planet and Twitter it's a harmless inside joke, but maybe it could give off undesired vibes in a fanbook.

But I'd like to hear more from other fans, maybe I'm just overthinking.


Re: t-shirt

That would be nice (and likely easier to deliver compared to a mug or something fragile😅). But do we know the size?

(Btw I was thinking about printing a tee for myself for GPF even if I still don't have tickets lol it would be nice if there was some pattern we can use if we want) negl I'm lazy and I have no idea what to print ops


Eta: I love the CIONTU-like background <3


I think I might be a bit confused about who this is being shared with. I thought it was to Yuzuru, on the planet, and a post on Twitter, so really it would only be seen by fans?


I personally love the term Fanyu, it's very specific to Yuzuru. Many great people have taken terms that were originally meant to be negative and made the term their own. I think this could relate to Yuzuru since he redefined figure skating and also it shows how Fanyu's can take a negative and turn it into a positive, like Yuzuru does.

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For me, Fanyu is an entirely positive term, as I am quite new to all this and I haven't heard about the origin of this word. 

I am proud to use it and I hope we can turn it into positive as @Nighticeswan said. It would be nice if we could one day show to all the people that Fanyus are better then the term originally suggested.


Anyway, if it is something uncomfortable to a number of fans, in such case it would be better to use a different term.

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  On 6/24/2019 at 4:19 AM, Veveco said:

Reviving this thread for an update on the fan book !!! :dancingpooh:

In the end we have 4 sections:

1) Statistics based on the survey

2) "If it wasn't for Yuzuru..." answers from fans

3) Interesting quotes from coaches, other skaters, commentators, public figures, ... (thank you @makebelieveup for your help for this part :7938863:)

4) Messages & photos/creations from fans


The book is basically 95% finished, with a total of approximately 80 pages!! I'm sharing the current version of the survey part below for now. If anyone has other ideas on possible analyses or questions you want to be answered based on the survey, feel free to contact me. (Or if you notice a typo or mistake, please tell me as well so I can correct :13877886:) I'm open to suggestions. I can basically intersect any of the answers of the survey together (like I did for fan since vs. favorite programs for instance). I can add something to the book later if we get an interesting new stat, but I wanted to focus on finishing the fan answers first.


As you can guess, the reason why it took so long was simply because of the high number of answers. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: For the book: 391 testimonies (counting the "If it wasn't for Yuzu" + messages), as well as ~40 photos & creations, all that from ~210 different fans in total. (By the way, the survey part had over 700 answers.) All answers have finally been incorporated in the book. I'm giving myself one more week to "polish" and finalize the formatting & layout.



Once the book is completely finished, I'll work on sharing more of the final result with everyone (keeping in mind the privacy issue). For now, here is the link for the survey results: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jlFR16sdLU2rfeSfjRYpbsP0SlGwufDq


~To be continued~


Thanks for your commitment to the book.  Obviously a labour of love.  Survey results are great.  Love the layout.  :reading:

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  On 6/24/2019 at 4:19 AM, Veveco said:

Reviving this thread for an update on the fan book !!! :dancingpooh:

In the end we have 4 sections:

1) Statistics based on the survey

2) "If it wasn't for Yuzuru..." answers from fans

3) Interesting quotes from coaches, other skaters, commentators, public figures, ... (thank you @makebelieveup for your help for this part :7938863:)

4) Messages & photos/creations from fans


The book is basically 95% finished, with a total of approximately 80 pages!! I'm sharing the current version of the survey part below for now. If anyone has other ideas on possible analyses or questions you want to be answered based on the survey, feel free to contact me. (Or if you notice a typo or mistake, please tell me as well so I can correct :13877886:) I'm open to suggestions. I can basically intersect any of the answers of the survey together (like I did for fan since vs. favorite programs for instance). I can add something to the book later if we get an interesting new stat, but I wanted to focus on finishing the fan answers first.


As you can guess, the reason why it took so long was simply because of the high number of answers. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: For the book: 391 testimonies (counting the "If it wasn't for Yuzu" + messages), as well as ~40 photos & creations, all that from ~210 different fans in total. (By the way, the survey part had over 700 answers.) All answers have finally been incorporated in the book. I'm giving myself one more week to "polish" and finalize the formatting & layout.



Once the book is completely finished, I'll work on sharing more of the final result with everyone (keeping in mind the privacy issue). For now, here is the link for the survey results: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jlFR16sdLU2rfeSfjRYpbsP0SlGwufDq


~To be continued~



The survey result is very interesting, thanks for sharing it! It once again shows very nicely how diverse Yuzu fans are - we're really from all over the world to support him! <3 


I can't wait for the final result either!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have finally finished the public version of the fanbook !!!!!  :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

An 80-page long baby :reading:


A few words about the book:

  • First, thank you to all the people who participated, and special thank you to those who allowed me to share their messages :10742289: And sorry for the delay...
  • I still consider this a draft version in the sense that I am open to comments/corrections and willing to change some things. For instance, I wasn't super inspired for the little "introduction" to the last section, so if anybody is in a writing mood... be my guest. However I am not planning to change the general layout - redoing everything would just kill me for good :13877886: 
  • For the cover image, the program I used only only accepted basic latin alphabet, so I apologize for the characters that have been modified and/or romanized. I tried to stay as similar as possible to the original language, or at least their roman version (and in case you cannot tell, it says "thank you" in as many "fanyu-spoken" languages as I could insert).
  • In the end I left the words "fanyu" and "infanyuation" in the stat section since it seems that the general consensus was to keep it like that (and, several people in the messages self-identify as fanyus as well so I think it is OK).
  • As previously mentioned, all fan messages & their names/aliases have been blurred for privacy reasons, except for the messages that I was told I could share. Likewise, while I left all pictures/fanarts/creations visible, I censored faces/names/aliases on them. If I missed anything, please tell me and I'll change it for the public version.
  • It might not be obvious in a pdf version, but I tried to keep in mind the future printed version. For instance, all sections start on the right page and have a specific background. In the "If it wasn't fo Yuzuru" section, the color theme changes every 2 pages (otherwise it looked very, very repetitive) so that pages facing each other are of the same color. That sort of things. This is in fact why I am reluctant to change the layout now :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:  So hopefully people are happy with it...


With all that said, here is the link to the pdf: https://drive.google.com/open?id=17VHVGzQUGb3E6miwXPWdoQ0U4QlYHCR6

I'll leave it online for a little while so people can have a look, and meanwhile I'll look into printing options...


Also, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to also include a pdf copy on a usb flash-drive for ease or reading? I can easily get a Pooh one, for instance like this: https://www.amazon.ca/Winnie-Shaped-Cartoon-Drives-Storage/dp/B00DI8QFI2/ref=sr_1_18?crid=35CVJMPNKBA78&keywords=winnie+the+pooh+usb&qid=1563736486&s=gateway&sprefix=usb+winnie%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-18

Anyway, just a thought but it would be very easy to add to the package.


edit: link updated after a few corrections

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  On 7/21/2019 at 7:50 PM, Veveco said:

I have finally finished the public version of the fanbook !!!!!  :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

An 80-page long baby :reading:


A few words about the book:

  • First, thank you to all the people who participated, and special thank you to those who allowed me to share their messages :10742289: And sorry for the delay...
  • I still consider this a draft version in the sense that I am open to comments/corrections and willing to change some things. For instance, I wasn't super inspired for the little "introduction" to the last section, so if anybody is in a writing mood... be my guest. However I am not planning to change the general layout - redoing everything would just kill me for good :13877886: 
  • For the cover image, the program I used only only accepted basic latin alphabet, so I apologize for the characters that have been modified and/or romanized. I tried to stay as similar as possible to the original language, or at least their roman version (and in case you cannot tell, it says "thank you" in as many "fanyu-spoken" languages as I could insert).
  • In the end I left the words "fanyu" and "infanyuation" in the stat section since it seems that the general consensus was to keep it like that (and, several people in the messages self-identify as fanyus as well so I think it is OK).
  • As previously mentioned, all fan messages & their names/aliases have been blurred for privacy reasons, except for the messages that I was told I could share. Likewise, while I left all pictures/fanarts/creations visible, I censored faces/names/aliases on them. If I missed anything, please tell me and I'll change it for the public version.
  • It might not be obvious in a pdf version, but I tried to keep in mind the future printed version. For instance, all sections start on the right page and have a specific background. In the "If it wasn't fo Yuzuru" section, the color theme changes every 2 pages (otherwise it looked very, very repetitive) so that pages facing each other are of the same color. That sort of things. This is in fact why I am reluctant to change the layout now :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:  So hopefully people are happy with it...


With all that said, here is the link to the pdf: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1g0XmpVfjA4oAQFDYvxz9zvRQiZTO7ysv

I'll leave it online for a little while so people can have a look, and meanwhile I'll look into printing options...


Also, I was wondering if it would be a good idea idea to also include a pdf copy on a usb flash-drive for ease or reading? I can easily get a Pooh one, for instance like this: https://www.amazon.ca/Winnie-Shaped-Cartoon-Drives-Storage/dp/B00DI8QFI2/ref=sr_1_18?crid=35CVJMPNKBA78&keywords=winnie+the+pooh+usb&qid=1563736486&s=gateway&sprefix=usb+winnie%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-18

Anyway, just a thought but it would be very easy to add to the package.



Thank you very much for sharing it. It's so beautiful! Amazing job! :bow:

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  On 7/21/2019 at 7:50 PM, Veveco said:

I have finally finished the public version of the fanbook !!!!!  :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

An 80-page long baby :reading:


A few words about the book:

  • First, thank you to all the people who participated, and special thank you to those who allowed me to share their messages :10742289: And sorry for the delay...
  • I still consider this a draft version in the sense that I am open to comments/corrections and willing to change some things. For instance, I wasn't super inspired for the little "introduction" to the last section, so if anybody is in a writing mood... be my guest. However I am not planning to change the general layout - redoing everything would just kill me for good :13877886: 
  • For the cover image, the program I used only only accepted basic latin alphabet, so I apologize for the characters that have been modified and/or romanized. I tried to stay as similar as possible to the original language, or at least their roman version (and in case you cannot tell, it says "thank you" in as many "fanyu-spoken" languages as I could insert).
  • In the end I left the words "fanyu" and "infanyuation" in the stat section since it seems that the general consensus was to keep it like that (and, several people in the messages self-identify as fanyus as well so I think it is OK).
  • As previously mentioned, all fan messages & their names/aliases have been blurred for privacy reasons, except for the messages that I was told I could share. Likewise, while I left all pictures/fanarts/creations visible, I censored faces/names/aliases on them. If I missed anything, please tell me and I'll change it for the public version.
  • It might not be obvious in a pdf version, but I tried to keep in mind the future printed version. For instance, all sections start on the right page and have a specific background. In the "If it wasn't fo Yuzuru" section, the color theme changes every 2 pages (otherwise it looked very, very repetitive) so that pages facing each other are of the same color. That sort of things. This is in fact why I am reluctant to change the layout now :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:  So hopefully people are happy with it...


With all that said, here is the link to the pdf: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1g0XmpVfjA4oAQFDYvxz9zvRQiZTO7ysv

I'll leave it online for a little while so people can have a look, and meanwhile I'll look into printing options...


Also, I was wondering if it would be a good idea idea to also include a pdf copy on a usb flash-drive for ease or reading? I can easily get a Pooh one, for instance like this: https://www.amazon.ca/Winnie-Shaped-Cartoon-Drives-Storage/dp/B00DI8QFI2/ref=sr_1_18?crid=35CVJMPNKBA78&keywords=winnie+the+pooh+usb&qid=1563736486&s=gateway&sprefix=usb+winnie%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-18

Anyway, just a thought but it would be very easy to add to the package.


oh wow,I'm fighting back the tears honestly!so many bautiful souls all over the world and they all of course recognize the beauty of Yuzuru's soul....i'm sure this will make him very happy:tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

Thank you to all the Fanyus who made it and thank you @Veveco for sharing it with us!


p.s. the before (becoming a Fanyu)and after increase in live competions attendance put a huge amile on my face :graucho:

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  On 7/21/2019 at 7:50 PM, Veveco said:

I have finally finished the public version of the fanbook !!!!!  :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

An 80-page long baby :reading:


A few words about the book:

  • First, thank you to all the people who participated, and special thank you to those who allowed me to share their messages :10742289: And sorry for the delay...
  • I still consider this a draft version in the sense that I am open to comments/corrections and willing to change some things. For instance, I wasn't super inspired for the little "introduction" to the last section, so if anybody is in a writing mood... be my guest. However I am not planning to change the general layout - redoing everything would just kill me for good :13877886: 
  • For the cover image, the program I used only only accepted basic latin alphabet, so I apologize for the characters that have been modified and/or romanized. I tried to stay as similar as possible to the original language, or at least their roman version (and in case you cannot tell, it says "thank you" in as many "fanyu-spoken" languages as I could insert).
  • In the end I left the words "fanyu" and "infanyuation" in the stat section since it seems that the general consensus was to keep it like that (and, several people in the messages self-identify as fanyus as well so I think it is OK).
  • As previously mentioned, all fan messages & their names/aliases have been blurred for privacy reasons, except for the messages that I was told I could share. Likewise, while I left all pictures/fanarts/creations visible, I censored faces/names/aliases on them. If I missed anything, please tell me and I'll change it for the public version.
  • It might not be obvious in a pdf version, but I tried to keep in mind the future printed version. For instance, all sections start on the right page and have a specific background. In the "If it wasn't fo Yuzuru" section, the color theme changes every 2 pages (otherwise it looked very, very repetitive) so that pages facing each other are of the same color. That sort of things. This is in fact why I am reluctant to change the layout now :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:  So hopefully people are happy with it...


With all that said, here is the link to the pdf: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1puTOF1T-aJb6DkhuoEcsem6svT_wHaGQ

I'll leave it online for a little while so people can have a look, and meanwhile I'll look into printing options...


Also, I was wondering if it would be a good idea idea to also include a pdf copy on a usb flash-drive for ease or reading? I can easily get a Pooh one, for instance like this: https://www.amazon.ca/Winnie-Shaped-Cartoon-Drives-Storage/dp/B00DI8QFI2/ref=sr_1_18?crid=35CVJMPNKBA78&keywords=winnie+the+pooh+usb&qid=1563736486&s=gateway&sprefix=usb+winnie%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-18

Anyway, just a thought but it would be very easy to add to the package.


edit: link updated after a few corrections



OMG! This is absolutely incredible! It's wonderful! I don't know what to say... :cri:

This must've been sooo much work to put it all together. And it's obvious you put so much love, care and thought into it. :worship:

It's AMAZING!!! :clapping-smiley:

Did you actually draw the little comic figure yourself? It's so cute! I love all the different poses and costumes! :loveshower:


I'm certain Yuzu will absolutely love this fanbook when he gets it. This is such a good representation of our love and gratitude for him. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

Thank you sooo much for making this!!! :10815002: :10742289:

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  On 7/21/2019 at 9:19 PM, Yuzurella said:

Did you actually draw the little comic figure yourself? It's so cute! I love all the different poses and costumes! :loveshower:


I did. They're my little fanyu minions :graucho: Long story short, I figured it would be a cute way to introduce the different sections and have a sort of common theme throughout the book. (Also so the "If it wasn't for Yuzu" and "Quotes" sections aren't pure walls of text, which can appear a bit off-putting). Though I need to fix a few details later.

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  On 7/21/2019 at 9:44 PM, Veveco said:

I did. They're my little fanyu minions :graucho: Long story short, I figured it would be a cute way to introduce the different sections and have a sort of common theme throughout the book. (Also so the "If it wasn't for Yuzu" and "Quotes" sections aren't pure walls of text, which can be appear a bit off-putting). Though I need to fix a few details later.



Thank you so much for this incredibly hard and wonderful work! I'm sure that Yuzu will love and treasure it forever. The best present from fans I can imagine :tumblr_inline_mi7tcqZmot1qdlkyg:

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  On 7/21/2019 at 7:50 PM, Veveco said:

I have finally finished the public version of the fanbook !!!!!  :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

An 80-page long baby :reading:


A few words about the book:

  • First, thank you to all the people who participated, and special thank you to those who allowed me to share their messages :10742289: And sorry for the delay...
  • I still consider this a draft version in the sense that I am open to comments/corrections and willing to change some things. For instance, I wasn't super inspired for the little "introduction" to the last section, so if anybody is in a writing mood... be my guest. However I am not planning to change the general layout - redoing everything would just kill me for good :13877886: 
  • For the cover image, the program I used only only accepted basic latin alphabet, so I apologize for the characters that have been modified and/or romanized. I tried to stay as similar as possible to the original language, or at least their roman version (and in case you cannot tell, it says "thank you" in as many "fanyu-spoken" languages as I could insert).
  • In the end I left the words "fanyu" and "infanyuation" in the stat section since it seems that the general consensus was to keep it like that (and, several people in the messages self-identify as fanyus as well so I think it is OK).
  • As previously mentioned, all fan messages & their names/aliases have been blurred for privacy reasons, except for the messages that I was told I could share. Likewise, while I left all pictures/fanarts/creations visible, I censored faces/names/aliases on them. If I missed anything, please tell me and I'll change it for the public version.
  • It might not be obvious in a pdf version, but I tried to keep in mind the future printed version. For instance, all sections start on the right page and have a specific background. In the "If it wasn't fo Yuzuru" section, the color theme changes every 2 pages (otherwise it looked very, very repetitive) so that pages facing each other are of the same color. That sort of things. This is in fact why I am reluctant to change the layout now :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:  So hopefully people are happy with it...


With all that said, here is the link to the pdf: https://drive.google.com/open?id=17VHVGzQUGb3E6miwXPWdoQ0U4QlYHCR6

I'll leave it online for a little while so people can have a look, and meanwhile I'll look into printing options...


Also, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to also include a pdf copy on a usb flash-drive for ease or reading? I can easily get a Pooh one, for instance like this: https://www.amazon.ca/Winnie-Shaped-Cartoon-Drives-Storage/dp/B00DI8QFI2/ref=sr_1_18?crid=35CVJMPNKBA78&keywords=winnie+the+pooh+usb&qid=1563736486&s=gateway&sprefix=usb+winnie%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-18

Anyway, just a thought but it would be very easy to add to the package.


edit: link updated after a few corrections



Wow! You are the best! The book looks amazing and I love reading it. I am sure Yuzu will enjoy this. :7938863:


And I think, there is another use for this amazing treasure --- enfanyuating new victims, of course! I am going to try it out with my family! :darklordyuzu:

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