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Of Seers & Cassandras lost in space – prophesize the GP series!

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Aww, glad you guys have fun with our prediction game <3 It's definitely not the same - but we could come up with other prediction games during the off season too if you want? GP assignments for one, guessing Yuzus new programs, guessing the warhorse of the season... we might find something fun?

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1 hour ago, Joey said:

Aww, glad you guys have fun with our prediction game <3 It's definitely not the same - but we could come up with other prediction games during the off season too if you want? GP assignments for one, guessing Yuzus new programs, guessing the warhorse of the season... we might find something fun?

Should we do warhorse bingo even though it's not Oly year? "Guess the new warhorses" game?

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On 2018-03-03 at 11:56 PM, Joey said:

Hey everyone! I'm very sorry for the delay, I was so airheaded these last days... I completely forgot that I have that conference I have to go through right after the end of the Olympics! And while sitting there listening to talks, with my boss sitting beside/behind me, looking at prediction game results was kind of out of the question :81:


Anyway, results are finished and up!


Overall winners of the Olympic round:

1. Fay & ralucutzagy - 51 points

2. Kelly & moni - 48 points

3. Sayu93, nuitsuki, yuzupon - 47 points

4. axelnojutsu, lilsailor - 46 points

5. cirelle, Neenah, Joey - 45 points


As for the single parts: golden & moni had perfect scores for the Team Event round (= 18 p), leading that segment. They are followed by a looot of posters with 16 points. Two more perfect scores were in ladies, with ralucutzagy & yuzupon hitting 16 points. Neenah, lilsailor & Yata all got 13. Pairs was our weakest discipline, with Sammie leading with 13 points. Fay & nuitsuki managed 11 points each. Dance on the contrary was arguably the strongest discipline, with 4 perfect scores: from Kelly, lilsailor, moni & Xen. axelnojutsu, Sayu93, Lily & nuitsuki follow with 14 points.


With that, our leaders for the single disciplines and overall are:



1. golden - 37 p

2. ralucutzagy - 35 p

3. Kelly & Yata - 34 p



1. Sammie - 28 p

2. crazykuroneko - 25 p

3. LadyLou - 23 p



1. axelnojutsu - 32 p

2. Sayu & Xen - 31 p

3. golden - 30 p



1. golden - 120 p

2. moni & Joey - 118 p

3. Sayu - 117 p

4. crazykuroneko - 114 p

5. ralucutzagy - 113 p

6. Kelly - 111 p

7. LadyLou - 110 p

8. xeyra - 109 p

9. axelnojutsu - 106 p

10. Neenah & Xen - 105 p


Congrats to all our winners and top scorers! :cheer:


If you want to check your scores, remember the sheet is here.


As for the bonus questions...

Team Event:

Which 2 nations outside of CAN, OAR & USA will make the LP? Japan & Italy.

Will the winning team (=CAN) win at least half the single events? Yes (Men LP, Pairs LP, Ice Dance SD & FD)


Will Satoko & Kaori make the top 10? Yes

How many ladies will score 36+ in the SP? 4 (Evgenia, Alina, Kaetlyn, Caro)


Will a clean LP win? Yes

How many teams will get at least one 10 in PCS? 3 (Sui/Han in both, Savchenko/Massot in the LP, Tarasova/Morozov in the SP)


Will 5 different nationalities make the top 5? No, 2 US teams made top 5.

Will the team winning the SD have all their max levels? Yes.



If you have any questions or find a mistake, don't hesitate to ask/tell me! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


Wooo, fifth in the Oly round! :9: Looking forward to and dreading WC round... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last round, yay! So, who should I jinx this time?:smiley-scared008:  jk :P Ok, if Nathan loses he'll know who to blame :smiley-scared003: But hey, I'm just being fair, I've predicted Shoma gold for GPF and Nathan silver, now I'm doing the opposite, I call this fair jinxing:free-random-smileys-161:

I'm feeling rather optimist abou jpn ladies:cheer: but I'm feeling bad for leaving Kaetlyn out of podium...but hey, at Olympics she did well and upset my predictions big time, so...maybe I bring her luck? :biggrin:

Pairs: Vanessa & Morgan, please grab a medal please:snonegai: (nooo I'm still sad S/K had to WD from Worlds too:13877886:)

I'm mostly excited about ladies and pairs tbh


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Hey everybody, I survived (somehow, maybe, I think) and I'm finally back with your results for the final prediction game round! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

Quite a few of you predicted BoingBoing to win this and my little fan heart died a little every time I saw that ;_____; OTOH, the faith some of you had in Waka... *_______*


Starting with Men - on average the lowest scoring discipline (surprise! xD). MajaHled won it with 9 out of 16 possible points, followed by Nuitsuki, LadyLou, Sombreuil, Yuzupon and lilsailor with 8. In Ladies OhYuzu & Sombreuil were the only ones to reach two digit scores - 10 points each. MajaHled, golden, ralucutzagy lilsailor, Lily & Neenah all had 9 points. LadyLou won the Pairs discipline with the only perfect score there, followed by quite a long line of people with 14 points (so all your faith in J/C paid off ;) ). Dance was, as usual, the discipline with the highest points overall, led by Nuitsuki and Sombreuil with perfect 16's! Congrats everyone!


As for the overall winners of Worlds:

1.) Nuitsuki - 46 points

2.) Lily - 42 points

3.) Maja Hled & LadyLou - 41 points

4.) Neenah - 40 points

5.) lilsailor - 39 points


Again, congrats everyone! :party2:


I'll be adding the total scores for the "ISU Championships round" and the whole of our prediction game series in the coming days too, please bear with my snail pace :slinkaway::thanks:

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