Umebachi Posted May 11, 2021 Share Posted May 11, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 7:50 AM, Saawa said: I don't speak much Japanese, so I used OCR software to convert those scans into digital text and then auto-translated it with (mostly) DeepL and it turned out not bad and quite readable. Sure, it's not a proper translation so one has to take it with a grain of salt but anyway, here it is, there are some interesting parts: Reveal hidden contents Q: 1年ぶりの再会は、感慨深かったですか。 A:「会えるまでは、ちょっとドキドキしました。 結弦は出発直前に地震があり、フライトを変更したのです。到着後も隔離で会えず、月曜午後のサブリンクでの練習でやっと会えたんです。でも結弦はそれくらいのハプニングでは動じない経験がありますから、元気そうな顔でリンクに現れました」 Q: Were you deeply moved by the reunion for the first time in a year? A: I was a little nervous until we met. There was an earthquake just before Yuzuru’s departure, and he had to change his flight. I couldn't see him after he arrived because of the quarantine, so I finally got to see him at the practice on the sub-rink on Monday afternoon. But Yuzuru is experienced enough not to be fazed by such happenings, so he came to the rink with a cheerful face. Q: 初練習の印象は? A:「すっかり大人になって成熟したな、というのが第一印象です。脚とお尻の筋肉がついて、体幹がしっかりして、ジャンプも以前よりもパワーのある跳び方になったと思いました」 Q: What was your impression of his first practice? A: My first impression was that he's grown up and matured. I think that he gained muscles on his legs and buttocks, the core of his body got stronger, and his jumps became more powerful than before. Q: 現地での調子はいかがでしたか? A:「氷に乗って結弦が滑りはじめた瞬間、僕もトレイシー(・ウィルソン)も思わず顔を見合わせて笑顔になりました。結弦は、クリケットクラブで毎日やっていたフットワーク練習を、まったく同じようにやり始めたんです。 まるで昨日まで一緒にトロントで練習してきたかのようでした。トレイシーがいつも口うるさく注意していた所も気をつけていて!基礎が安定しているので、4回転もすべて跳 べると分かりました」 Q: How was his condition there? A: The moment Yuzuru got on the ice and started skating, Tracy (Wilson) and I couldn't help but look at each other and smile. Yuzuru started to do the exact same footwork exercises that we had been doing every day at the Cricket club. It was as if we had been practicing together in Toronto until yesterday. He was even paying attention to the areas that Tracy was always nagging him about! I knew that he could jump all the quadruples because he had a stable foundation. Q: なにかアドバイスはされましたか? A:「練習が始まってすぐ、結弦に話しました。 『僕遠はリンクサイドでしっかり観ているけど何も言わないから、アドバイスが必要な時は言って」と。このー年は、ビデオを見てアドバイスはしていましたが、1度跳ぶごとに指導するスタイルではなかったので、試合直前にやりかたを変えない方が良いのです」 Q: Did you give him any advice? A: As soon as the practice started, I told Yuzuru, “We be at the rink side watching you closely, but I won't say anything, so if you need any advice, just tell us.“ For the past year, I've been watching videos and giving him advice, but I haven't been teaching him every single jump, so it's better not to change his style right before a competition. Q: ショートは完壁な演技でした。 A: 「何も心配していませんでした。まさにエンターテインメントというプログラムで、結弦が得意としているものです。全日本選手権のあの興奮を、やっと生で味わえるとワクワクしていました。無観客試合ですが、コーチや スケーター違が30人くらいかな、会場にいて大喝采で、賛沢なコンサートでしたよね」 Q: His SP was a perfect performance. A: I wasn't worried about anything. It was a very entertaining program, and it's what Yuzuru is good at. I was excited to finally experience the excitement of the All-Japan Championships live. It was a competition without spectators, but there were about 30 coaches and skaters in the stands, cheering loudly, and it was a great concert. Q: 106・98点での首位発進です。 A:「得点を見た時は「ちょっと低いな」というのが本音でした。サルコウは少し耐えた着氷でしたが、演技全体で考えれぱトータルパッケージとしての価値が高い作品に仕上がって いました。だからGOEは仕方ないとしても、演技構成点はもっと期待していました。観客の反応で得点は左右されないとはいえ、もしあの場に満場の観客がいれば、熱狂的なムードと結弦の演技が反応しあい、芸術性はもっと明確に見えたはずです。ジャッジも迷うことな,く10点を押すことが出来たでしょう。 Q: He’s in the leading position with 106.98 points. A: When I saw the score, I really thought it was a little low. The salchow was a little scratchy, but the overall performance as a whole had a high value as a total package. So, even though GOE was unavoidable, I was expecting more performance composition points. Even though the score was not influenced by the reaction of the audience, if there had been a full audience, the artistic quality would have been more clearly seen, as the enthusiastic mood and Yuzuru's performance reacted to each other. The judges would have been able to give him 10s without hesitation. Q: 全日本選手権はすごく盛り上がりました A:「でも半分の観客でした。私が期待するのはこのパンデミックが終わり、エンターテインメントに飢えた1万8000人の歓声が渦となり、アリーナが揺れる瞬問です。いずれその瞬問がくると分かるはずです。結弦の出せる演技構成点はこんなものではありません」 Q: The All Japan Championship was very exciting A: But it was with ½ audience. What I'm looking forward to is the moment when this pandemic is over, and the arena shakes with a whirlwind of cheers from 18,000 people hungry for entertainment. You'll know when it comes. The performance score that can be used for Yuzuru is not like this. Q: 続くフリーの演技前は、いつもと様子が違うところもありました。 A:「正直なところ、何が起きたのか私は知りません。ぴったり1時間前にアップを始めるはずが、ウォーミングアップエりアで待ってい たのに現れませんでした。(チャ)ジュン ファンとジェイソン(プラウン)が直前のグループだったので、彼らの6分間練習に行き、そのあと走って戻ったのですが、まだ結弦はおらず、さすがに不安に思いました。日本のチームリーダーに聞いたら「他の場所に いる」というので、テレビカメラの無いところでアップしていろんだと考えました。そして5番滑走のジュンファンが終わったあと、今度はロッカールームに走ったんです。いつもなら6分間練習の少し前にロッカーのベンチで靴を履き、私がティッシュケースを受け取り、一緒にリンクに向かうのがパターンなのです。ところが結弦はロッカーにいませんでした。急いでウォーミングアップエリアに 行ってみると、その場にあった椅子で靴を履いていました。見つけたことでホッとすると同時に、ルーティンを大切にする彼がこんな行動をとるなんて何かが起きたんだなと察しがつきまし た。「どうして遅かったの?」とは聞きません。 私はことさら元気に「さあいくぞ」と言い,いつも通り振る舞おうと心に決めました」 Q: Before the free skate, there were some things that seemed different from usual. A: Honestly, I don't know what happened. He was supposed to start his warm-up exactly 1 hour in advance, but I waited for him at the warm-up area and he didn't show up. Junhwan and Jason were in the penultimate group, so I went for their six-minute warmup and then ran back, but Yuzuru wasn't there yet, so I was worried. When I asked the Japanese team leader, they said "He's somewhere else" so I thought he was somewhere where there are no TV cameras. And after Junhwan who skated 5th finished, this time, I ran to the locker room. Normally, he would put on his skates at the bench in the locker a little before the six-minute warmup, then I would pick up the tissue case and we would head together to the rink. However, Yuzuru wasn't in the locker room. I hurried to the warm-up area and found him putting on his skates on a chair that was there. I was relieved to find him, but at the same time, I knew something had happened to him, because he’s the master of routine. I didn't ask, "Why were you late?" I said, "Lets go" with even more energy, and decided to behave as usual. Q: 演技前半のジャンブはいかがでしたか。 A:「最初の4回転ループは、助走も踏み切りのタイミングも、とても良かったと思います。跳びあがった瞬間はた美しいループを期待しました。ところが空中で身体を締めるのがわずかに遅れ、軸から身体が外れて斜めになったので驚きました。この1週間、見たことのないジャンプでした。次のサルコウも、回転軸が定まらない様子でした」 Q: How were the jumps in the first half of his performance? A: I think the first 4Lo had very good run-up and take-off timing. The moment he took off, I was expecting a beautiful loop. However, I was surprised that he was slightly delayed in tightening his body in the air, and his body was off the axis and tilted. It was a jump I hadn't seen in the past week. The next salchow, was not on the right axis, either. Q: 演技中に、回転軸を見つけなおすのは難しいのでしょうか A:「感覚的なものですから、考えて探そうとすると見つからないんですよ。ルーブは右足で踏み切って右足で降りるので、真上に跳びあがれぱ回転軸が見つけられます。だからウォ ーミングアップでループをやる選手は多いで す。しかし今回はー回転ループで回転軸がズレていたので、急に「僕の中心はどこ?もっと右?もっと左?」と考え始めます。何も考えなけれぱ身体が覚えているのですが、 探しに行くと見つかりないもの。でも結弦は試合中ずっと回転軸を探してしまいました」 Q: Is it difficult to find the axis of rotation again during the performance? A: You can't find the axis of rotation if you try to find it by thinking about it. In a loop, you step off with your right foot and come down with your right foot, so you can jump straight up and find the axis of rotation. This is why many skaters do loops in warm-ups. However, in this case, the axis of rotation was off in his loop, so suddenly he started thinking, "Where is my center? More right? More left?". If you don't think about it, your body remembers it, but if you go looking for it, you won't find it. But Yuzuru spent the whole competition looking for the axis of rotation. Q: それでも後半の4回転トウループは決 め、銅メダルも掴みました A:「本当によくやったと思います。結弦はカナダに渡航できず独りで練習しました。まる1年コーチがそばにいなかったんです。そんな 選手いますか?異例の状況のなか、銅メダルを獲ったんです。ジャンプの出来*不出米よりも、2つのプログラムを通して結弦が見せたスケーターとしての姿を見てあげてください。立派で輝いていました少なくとも私 の目には、成功の物語として映りました」 Q: But he still managed to do a quadruple toeloop in the second half, and got the bronze medal! A: I think he did really well. Yuzuru couldn't travel to Canada, so he practiced by himself. He didn't have a coach with him for a whole year. Is there such an athlete who does that? He won a bronze medal in an unusual situation. Please look at Yuzuru as a skater through the two programs, rather than the success or failure of his jumps. He was magnificent and shined, and at least in my eyes, it was a success story. Q: 来季に向けては4回転アクセルという目 標があります。練習では、あと8分の1まで 来ているそうです A: 「あと8分のーですか?それは昨季にー緒 に練習していた時よりも、成功に近づいています。クワドアクセルについては私なりのアドバイスもありますが、まずは結弦が独りで試行錯誤していますから、それを見守ります」 Q: He’s aiming for the 4A for next season. I heard that he needs 1/8 more rotation in practice. A: "Is it 1/8?" That‘s closer to success than when he was practicing last season. I have my own advice about the quad axel, but first of all, Yuzuru is experimenting on his own, so we'll see what happens. Q: 来季の五輪に向けての計画は? A:「現在カナダの国境は外国人に対して開かれておらず、政府にトップアスリートのための特例措置を強く求めています。五輪に向けては、結弦をはじめクラブの皆に、最高のトレーニング環境を与えてあげたいのです五輪 へのピーキング、身体作り、ケァ、技術、プログラム、すべてをー人でまる1年やるのは大変なことです。結弦の場合は、仙台とトロントの半々でも大丈夫だとは思いますが、必要な時に会える状況が望ましいです」 Q: What are your plans for the next season's Olympics? A: Currently, the Canadian border is not open to foreigners, and we are urging the government to make special provisions for top athletes. For the Olympics, we want to give Yuzuru and everyone at the club the best training environment possible. It's hard when you are alone to think for a whole year about peaking, training, care, techniques, programs, and everything else for the Olympics. In Yuzuru's case, I think he can handle a 50:50 split between Sendai and Toronto, but I prefer to see him when he needs me. Q: 改めて,コロナ禍の中のシーズンを選手途はよく乗り越えましたね。 A: 「本来ならコロナに関しては意見するべきではないので、コーチとしてではなく私個人の思いとして言わせてください。今回は、各国の事情に大きく左右される大会でした。ロシアは何の規制もなく、練習もし、大会もたくさん行われました。アメリカも規制がほとんどなく練習でき、試合も開催されました。カ ナダは非常に厳格な規制が敷かれ、クリケットクラブは3カ月の閉鎖後に再開したものの会員350人のうち15人しか滑れません。試合もありませんでした。日本や韓国は練習時間に制限がありました。でも結弦も、カナダ や韓国の選手も、誰一人として不平を言いませんでした。今季、こうやって人間的に成長したことは、必ず来季に表れるはずです。だから私は結弦の銅メダルを、心かり誇りに思っているのです。それに結弦の目は燃えていましたよ。だから私も来季のマジカルモメントに向けて、一緒にワクワクしています」 Q: Once again, skaters overcame the Corona disaster. Q: I shouldn't really comment on covid, so let me give my personal opinion, not as a coach. This year's competitions were greatly influenced by the circumstances of each country. Russia had no restrictions, practiced, and had many competitions. The United States also had almost no restrictions, practiced, and held many competitions. Canada had very strict regulations and the Cricket club reopened after three months of closure, but only 15 out of 350 members were allowed to skate. There were no competitions. In Japan and Korea, there were restrictions on practice time. But none of them complained, not Yuzuru, nor any of the Canadian or Korean skaters. This kind of personal growth this season will surely show up in the next season. That's why I'm really proud of Yuzuru's bronze medal. Moreover, Yuzuru's eyes were burning. So I'm excited together with him for next season's magical moments. Btw, hello everyone this is my first post, however, I'm not a new Fanyu. I just prefer lurking and that's my comfort zone but I enjoy to read PH daily and I'm really grateful for all you you who create content here and make PH such a nice place. Expand Thanks for doing the AI translation - that’s really quite good! So much better than the Google translation that is such a disaster zone! The only missing aspect is the nuance and tone of Brian’s “voice” which doesn’t quite come through. Here is my interpretation: When Brian realized that Yuzu was not doing the usual routine he knew something was up. But instead of asking “what’s happening/what’s wrong?” he contained/held back this thought tightly in his heart and tried to say “let’s go” with as much lightness (not quite casualness but rather an effort to maintain normality in an extremely abnormal situation) in his voice as he could muster. You can feel Brian’s sensitivity and understanding of the delicate situation. Yuzu is clearly in a precarious state and he is making to pull things together back to normal routine. The last thing he needed was someone flapping about and throwing him further off balance. This is my interpretation of Brian’s words but the choice of words in this sentence shows the delicacy of the balancing act that Brian was having to go through at that moment. The literal translation, while correct, doesn’t quite capture this mood. Thank you Brian for being such a respectful and sensitive coach. He knows Yuzu is now grown up and does not need “instruction” so much as silent moral support. The bird has flown the nest but will occasionally fly back to rest his wings. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Link to comment
nyanyumeowyuru Posted May 11, 2021 Share Posted May 11, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 2:24 PM, amylance1215 said: Lol I totally remember this, the Vertigo hip rolls that were more cute than sexy It also reminds me of this video when he was cute and mischievous, trying to be sexy but ending up being awkwardly adorable Expand After Vertigo, me: After Blinding light.... How could he be... Link to comment
micaelis Posted May 11, 2021 Share Posted May 11, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 3:09 PM, Umebachi said: Thank you Brian for being such a respectful and sensitive coach. He knows Yuzu is now grown up and does not need “instruction” so much as silent moral support. The bird has flown the nest but will occasionally fly back to rest his wings. Expand I think Brian's relationship to Yuzu began to seriously evolve back in the 2013/14 season when Yuzu totally took over men's figure skating (GPF gold, Olympic gold, WC gold) but it really needed realignment in those two weeks late in 2015 when Yuzu captured the men's record books and began to seriously look like the GOAT. After that, I think, Brian has not so much been an instructor but an adviser, someone Yuzu can turn to when he needs objective judgment from another. Since that time Yuzu will turn to Brian when he needs help in figuring out something but it is Yuzu who is in charge of the direction he is going. Once international borders are reopened I think Yuzu will remain in Japan but journey to Toronto at times to review things with Brian and company, listen to their comments, weigh them and act on those suggestions he feels are feasible in moving him forward. That is one thing we have to remember about Yuzu. He never wants to stay where he is, he always wants to move forward even if it involves taking risks in competition. That's the mark of not only a true champion but a true GOAT. Link to comment
barbara Posted May 11, 2021 Share Posted May 11, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 4:04 PM, micaelis said: I think Brian's relationship to Yuzu began to seriously evolve back in the 2013/14 season when Yuzu totally took over men's figure skating (GPF gold, Olympic gold, WC gold) but it really needed realignment in those two weeks late in 2015 when Yuzu captured the men's record books and began to seriously look like the GOAT. After that, I think, Brian has not so much been an instructor but an adviser, someone Yuzu can turn to when he needs objective judgment from another. Since that time Yuzu will turn to Brian when he needs help in figuring out something but it is Yuzu who is in charge of the direction he is going. Once international borders are reopened I think Yuzu will remain in Japan but journey to Toronto at times to review things with Brian and company, listen to their comments, weigh them and act on those suggestions he feels are feasible in moving him forward. That is one thing we have to remember about Yuzu. He never wants to stay where he is, he always wants to move forward even if it involves taking risks in competition. That's the mark of not only a true champion but a true GOAT. Expand But Ghislain. Whether Brian is now more advisor than coach (and if or when that happened is debatable), there is no question that Ghislain is his coach, especially his jumping coach. Yuzu is the GOAT but I don't want him to go forward without his coaches - it's like a doctor treating themselves. Not recommended. Link to comment
Pammi Posted May 11, 2021 Share Posted May 11, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 12:10 AM, IceWings said: The universe really needs to be better to him. Expand He knows his time will come....... On 5/11/2021 at 12:10 AM, IceWings said: As for cover-ups, Yuzu himself covers up. Initially, he said that not having Ghislain there didn't impact him. Then in later interviews, he admitted the situation was unusual, with the implication that it did affect him a bit. He also said the asthma attack was after the FP, but it certainly looked like he was already suffering the effects before the FP based on that video clip of him after the 6 minute warmup. And now Brian is saying it was before the FP. Expand Maybe this all adds to the air of mystery that Javi says Yuzuru likes, he confuses his competitors with these conflicting accounts and messages (and confuses us a bit too!!) I think Yuzuru is pretty good at psychological warfare (Pooh taught him all he knows!!) - maybe that childlike innocence and cuteness he portrays is all part of it; in reality he's hard as nails our boy and he is ALWAYS the main news, win or lose, he's very clever. (this is just a bit of lighthearted off season (cries) contemplation btw, I don't know Yuzuru at all ....... unfortunately.) Link to comment
rockstaryuzu Posted May 11, 2021 Share Posted May 11, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 12:10 AM, IceWings said: As for cover-ups, Yuzu himself covers up. Initially, he said that not having Ghislain there didn't impact him. Then in later interviews, he admitted the situation was unusual, with the implication that it did affect him a bit. He also said the asthma attack was after the FP, but it certainly looked like he was already suffering the effects before the FP based on that video clip of him after the 6 minute warmup. And now Brian is saying it was before the FP. Expand Reading this account of the asthma attack, I keep thinking about how things were in Boston, when Yuzu hid his injury from Brian. It seems to be a bit of a theme. On 5/11/2021 at 2:09 AM, Melodie said: They are always incompetent (and heartless too), aren't they? Remember that horrid accident at COC? Yuzu was also treated by a doctor from other teams. Expand Honestly, I know we're outsiders looking in, and don't know for sure what's going on, but it really does look like there's a lot of times when the JSF staff responsible for Yuzu at competitions somehow omit to tell Brian important facts and information and it's a bit mind-boggling. Like, why wouldn't you tell a coach 'hey, your skater's having trouble breathing and will be a bit late to the warm-up' ? if only to save that coach the panic of having to search for an athlete who is nowhere to be found. I really don't get it. On 5/11/2021 at 7:50 AM, Saawa said: I don't speak much Japanese, so I used OCR software to convert those scans into digital text and then auto-translated it with (mostly) DeepL and it turned out not bad and quite readable. Sure, it's not a proper translation so one has to take it with a grain of salt but anyway, here it is, there are some interesting parts: Reveal hidden contents Q: 1年ぶりの再会は、感慨深かったですか。 A:「会えるまでは、ちょっとドキドキしました。 結弦は出発直前に地震があり、フライトを変更したのです。到着後も隔離で会えず、月曜午後のサブリンクでの練習でやっと会えたんです。でも結弦はそれくらいのハプニングでは動じない経験がありますから、元気そうな顔でリンクに現れました」 Q: Were you deeply moved by the reunion for the first time in a year? A: I was a little nervous until we met. There was an earthquake just before Yuzuru’s departure, and he had to change his flight. I couldn't see him after he arrived because of the quarantine, so I finally got to see him at the practice on the sub-rink on Monday afternoon. But Yuzuru is experienced enough not to be fazed by such happenings, so he came to the rink with a cheerful face. Q: 初練習の印象は? A:「すっかり大人になって成熟したな、というのが第一印象です。脚とお尻の筋肉がついて、体幹がしっかりして、ジャンプも以前よりもパワーのある跳び方になったと思いました」 Q: What was your impression of his first practice? A: My first impression was that he's grown up and matured. I think that he gained muscles on his legs and buttocks, the core of his body got stronger, and his jumps became more powerful than before. Q: 現地での調子はいかがでしたか? A:「氷に乗って結弦が滑りはじめた瞬間、僕もトレイシー(・ウィルソン)も思わず顔を見合わせて笑顔になりました。結弦は、クリケットクラブで毎日やっていたフットワーク練習を、まったく同じようにやり始めたんです。 まるで昨日まで一緒にトロントで練習してきたかのようでした。トレイシーがいつも口うるさく注意していた所も気をつけていて!基礎が安定しているので、4回転もすべて跳 べると分かりました」 Q: How was his condition there? A: The moment Yuzuru got on the ice and started skating, Tracy (Wilson) and I couldn't help but look at each other and smile. Yuzuru started to do the exact same footwork exercises that we had been doing every day at the Cricket club. It was as if we had been practicing together in Toronto until yesterday. He was even paying attention to the areas that Tracy was always nagging him about! I knew that he could jump all the quadruples because he had a stable foundation. Q: なにかアドバイスはされましたか? A:「練習が始まってすぐ、結弦に話しました。 『僕遠はリンクサイドでしっかり観ているけど何も言わないから、アドバイスが必要な時は言って」と。このー年は、ビデオを見てアドバイスはしていましたが、1度跳ぶごとに指導するスタイルではなかったので、試合直前にやりかたを変えない方が良いのです」 Q: Did you give him any advice? A: As soon as the practice started, I told Yuzuru, “We be at the rink side watching you closely, but I won't say anything, so if you need any advice, just tell us.“ For the past year, I've been watching videos and giving him advice, but I haven't been teaching him every single jump, so it's better not to change his style right before a competition. Q: ショートは完壁な演技でした。 A: 「何も心配していませんでした。まさにエンターテインメントというプログラムで、結弦が得意としているものです。全日本選手権のあの興奮を、やっと生で味わえるとワクワクしていました。無観客試合ですが、コーチや スケーター違が30人くらいかな、会場にいて大喝采で、賛沢なコンサートでしたよね」 Q: His SP was a perfect performance. A: I wasn't worried about anything. It was a very entertaining program, and it's what Yuzuru is good at. I was excited to finally experience the excitement of the All-Japan Championships live. It was a competition without spectators, but there were about 30 coaches and skaters in the stands, cheering loudly, and it was a great concert. Q: 106・98点での首位発進です。 A:「得点を見た時は「ちょっと低いな」というのが本音でした。サルコウは少し耐えた着氷でしたが、演技全体で考えれぱトータルパッケージとしての価値が高い作品に仕上がって いました。だからGOEは仕方ないとしても、演技構成点はもっと期待していました。観客の反応で得点は左右されないとはいえ、もしあの場に満場の観客がいれば、熱狂的なムードと結弦の演技が反応しあい、芸術性はもっと明確に見えたはずです。ジャッジも迷うことな,く10点を押すことが出来たでしょう。 Q: He’s in the leading position with 106.98 points. A: When I saw the score, I really thought it was a little low. The salchow was a little scratchy, but the overall performance as a whole had a high value as a total package. So, even though GOE was unavoidable, I was expecting more performance composition points. Even though the score was not influenced by the reaction of the audience, if there had been a full audience, the artistic quality would have been more clearly seen, as the enthusiastic mood and Yuzuru's performance reacted to each other. The judges would have been able to give him 10s without hesitation. Q: 全日本選手権はすごく盛り上がりました A:「でも半分の観客でした。私が期待するのはこのパンデミックが終わり、エンターテインメントに飢えた1万8000人の歓声が渦となり、アリーナが揺れる瞬問です。いずれその瞬問がくると分かるはずです。結弦の出せる演技構成点はこんなものではありません」 Q: The All Japan Championship was very exciting A: But it was with ½ audience. What I'm looking forward to is the moment when this pandemic is over, and the arena shakes with a whirlwind of cheers from 18,000 people hungry for entertainment. You'll know when it comes. The performance score that can be used for Yuzuru is not like this. Q: 続くフリーの演技前は、いつもと様子が違うところもありました。 A:「正直なところ、何が起きたのか私は知りません。ぴったり1時間前にアップを始めるはずが、ウォーミングアップエりアで待ってい たのに現れませんでした。(チャ)ジュン ファンとジェイソン(プラウン)が直前のグループだったので、彼らの6分間練習に行き、そのあと走って戻ったのですが、まだ結弦はおらず、さすがに不安に思いました。日本のチームリーダーに聞いたら「他の場所に いる」というので、テレビカメラの無いところでアップしていろんだと考えました。そして5番滑走のジュンファンが終わったあと、今度はロッカールームに走ったんです。いつもなら6分間練習の少し前にロッカーのベンチで靴を履き、私がティッシュケースを受け取り、一緒にリンクに向かうのがパターンなのです。ところが結弦はロッカーにいませんでした。急いでウォーミングアップエリアに 行ってみると、その場にあった椅子で靴を履いていました。見つけたことでホッとすると同時に、ルーティンを大切にする彼がこんな行動をとるなんて何かが起きたんだなと察しがつきまし た。「どうして遅かったの?」とは聞きません。 私はことさら元気に「さあいくぞ」と言い,いつも通り振る舞おうと心に決めました」 Q: Before the free skate, there were some things that seemed different from usual. A: Honestly, I don't know what happened. He was supposed to start his warm-up exactly 1 hour in advance, but I waited for him at the warm-up area and he didn't show up. Junhwan and Jason were in the penultimate group, so I went for their six-minute warmup and then ran back, but Yuzuru wasn't there yet, so I was worried. When I asked the Japanese team leader, they said "He's somewhere else" so I thought he was somewhere where there are no TV cameras. And after Junhwan who skated 5th finished, this time, I ran to the locker room. Normally, he would put on his skates at the bench in the locker a little before the six-minute warmup, then I would pick up the tissue case and we would head together to the rink. However, Yuzuru wasn't in the locker room. I hurried to the warm-up area and found him putting on his skates on a chair that was there. I was relieved to find him, but at the same time, I knew something had happened to him, because he’s the master of routine. I didn't ask, "Why were you late?" I said, "Lets go" with even more energy, and decided to behave as usual. Q: 演技前半のジャンブはいかがでしたか。 A:「最初の4回転ループは、助走も踏み切りのタイミングも、とても良かったと思います。跳びあがった瞬間はた美しいループを期待しました。ところが空中で身体を締めるのがわずかに遅れ、軸から身体が外れて斜めになったので驚きました。この1週間、見たことのないジャンプでした。次のサルコウも、回転軸が定まらない様子でした」 Q: How were the jumps in the first half of his performance? A: I think the first 4Lo had very good run-up and take-off timing. The moment he took off, I was expecting a beautiful loop. However, I was surprised that he was slightly delayed in tightening his body in the air, and his body was off the axis and tilted. It was a jump I hadn't seen in the past week. The next salchow, was not on the right axis, either. Q: 演技中に、回転軸を見つけなおすのは難しいのでしょうか A:「感覚的なものですから、考えて探そうとすると見つからないんですよ。ルーブは右足で踏み切って右足で降りるので、真上に跳びあがれぱ回転軸が見つけられます。だからウォ ーミングアップでループをやる選手は多いで す。しかし今回はー回転ループで回転軸がズレていたので、急に「僕の中心はどこ?もっと右?もっと左?」と考え始めます。何も考えなけれぱ身体が覚えているのですが、 探しに行くと見つかりないもの。でも結弦は試合中ずっと回転軸を探してしまいました」 Q: Is it difficult to find the axis of rotation again during the performance? A: You can't find the axis of rotation if you try to find it by thinking about it. In a loop, you step off with your right foot and come down with your right foot, so you can jump straight up and find the axis of rotation. This is why many skaters do loops in warm-ups. However, in this case, the axis of rotation was off in his loop, so suddenly he started thinking, "Where is my center? More right? More left?". If you don't think about it, your body remembers it, but if you go looking for it, you won't find it. But Yuzuru spent the whole competition looking for the axis of rotation. Q: それでも後半の4回転トウループは決 め、銅メダルも掴みました A:「本当によくやったと思います。結弦はカナダに渡航できず独りで練習しました。まる1年コーチがそばにいなかったんです。そんな 選手いますか?異例の状況のなか、銅メダルを獲ったんです。ジャンプの出来*不出米よりも、2つのプログラムを通して結弦が見せたスケーターとしての姿を見てあげてください。立派で輝いていました少なくとも私 の目には、成功の物語として映りました」 Q: But he still managed to do a quadruple toeloop in the second half, and got the bronze medal! A: I think he did really well. Yuzuru couldn't travel to Canada, so he practiced by himself. He didn't have a coach with him for a whole year. Is there such an athlete who does that? He won a bronze medal in an unusual situation. Please look at Yuzuru as a skater through the two programs, rather than the success or failure of his jumps. He was magnificent and shined, and at least in my eyes, it was a success story. Q: 来季に向けては4回転アクセルという目 標があります。練習では、あと8分の1まで 来ているそうです A: 「あと8分のーですか?それは昨季にー緒 に練習していた時よりも、成功に近づいています。クワドアクセルについては私なりのアドバイスもありますが、まずは結弦が独りで試行錯誤していますから、それを見守ります」 Q: He’s aiming for the 4A for next season. I heard that he needs 1/8 more rotation in practice. A: "Is it 1/8?" That‘s closer to success than when he was practicing last season. I have my own advice about the quad axel, but first of all, Yuzuru is experimenting on his own, so we'll see what happens. Q: 来季の五輪に向けての計画は? A:「現在カナダの国境は外国人に対して開かれておらず、政府にトップアスリートのための特例措置を強く求めています。五輪に向けては、結弦をはじめクラブの皆に、最高のトレーニング環境を与えてあげたいのです五輪 へのピーキング、身体作り、ケァ、技術、プログラム、すべてをー人でまる1年やるのは大変なことです。結弦の場合は、仙台とトロントの半々でも大丈夫だとは思いますが、必要な時に会える状況が望ましいです」 Q: What are your plans for the next season's Olympics? A: Currently, the Canadian border is not open to foreigners, and we are urging the government to make special provisions for top athletes. For the Olympics, we want to give Yuzuru and everyone at the club the best training environment possible. It's hard when you are alone to think for a whole year about peaking, training, care, techniques, programs, and everything else for the Olympics. In Yuzuru's case, I think he can handle a 50:50 split between Sendai and Toronto, but I prefer to see him when he needs me. Q: 改めて,コロナ禍の中のシーズンを選手途はよく乗り越えましたね。 A: 「本来ならコロナに関しては意見するべきではないので、コーチとしてではなく私個人の思いとして言わせてください。今回は、各国の事情に大きく左右される大会でした。ロシアは何の規制もなく、練習もし、大会もたくさん行われました。アメリカも規制がほとんどなく練習でき、試合も開催されました。カ ナダは非常に厳格な規制が敷かれ、クリケットクラブは3カ月の閉鎖後に再開したものの会員350人のうち15人しか滑れません。試合もありませんでした。日本や韓国は練習時間に制限がありました。でも結弦も、カナダ や韓国の選手も、誰一人として不平を言いませんでした。今季、こうやって人間的に成長したことは、必ず来季に表れるはずです。だから私は結弦の銅メダルを、心かり誇りに思っているのです。それに結弦の目は燃えていましたよ。だから私も来季のマジカルモメントに向けて、一緒にワクワクしています」 Q: Once again, skaters overcame the Corona disaster. Q: I shouldn't really comment on covid, so let me give my personal opinion, not as a coach. This year's competitions were greatly influenced by the circumstances of each country. Russia had no restrictions, practiced, and had many competitions. The United States also had almost no restrictions, practiced, and held many competitions. Canada had very strict regulations and the Cricket club reopened after three months of closure, but only 15 out of 350 members were allowed to skate. There were no competitions. In Japan and Korea, there were restrictions on practice time. But none of them complained, not Yuzuru, nor any of the Canadian or Korean skaters. This kind of personal growth this season will surely show up in the next season. That's why I'm really proud of Yuzuru's bronze medal. Moreover, Yuzuru's eyes were burning. So I'm excited together with him for next season's magical moments. Btw, hello everyone this is my first post, however, I'm not a new Fanyu. I just prefer lurking and that's my comfort zone but I enjoy to read PH daily and I'm really grateful for all you you who create content here and make PH such a nice place. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand Thanks so much for the translation, and welcome! I'm glad to see Brian say they're trying to urge the government to open up for athletes. I'm not convinced they'll be listened to by the government, but at least they're trying. The last paragraph - I think Brian is actually super proud of how his athletes are coping with the situation even though he's also anxious on their behalf too. That's the way his words sound. On 5/11/2021 at 4:04 PM, micaelis said: After that, I think, Brian has not so much been an instructor but an adviser, someone Yuzu can turn to when he needs objective judgment from another. Since that time Yuzu will turn to Brian when he needs help in figuring out something but it is Yuzu who is in charge of the direction he is going. Expand I do believe Brian has said as much in more than one interview. On 5/11/2021 at 3:09 PM, Umebachi said: Thank you Brian for being such a respectful and sensitive coach. He knows Yuzu is now grown up and does not need “instruction” so much as silent moral support. The bird has flown the nest but will occasionally fly back to rest his wings. Expand This is my feeling as well, just from watching the way Brian looks at Yuzu when he's by the boards at competitions etc. I think Brian respects Yuzu immensely and more so as times goes on. Link to comment
Umebachi Posted May 11, 2021 Share Posted May 11, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 4:04 PM, micaelis said: I think Brian's relationship to Yuzu began to seriously evolve back in the 2013/14 season when Yuzu totally took over men's figure skating (GPF gold, Olympic gold, WC gold) but it really needed realignment in those two weeks late in 2015 when Yuzu captured the men's record books and began to seriously look like the GOAT. After that, I think, Brian has not so much been an instructor but an adviser, someone Yuzu can turn to when he needs objective judgment from another. Since that time Yuzu will turn to Brian when he needs help in figuring out something but it is Yuzu who is in charge of the direction he is going. Once international borders are reopened I think Yuzu will remain in Japan but journey to Toronto at times to review things with Brian and company, listen to their comments, weigh them and act on those suggestions he feels are feasible in moving him forward. That is one thing we have to remember about Yuzu. He never wants to stay where he is, he always wants to move forward even if it involves taking risks in competition. That's the mark of not only a true champion but a true GOAT. Expand I think TCC offers a much safer and richer training environment than working alone in Sendai Ice Rink at midnight (the rink has to be open to public during the day for their business/revenues). I agree that Yuzu has benefited greatly from working on his own this past season, and learned to manage his training and his physical conditions on his own. This must have given him greater confidence and will no doubt lead to new and different ways of training. But I expect he would also want inputs from the diverse team of coaches available at TCC - not just Brian but Ghizlain, Tracy, spin coaches etc. And in reference to 4A training he mentioned he missed getting access to good physical care/sports medicine - which is excellent in Canada. (I recall when he was recovering from the lysfranc injury in 2015/2016 season he said in one of the interviews that he appreciates the quality of Canadian sports medicine.) He knows that at TCC he will be given a lot of space to pursue his own training regime, and no one will be "telling him what to do". Another consideration is Covid-related: given the mess that the Japanese government is making of Covid policies including the huge delay in vaccination (Japan has vaccinated around 2% of pop with one dose, far worse than India at 6%), it would be safer for Yuzu to travel to Canada this summer when the country might start to open up with higher vaccination rate (currently at 40% of pop with one dose). As mentioned in the interview, Brian mentioned that he is working hard to persuade the province to allow overseas athletes back into TCC. Let's hope this happens! My older family members (in their mid 70s) in Tokyo don't expect to get vaccinated until July or August - so there is little chance the younger people in Japan will get vaccinated before the fall at the earliest - so not before the start of the new FS season! Link to comment
barbara Posted May 11, 2021 Share Posted May 11, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 11:14 PM, Umebachi said: I think TCC offers a much safer and richer training environment than working alone in Sendai Ice Rink at midnight (the rink has to be open to public during the day for their business/revenues). I agree that Yuzu has benefited greatly from working on his own this past season, and learned to manage his training and his physical conditions on his own. This must have given him greater confidence and will no doubt lead to new and different ways of training. But I expect he would also want inputs from the diverse team of coaches available at TCC - not just Brian but Ghizlain, Tracy, spin coaches etc. And in reference to 4A training he mentioned he missed getting access to good physical care/sports medicine - which is excellent in Canada. (I recall when he was recovering from the lysfranc injury in 2015/2016 season he said in one of the interviews that he appreciates the quality of Canadian sports medicine.) He knows that at TCC he will be given a lot of space to pursue his own training regime, and no one will be "telling him what to do". Another consideration is Covid-related: given the mess that the Japanese government is making of Covid policies including the huge delay in vaccination (Japan has vaccinated around 2% of pop with one dose, far worse than India at 6%), it would be safer for Yuzu to travel to Canada this summer when the country might start to open up with higher vaccination rate (currently at 40% of pop with one dose). As mentioned in the interview, Brian mentioned that he is working hard to persuade the province to allow overseas athletes back into TCC. Let's hope this happens! My older family members (in their mid 70s) in Tokyo don't expect to get vaccinated until July or August - so there is little chance the younger people in Japan will get vaccinated before the fall at the earliest - so not before the start of the new FS season! Expand I, too, hope that there will be an allowance for entry for elite athletes. Yuzu and Jun and Jason, too. Jason will have been vaccinated and both Jun and Yuzu could be (if either their countries have them get vaccinated or if they come through the US, where anyone can get vaccinated, regardless of nationality, or if Canada will be able to offer them vaccines in Toronto). Yuzu has been doing extraordinarily considering the regimen he's had to practice. But there is absolutely no doubt that being at TCC and availing himself of all coaching and therapy this year will be better for him going into the next season. Spending another year on his own will likely having him hitting a training "wall" or worse, injuring himself. Link to comment
ZuCritter Posted May 12, 2021 Share Posted May 12, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 11:14 PM, Umebachi said: I think TCC offers a much safer and richer training environment than working alone in Sendai Ice Rink at midnight (the rink has to be open to public during the day for their business/revenues). I agree that Yuzu has benefited greatly from working on his own this past season, and learned to manage his training and his physical conditions on his own. This must have given him greater confidence and will no doubt lead to new and different ways of training. But I expect he would also want inputs from the diverse team of coaches available at TCC - not just Brian but Ghizlain, Tracy, spin coaches etc. And in reference to 4A training he mentioned he missed getting access to good physical care/sports medicine - which is excellent in Canada. (I recall when he was recovering from the lysfranc injury in 2015/2016 season he said in one of the interviews that he appreciates the quality of Canadian sports medicine.) He knows that at TCC he will be given a lot of space to pursue his own training regime, and no one will be "telling him what to do". Another consideration is Covid-related: given the mess that the Japanese government is making of Covid policies including the huge delay in vaccination (Japan has vaccinated around 2% of pop with one dose, far worse than India at 6%), it would be safer for Yuzu to travel to Canada this summer when the country might start to open up with higher vaccination rate (currently at 40% of pop with one dose). As mentioned in the interview, Brian mentioned that he is working hard to persuade the province to allow overseas athletes back into TCC. Let's hope this happens! My older family members (in their mid 70s) in Tokyo don't expect to get vaccinated until July or August - so there is little chance the younger people in Japan will get vaccinated before the fall at the earliest - so not before the start of the new FS season! Expand I've tried not to have too strong an opinion about where Yuzu should train, although I lean to Toronto -- if for no other reason than the selfish one that I dream of traveling to Vancouver to see him in Skate Canada. But the vaccination issue cinches it for me. If he can vet vaccinated sooner in Canada (or even the US, of all crazy places), I hope the Canadian government decides to let him and other skaters in. And I hope he decides to come. I can't imagine what advantage of staying in Japan would outweigh the comfort of knowing that he was protected from COVID. But he's Yuzu: He's smart and he's strong, and he'll do what he thinks best. As he should. Link to comment
rockstaryuzu Posted May 12, 2021 Share Posted May 12, 2021 Reality is that until this pandemic starts ending somehow, neither Yuzu nor anyone else has all that much control over where he'll be training. I have other thoughts, but they're all gloomy so I'll keep them to myself. I just want to point out that it's not as simple as whether Canada will let him in and which location he thinks he'd be better off training in. Link to comment
Paskud Posted May 12, 2021 Share Posted May 12, 2021 I think if he will go to Canada, then only for September-October. NHK - Japan GPF - Japan JNats - Japan 4cc - China Olympics - China For what traveling back to Canada between these competitions? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The only part that I really don't like is that he is training at night. =/ Link to comment
Melodie Posted May 12, 2021 Share Posted May 12, 2021 Those were the days... Imagine Yuzuki returns now Link to comment
dreamelena Posted May 12, 2021 Share Posted May 12, 2021 On 5/11/2021 at 7:50 AM, Saawa said: I don't speak much Japanese, so I used OCR software to convert those scans into digital text and then auto-translated it with (mostly) DeepL and it turned out not bad and quite readable. Sure, it's not a proper translation so one has to take it with a grain of salt but anyway, here it is, there are some interesting parts: Reveal hidden contents Q: 1年ぶりの再会は、感慨深かったですか。 A:「会えるまでは、ちょっとドキドキしました。 結弦は出発直前に地震があり、フライトを変更したのです。到着後も隔離で会えず、月曜午後のサブリンクでの練習でやっと会えたんです。でも結弦はそれくらいのハプニングでは動じない経験がありますから、元気そうな顔でリンクに現れました」 Q: Were you deeply moved by the reunion for the first time in a year? A: I was a little nervous until we met. There was an earthquake just before Yuzuru’s departure, and he had to change his flight. I couldn't see him after he arrived because of the quarantine, so I finally got to see him at the practice on the sub-rink on Monday afternoon. But Yuzuru is experienced enough not to be fazed by such happenings, so he came to the rink with a cheerful face. Q: 初練習の印象は? A:「すっかり大人になって成熟したな、というのが第一印象です。脚とお尻の筋肉がついて、体幹がしっかりして、ジャンプも以前よりもパワーのある跳び方になったと思いました」 Q: What was your impression of his first practice? A: My first impression was that he's grown up and matured. I think that he gained muscles on his legs and buttocks, the core of his body got stronger, and his jumps became more powerful than before. Q: 現地での調子はいかがでしたか? A:「氷に乗って結弦が滑りはじめた瞬間、僕もトレイシー(・ウィルソン)も思わず顔を見合わせて笑顔になりました。結弦は、クリケットクラブで毎日やっていたフットワーク練習を、まったく同じようにやり始めたんです。 まるで昨日まで一緒にトロントで練習してきたかのようでした。トレイシーがいつも口うるさく注意していた所も気をつけていて!基礎が安定しているので、4回転もすべて跳 べると分かりました」 Q: How was his condition there? A: The moment Yuzuru got on the ice and started skating, Tracy (Wilson) and I couldn't help but look at each other and smile. Yuzuru started to do the exact same footwork exercises that we had been doing every day at the Cricket club. It was as if we had been practicing together in Toronto until yesterday. He was even paying attention to the areas that Tracy was always nagging him about! I knew that he could jump all the quadruples because he had a stable foundation. Q: なにかアドバイスはされましたか? A:「練習が始まってすぐ、結弦に話しました。 『僕遠はリンクサイドでしっかり観ているけど何も言わないから、アドバイスが必要な時は言って」と。このー年は、ビデオを見てアドバイスはしていましたが、1度跳ぶごとに指導するスタイルではなかったので、試合直前にやりかたを変えない方が良いのです」 Q: Did you give him any advice? A: As soon as the practice started, I told Yuzuru, “We be at the rink side watching you closely, but I won't say anything, so if you need any advice, just tell us.“ For the past year, I've been watching videos and giving him advice, but I haven't been teaching him every single jump, so it's better not to change his style right before a competition. Q: ショートは完壁な演技でした。 A: 「何も心配していませんでした。まさにエンターテインメントというプログラムで、結弦が得意としているものです。全日本選手権のあの興奮を、やっと生で味わえるとワクワクしていました。無観客試合ですが、コーチや スケーター違が30人くらいかな、会場にいて大喝采で、賛沢なコンサートでしたよね」 Q: His SP was a perfect performance. A: I wasn't worried about anything. It was a very entertaining program, and it's what Yuzuru is good at. I was excited to finally experience the excitement of the All-Japan Championships live. It was a competition without spectators, but there were about 30 coaches and skaters in the stands, cheering loudly, and it was a great concert. Q: 106・98点での首位発進です。 A:「得点を見た時は「ちょっと低いな」というのが本音でした。サルコウは少し耐えた着氷でしたが、演技全体で考えれぱトータルパッケージとしての価値が高い作品に仕上がって いました。だからGOEは仕方ないとしても、演技構成点はもっと期待していました。観客の反応で得点は左右されないとはいえ、もしあの場に満場の観客がいれば、熱狂的なムードと結弦の演技が反応しあい、芸術性はもっと明確に見えたはずです。ジャッジも迷うことな,く10点を押すことが出来たでしょう。 Q: He’s in the leading position with 106.98 points. A: When I saw the score, I really thought it was a little low. The salchow was a little scratchy, but the overall performance as a whole had a high value as a total package. So, even though GOE was unavoidable, I was expecting more performance composition points. Even though the score was not influenced by the reaction of the audience, if there had been a full audience, the artistic quality would have been more clearly seen, as the enthusiastic mood and Yuzuru's performance reacted to each other. The judges would have been able to give him 10s without hesitation. Q: 全日本選手権はすごく盛り上がりました A:「でも半分の観客でした。私が期待するのはこのパンデミックが終わり、エンターテインメントに飢えた1万8000人の歓声が渦となり、アリーナが揺れる瞬問です。いずれその瞬問がくると分かるはずです。結弦の出せる演技構成点はこんなものではありません」 Q: The All Japan Championship was very exciting A: But it was with ½ audience. What I'm looking forward to is the moment when this pandemic is over, and the arena shakes with a whirlwind of cheers from 18,000 people hungry for entertainment. You'll know when it comes. The performance score that can be used for Yuzuru is not like this. Q: 続くフリーの演技前は、いつもと様子が違うところもありました。 A:「正直なところ、何が起きたのか私は知りません。ぴったり1時間前にアップを始めるはずが、ウォーミングアップエりアで待ってい たのに現れませんでした。(チャ)ジュン ファンとジェイソン(プラウン)が直前のグループだったので、彼らの6分間練習に行き、そのあと走って戻ったのですが、まだ結弦はおらず、さすがに不安に思いました。日本のチームリーダーに聞いたら「他の場所に いる」というので、テレビカメラの無いところでアップしていろんだと考えました。そして5番滑走のジュンファンが終わったあと、今度はロッカールームに走ったんです。いつもなら6分間練習の少し前にロッカーのベンチで靴を履き、私がティッシュケースを受け取り、一緒にリンクに向かうのがパターンなのです。ところが結弦はロッカーにいませんでした。急いでウォーミングアップエリアに 行ってみると、その場にあった椅子で靴を履いていました。見つけたことでホッとすると同時に、ルーティンを大切にする彼がこんな行動をとるなんて何かが起きたんだなと察しがつきまし た。「どうして遅かったの?」とは聞きません。 私はことさら元気に「さあいくぞ」と言い,いつも通り振る舞おうと心に決めました」 Q: Before the free skate, there were some things that seemed different from usual. A: Honestly, I don't know what happened. He was supposed to start his warm-up exactly 1 hour in advance, but I waited for him at the warm-up area and he didn't show up. Junhwan and Jason were in the penultimate group, so I went for their six-minute warmup and then ran back, but Yuzuru wasn't there yet, so I was worried. When I asked the Japanese team leader, they said "He's somewhere else" so I thought he was somewhere where there are no TV cameras. And after Junhwan who skated 5th finished, this time, I ran to the locker room. Normally, he would put on his skates at the bench in the locker a little before the six-minute warmup, then I would pick up the tissue case and we would head together to the rink. However, Yuzuru wasn't in the locker room. I hurried to the warm-up area and found him putting on his skates on a chair that was there. I was relieved to find him, but at the same time, I knew something had happened to him, because he’s the master of routine. I didn't ask, "Why were you late?" I said, "Lets go" with even more energy, and decided to behave as usual. Q: 演技前半のジャンブはいかがでしたか。 A:「最初の4回転ループは、助走も踏み切りのタイミングも、とても良かったと思います。跳びあがった瞬間はた美しいループを期待しました。ところが空中で身体を締めるのがわずかに遅れ、軸から身体が外れて斜めになったので驚きました。この1週間、見たことのないジャンプでした。次のサルコウも、回転軸が定まらない様子でした」 Q: How were the jumps in the first half of his performance? A: I think the first 4Lo had very good run-up and take-off timing. The moment he took off, I was expecting a beautiful loop. However, I was surprised that he was slightly delayed in tightening his body in the air, and his body was off the axis and tilted. It was a jump I hadn't seen in the past week. The next salchow, was not on the right axis, either. Q: 演技中に、回転軸を見つけなおすのは難しいのでしょうか A:「感覚的なものですから、考えて探そうとすると見つからないんですよ。ルーブは右足で踏み切って右足で降りるので、真上に跳びあがれぱ回転軸が見つけられます。だからウォ ーミングアップでループをやる選手は多いで す。しかし今回はー回転ループで回転軸がズレていたので、急に「僕の中心はどこ?もっと右?もっと左?」と考え始めます。何も考えなけれぱ身体が覚えているのですが、 探しに行くと見つかりないもの。でも結弦は試合中ずっと回転軸を探してしまいました」 Q: Is it difficult to find the axis of rotation again during the performance? A: You can't find the axis of rotation if you try to find it by thinking about it. In a loop, you step off with your right foot and come down with your right foot, so you can jump straight up and find the axis of rotation. This is why many skaters do loops in warm-ups. However, in this case, the axis of rotation was off in his loop, so suddenly he started thinking, "Where is my center? More right? More left?". If you don't think about it, your body remembers it, but if you go looking for it, you won't find it. But Yuzuru spent the whole competition looking for the axis of rotation. Q: それでも後半の4回転トウループは決 め、銅メダルも掴みました A:「本当によくやったと思います。結弦はカナダに渡航できず独りで練習しました。まる1年コーチがそばにいなかったんです。そんな 選手いますか?異例の状況のなか、銅メダルを獲ったんです。ジャンプの出来*不出米よりも、2つのプログラムを通して結弦が見せたスケーターとしての姿を見てあげてください。立派で輝いていました少なくとも私 の目には、成功の物語として映りました」 Q: But he still managed to do a quadruple toeloop in the second half, and got the bronze medal! A: I think he did really well. Yuzuru couldn't travel to Canada, so he practiced by himself. He didn't have a coach with him for a whole year. Is there such an athlete who does that? He won a bronze medal in an unusual situation. Please look at Yuzuru as a skater through the two programs, rather than the success or failure of his jumps. He was magnificent and shined, and at least in my eyes, it was a success story. Q: 来季に向けては4回転アクセルという目 標があります。練習では、あと8分の1まで 来ているそうです A: 「あと8分のーですか?それは昨季にー緒 に練習していた時よりも、成功に近づいています。クワドアクセルについては私なりのアドバイスもありますが、まずは結弦が独りで試行錯誤していますから、それを見守ります」 Q: He’s aiming for the 4A for next season. I heard that he needs 1/8 more rotation in practice. A: "Is it 1/8?" That‘s closer to success than when he was practicing last season. I have my own advice about the quad axel, but first of all, Yuzuru is experimenting on his own, so we'll see what happens. Q: 来季の五輪に向けての計画は? A:「現在カナダの国境は外国人に対して開かれておらず、政府にトップアスリートのための特例措置を強く求めています。五輪に向けては、結弦をはじめクラブの皆に、最高のトレーニング環境を与えてあげたいのです五輪 へのピーキング、身体作り、ケァ、技術、プログラム、すべてをー人でまる1年やるのは大変なことです。結弦の場合は、仙台とトロントの半々でも大丈夫だとは思いますが、必要な時に会える状況が望ましいです」 Q: What are your plans for the next season's Olympics? A: Currently, the Canadian border is not open to foreigners, and we are urging the government to make special provisions for top athletes. For the Olympics, we want to give Yuzuru and everyone at the club the best training environment possible. It's hard when you are alone to think for a whole year about peaking, training, care, techniques, programs, and everything else for the Olympics. In Yuzuru's case, I think he can handle a 50:50 split between Sendai and Toronto, but I prefer to see him when he needs me. Q: 改めて,コロナ禍の中のシーズンを選手途はよく乗り越えましたね。 A: 「本来ならコロナに関しては意見するべきではないので、コーチとしてではなく私個人の思いとして言わせてください。今回は、各国の事情に大きく左右される大会でした。ロシアは何の規制もなく、練習もし、大会もたくさん行われました。アメリカも規制がほとんどなく練習でき、試合も開催されました。カ ナダは非常に厳格な規制が敷かれ、クリケットクラブは3カ月の閉鎖後に再開したものの会員350人のうち15人しか滑れません。試合もありませんでした。日本や韓国は練習時間に制限がありました。でも結弦も、カナダ や韓国の選手も、誰一人として不平を言いませんでした。今季、こうやって人間的に成長したことは、必ず来季に表れるはずです。だから私は結弦の銅メダルを、心かり誇りに思っているのです。それに結弦の目は燃えていましたよ。だから私も来季のマジカルモメントに向けて、一緒にワクワクしています」 Q: Once again, skaters overcame the Corona disaster. Q: I shouldn't really comment on covid, so let me give my personal opinion, not as a coach. This year's competitions were greatly influenced by the circumstances of each country. Russia had no restrictions, practiced, and had many competitions. The United States also had almost no restrictions, practiced, and held many competitions. Canada had very strict regulations and the Cricket club reopened after three months of closure, but only 15 out of 350 members were allowed to skate. There were no competitions. In Japan and Korea, there were restrictions on practice time. But none of them complained, not Yuzuru, nor any of the Canadian or Korean skaters. This kind of personal growth this season will surely show up in the next season. That's why I'm really proud of Yuzuru's bronze medal. Moreover, Yuzuru's eyes were burning. So I'm excited together with him for next season's magical moments. Btw, hello everyone this is my first post, however, I'm not a new Fanyu. I just prefer lurking and that's my comfort zone but I enjoy to read PH daily and I'm really grateful for all you you who create content here and make PH such a nice place. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand Hello!! Thanks a lot for your effort in translating and welcome~ On 5/11/2021 at 3:09 PM, Umebachi said: Thanks for doing the AI translation - that’s really quite good! So much better than the Google translation that is such a disaster zone! The only missing aspect is the nuance and tone of Brian’s “voice” which doesn’t quite come through. Here is my interpretation: When Brian realized that Yuzu was not doing the usual routine he knew something was up. But instead of asking “what’s happening/what’s wrong?” he contained/held back this thought tightly in his heart and tried to say “let’s go” with as much lightness (not quite casualness but rather an effort to maintain normality in an extremely abnormal situation) in his voice as he could muster. You can feel Brian’s sensitivity and understanding of the delicate situation. Yuzu is clearly in a precarious state and he is making to pull things together back to normal routine. The last thing he needed was someone flapping about and throwing him further off balance. This is my interpretation of Brian’s words but the choice of words in this sentence shows the delicacy of the balancing act that Brian was having to go through at that moment. The literal translation, while correct, doesn’t quite capture this mood. Thank you Brian for being such a respectful and sensitive coach. He knows Yuzu is now grown up and does not need “instruction” so much as silent moral support. The bird has flown the nest but will occasionally fly back to rest his wings. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS]. Expand This.. thanks for adding it. Even before this additional nuance I actually could somehow sense or try to see the situation in there.. at the whacky situation he's in (I mean.. really, I couldn't believe they just let him ran around searching for Yuzu without telling him where or what has happened.. at least give him more than just oh he's somewhere else no big deal.. well OFC it WAS for him) I think Brian perfectly understood what he needed to do and tried his best to give some sense of normalcy to Yuzu. I figured Yuzu must've also realized that Brian would know something's off and he'd also appreciate Brian's effort of not fussing over it instead just move them along as best as he could. The series of unfortunate incidents might seem too many up to now but against all odds Yuzu is still fired up and getting stronger.. let's hope things will only get brighter and stars would align better and shine light on him. I know, he already IS the light, but I think it wouldn't hurt to get some support.. (might not make much sense but let's just pretend) Link to comment
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