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I’m actually pretty scared at this point lmao, and for the first time I felt so unready to see him back on ice after more than half a year. I didn’t expect his white wall video too tbh.

2020’s giving us various kinds of roller coaster rides.:dontdothistome: It’s already the end of the year, cmon...


Random but I was singing “All I want for Christmas is You” with my sister in the room and I realised I was pointing at Yuzu’s poster while I was singing the “You” :embSwan: Hinting me abt Nationals? I have zero idea.:xD:


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11 hours ago, Henni147 said:


I might be completely wrong, but from all skaters Yuzu has always had the least ice time in recent years, if those 10h/week in his ISU bios are true. I think, skaters with 30 or 40h/week were hit harder by the lockdown than him in that regard. Plus, Yuzu has gained a lot of experience with off-ice practice, image training and other recovery methods after his two ankle injuries. I'm sure, he made full use of that knowledge this year.


EDIT: Also, I just cannot imagine that someone would reject an athlete with >13 Mio US$ annual endorsements, if he asked: 'Hey, I want to master the 4A and prepare for my third Oly gold. Can you give me access to a rink with some privacy? I'll pay you well.' Especially Yuzu, who has contributed so much to the reconstruction of his home rink in Sendai.

I can totally imagine that he has booked a rink at off-peak times for 2-3 hours, so that it matched Ghislain's or Brian's schedule and timezone in Canada. It's also possible that he contacted Nanami or another coach like @micaelis said. I don't know.


What we know: Yuzu said very clearly in one of his last white wall videos that his focus is on the 4A now. So even if he doesn't bring it at JNats next week, I'm sure he's been practicing it regularly over the last months. Wherever that was.

I don't think he'll go for the 4A at JNats - he doesn't need it to win this and I would think he would like to have Ghislain helping him perfect that before debuting it. Or not.  Maybe he'll surprise us, but he wants to win so badly that I don't think he'd risk adding this new element that isn't even worth very many points.  Unless he plans on this being his last competition, but I'm thinking, no, this is not his last.

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I have to work on Dec 25-28 :weeping:

Not sure if I can forego my sleep during those days to watch JNats coz it will be busy in the hospital pharmacy and it’s quite stressful at work.  But I’m not sure how I can concentrate at work either!  I will have lieu days off after that to catch up on all the info explosion on Twitter, competition threads etc!  

I think we will have new programs and new costumes, and new layout!  (If he is indeed competing).

I don’t think he will put in a safe, “watered down” layout just because he knows he can win with a safer layout.  He is still competing because he wants new challenges.  He has already won the biggest prizes in figure skating (in terms of medals).  He wants to surpass Nathan in order to be the “absolute champion” who wins no matter that, and also, more importantly, to surpass himself and reach his ideal self.



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It feels like we are on the threshold of a new chapter, and that chapter is titled "The Road to Beijing." 


I know Yuzu wants with all his heart to regain his national crown and his World title. But from here, every decision, every move will happen within the framework of the biggest quest of all: OGM#3. Of course, a million things -- good and bad -- can happen between now and then. But my heart turns somersaults and I can hardly breathe when I feel how privileged I am to take this journey with him.

:knc_yuzu1: :knc_yuzu2: :cri:




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Yuzu will be competing in the Japanese Nationals. He wants to regain the national crown before he embarks on his final season before Beijing 2022.


Harking back to his first Olympic gold medal, I had not been aware that someone had made a snow statue of Yuzu following Sochi 2014 during the 66th annual Sapporo Snow Festival in February 2015.


The News Herald

December 16, 2020


50 amazing snow and ice sculptures from around the world




Japanese figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu was immortalized in snow during the 2015 Sapporo Snow Festival. A year prior, Hanyu competed in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and was a breakout star, surpassing every world record in his event. At the 2014 men's figure skating competition, his routine earned him a score of 101.45, making him the first figure skater in history to exceed 100 points.

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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18 hours ago, Henni147 said:


I can totally imagine that he has booked a rink at off-peak times for 2-3 hours, so that it matched Ghislain's or Brian's schedule and timezone in Canada. It's also possible that he contacted Nanami or another coach like @micaelis said. I don't know.



I don't want to give too much air time to the Japanese magazine that stalked Yuzu and his family couple of months ago, but a recent magazine cover (I won't read the magazine) indicated that Yuzu has been at the Sendai rink for about 3 hours (not sure how regularly?)  in the middle of the night.   


I don't doubt that Sendai rink will give him the necessary access - and these wee hours in Japan would be convenient timing for Zooming with his coaches in Toronto.  

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8 hours ago, holina said:

I have to work on Dec 25-28 :weeping:

Not sure if I can forego my sleep during those days to watch JNats coz it will be busy in the hospital pharmacy and it’s quite stressful at work.  But I’m not sure how I can concentrate at work either!  I will have lieu days off after that to catch up on all the info explosion on Twitter, competition threads etc!  

I think we will have new programs and new costumes, and new layout!  (If he is indeed competing).

I don’t think he will put in a safe, “watered down” layout just because he knows he can win with a safer layout.  He is still competing because he wants new challenges.  He has already won the biggest prizes in figure skating (in terms of medals).  He wants to surpass Nathan in order to be the “absolute champion” who wins no matter that, and also, more importantly, to surpass himself and reach his ideal self.



And I have just realized that the SP takes place during/just after Midnight Mass, my time...so I will also be waiting until later to watch. 


I hope the pharmacy isn't super busy over Christmas. The radiation department I work in is going to be. some truly amazing individual scheduled 20 new patients to start on Dec 29 which means the week before is going to be madly busy for me. 



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1 minute ago, rockstaryuzu said:

And I have just realized that the SP takes place during/just after Midnight Mass, my time...so I will also be waiting until later to watch. 


I hope the pharmacy isn't super busy over Christmas. The radiation department I work in is going to be. some truly amazing individual scheduled 20 new patients to start on Dec 29 which means the week before is going to be madly busy for me. 



Might be just as well, less time to stress over the Nationals in the other part of the globe?

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7 minutes ago, Fay said:

Might be just as well, less time to stress over the Nationals in the other part of the globe?

But I wanna see programs live! *pout* 


Nah, actually you're correct. I'm not as stressy as I was watching the 2018 CoR long program, knowing that Yuzu was deliberately skating on a badly injured ankle, but I am a little stressy just because it's been so long. Like, what if it's a messy first pancake? :smiley-scared003:

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