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I'm so glad that Yuzu released a statement + the TCC crew got together for that video. c: To be honest, I feel like that video almost fills my heart where the Yuzu end-of-season drought is ahaha. The video is just so wholesome and in great taste ;u;


It looks like Yuzu's really going to take advantage of this time and train "past his limits", as always. I love seeing him hard at work because it means he's still loving the sport and has that flame lit within him (and we get to witness it for a bit longer!). c: Can't wait until he pops out his 4A and/or a new program next season lolololol :devilYuzu:

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  On 3/12/2020 at 3:46 PM, rubyblue said:

I also hope he'll skip NHK. JSF doesn't deserve him after how he was treated this season and how ridicolous the schedule was. I think he'll do Skate Canada (his brand new beloved comp) and.. not sure, maybe  Russia?  France is maybe even better option timewise if Nate doesn't choose it this time. Cup of China is to close to SCI and final is in China as well so I don't think he'll choose it.



I should love it but as a good French, I must denigrate my own country with two objections :

- last year the ice was not that good, from what I read; probably not to the taste of our preferred iceologist;

- last year too, the President of Grenoble Métropole (the intercommunal structure of Grenoble and neighbouring towns), who is a Chemistry professor (probably not very learnt in plastic medals though) gave Gold to Mariah Bell instead of Bronze : not sure Yuzuru Hanyu would be as pleased as them. ;-)



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  On 3/12/2020 at 10:13 PM, Fay said:

A slightly different view in Jason’s twitter - with their skates. Those are splendid thighs, Yuzu



Boy doesn't know words "chill" and "enough".:tumblr_inline_mzx95p7TPv1r8msi5:


Yuzuru cute

Yuzuru sweet

Yuzuru happy

Yuzuru tired but smily

Yuzuru healthy


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  On 3/12/2020 at 10:22 PM, yuzuangel said:

Compared to Jason's sunshine, Junhwan's sass, and Katya's cute here, Yuzu is just...boss lol. 

And that must have been a hard training session :sin:


He’s the oldest, so he’s in charge. Loved the way he looked down at Katy’s for a second. 
and it sure has been a gruelling session! 

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