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  On 6/15/2018 at 5:45 PM, SuzyQ said:


Actually, 譲 (also read as jo, joh, or joe) is the kanji usually used for the name Yuzuru, although the hiragana for it is ゆずる not ゆづる。

譲る (yuzuru) as the verb means concede (or, implying modesty, humble, etc.), so it is written as ゆずる, following the basic sound.  There are also 謙, 禅. or some more of the same kind.

While, 結弦 is consisting of 結 - ゆ yu (connect) and 弦 - つる tsuru (string) , so that its hiragana is ゆづる.  弓弦 (bow and string) is also written as ゆづる.

弓弦 is the combination of kanji for yuzuru known from before, but 結弦 is very unique, so people found it difficult to read it before.  Actually, it was a question in a quiz show around 2012, and the guest on the panel could not read.  But, I'm sure everyone knows how to read it now :2thumbsup:




I wonder what quiz show was it...?

Come to think of it, a good number of TV shows featuring Yuzu before he won his first Olympic gold in Sochi would put ゆづる on top of 結弦 as a pronunciation guide (furigana)...

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  On 6/15/2018 at 9:54 PM, souyouki said:

I wonder what quiz show was it...?

Come to think of it, a good number of TV shows featuring Yuzu before he won his first Olympic gold in Sochi would put ゆづる on top of 結弦 as a pronunciation guide (furigana)...


I’m pretty sure it was from a quiz show called time shock.  The contestants are timed to get a certain amount correct and if they fail the chair spins.

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  On 6/15/2018 at 9:54 PM, souyouki said:

I wonder what quiz show was it...?

Come to think of it, a good number of TV shows featuring Yuzu before he won his first Olympic gold in Sochi would put ゆづる on top of 結弦 as a pronunciation guide (furigana)...



Actually, I have not seen it myself, but read about it somewhere. Sorry for my vague memory.

As far as I remember, it was the Quiz Time Shock (2.6 超タイムショック 2008 - 2104 in the following WIKI supposedly)

And the person who could not answer I heard was SHIMAZAKI Wakako. 






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  On 6/16/2018 at 12:45 AM, Sammie said:

We might get to hear his singing Voice  :surprised:


I'd be surprised if it'd be much different from Kouhaku. They'll probably all sing together, so picking out his voice among the rest will probably be difficult. I wonder why 2am, though? o.O


And what is up with June 23rd?! Everything happens then lol CiONTU special, ABC FaOI Kobe special, TV Asahi Nagano Heroes & Future broadcast, now this and Javi is on a TV show then, too. Plus more FaOI and there might be more I forgot... (I had a friend in highschool who was very superstitious, but believed 23 was a lucky number and so her birthday was a lucky day. Her birthday was June 23rd, so I'm starting to think she might have been on to something lol)

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  On 6/16/2018 at 4:28 AM, KatjaThera said:

I'd be surprised if it'd be much different from Kouhaku. They'll probably all sing together, so picking out his voice among the rest will probably be difficult. I wonder why 2am, though? o.O


And what is up with June 23rd?! Everything happens then lol CiONTU special, ABC FaOI Kobe special, TV Asahi Nagano Heroes & Future broadcast, now this and Javi is on a TV show then, too. Plus more FaOI and there might be more I forgot... (I had a friend in highschool who was very superstitious, but believed 23 was a lucky number and so her birthday was a lucky day. Her birthday was June 23rd, so I'm starting to think she might have been on to something lol)



Yeah I suspect we won't get to hear his voice after all. But then again, maybe he'll wear Hakama like Kouhaku too! :tumblr_inline_n0o1fjLfy91qid2nw: Good compensation :smiley-happy085:

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